Love Hurts

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     Ming brought his Fuqin and his Shushu direct to Jinzi's school.  Students came out of the door at his call.  Jinzi came out last and asked what happened.  "Biao ge, Fuqin collapsed onto Shushu.  When he did, they both fell to the ground.  I don't know what's wrong."  "Let's bring them in.  I will check them over.  Tell me what happened, Ming."  "I'm not sure how to tell you."  "Tell me now."  "Biao ge, Ru attacked Xiao Hua today in her room.  Fuqin caught him.  Ru assaulted her!  She bit him and threw on of her stars at him.  Jinzi he was trying to rape my mate!!  Fuqin sent him for lightning strikes.  He gave him 45 strikes.  He cursed Fuqin and told him he was nothing but a worthless shadow of Shushu.  He told Fuqin he should have never been born.  He cursed Shushu too.  Shushu jumped him to Mount Cangwu where he and I dueled.  I beat him.  Fuqin sent him to his room, turned to Shushu and collapsed into his arms.  They fell together.  Shushu told me to bring them here.  What is wrong, Jinzi?"  "I don't know, but I will find out.  Let me check Shushu first."  Jinzi performed a very deep scan on Ye Hua.  He stood back and hung his head.  "I'm afraid the news is not what I was hoping for.  I'm afraid that Shushu is suffering from a broken heart.  Ming, go get your mother now and bring the little girls.  He needs them around him.  This has hit him very hard.  Very hard.  When Shushu or Fuqin suffer something like this, their twinship link brings the pain of it to the other one.  That is why Fuqin collapsed too.  Let me get Fuqin up first, then maybe he can get Shushu to rise up.  Go get your family now.  Hurry."  Baohu was still waiting on the portico.  He grew uneasy and told his group to stay put.  He called to JInzi.  "Jinzi, is Fuqin there with you?"  "Come here to me, Didi.  I need you!"  Baohu jumped to the clinic and ran in.  What he saw sent a wave of panic over him.  He looked at Jinzi with an intense look of worry.  "Shushu collapsed from a broken heart Baohu.  Ru did it to him.  Fuqin is effected by it.  I need you and I to feed him energy.  If we can get Fuqin up them he can help us with Shushu.  Help me now."  They stood side by side and sent energy to their Fuqin.  Mo Yuan groaned and opened his eyes.  When he did, he cried tears of anguish and sorrow.  Jinzi helped him to rise.  "Fuqin, easy now.  I know you feel what Shushu feels.  I know his heart is broken.  Try to calm yourself so you can help Shushu.  He needs you.  He needs you."  Mo Yuan sat up and looked over at Ye Hua.  He took his hand into his and spoke to him in a stern voice.  "Ye Hua!  I didn't send you energy for 160,000 years for you to squander it like this.  You are a son of Fuxi.  Don't make me call him to you!  You must let Manchu Ru go.  I know it's hard.  Baohu is here to tell you how hard it was for me to let him go too.  Come here right this minute!"  Ye Hua stirred on the bed and opened his eyes.  They were red rimmed and his face was full of pain and sorrow.  "Da ge, I've lost him.  I've really lost him."  "Ye Hua, don't fret so!  He will come around.  He will get heartily sick of being alone.  Come here to me now!  No more of this giving in to your sorrow.  Come here."  Mo Yuan reached for Ye Hua and brought him into a hug.  They were like that when Yu and the rest of her children came in the room.  Xinghuo and Xingguang climbed up on Ye Hua.  They called to him.  "Fuqin!!  Why you sleep?  Come play!!"  The voice of his little girls was a balm to his broken spirit.  Yes, he still had them.  He still had Ming and Hei and Yu.  He let Ru go with a sigh.  He took a deep breath and sat back from Mo Yuan.  "I'm sorry, Da ge.  It was just too much to bear.  I'm ok now.  I promise, I'm ok."  Mo Yuan sat by Ye Hua and rubbed his back.  Ye Hua tightened his lips and nodded.  He took a deep breath and stood.  "I'm sorry.  I let my emotions get the best of me.  Yu'er, let's go home and I will explain to you.  Da ge, thank you.  I love you!"  He hugged Mo Yuan and took his family home.  

     Baohu was looking at his Fuqin with a very worried look.  Mo Yuan looked at him and nodded. Baohu spoke into his Fuqin's mind.  "Fuqin, I just looked at Shushu and saw every bit of the pain I have ever caused you!  I'm sorry!  I'm very sorry!"  Mo Yuan stood and patted Baohu on the back.  "I know, my xiao jin huli!  Now let's get you about your business.  Jinzi, thank you."  He walked out the door.  Baohu looked at Jinzi and shrugged.  He met his Fuqin outside and they jumped to the portico.  "Shangdi Long Hei will not accompany you at this time.  I will go instead.  Let me get my things and tell your Mother where I will be.  Wait just a few minutes."  He walked with a purpose back to the play room.  She was there teaching proper decorum for the next leg of their journey.  "Are their any kisses for Fuqin in here?"  Jiaxiao stood up very properly and bowed to her Fuqin.  "Jiaxiao has kisses but it must be proper."  He sat down so she could come to him.  He held out his arm.  She walked over to him and pecked him on the cheek.  She stood back and nodded.  Mo Yuan looked at her with a raised brow and took a deep breath.  He waited.  Jingsi plowed into him with a bear hug and kisses on his cheek.  He smiled and nodded.  "Fuqin!  Jingsi is not being proper!  We should not knock you over for hugs and kisses."  "Jiaxiao, Fuqin doesn't care if you are proper here.  Fuqin would rather have your kisses and hugs than worry about what is proper.  I know that you can be very proper and I'm proud of you, but right now, Fuqin would rather have hugs and a big fat kiss!"  "Very well, Fuqin!"  She hugged him tight and kissed him on the cheek.  "Fuqin's beard tickles!"  "I must get one from your Mother now.  Come Mother, get a kiss!"  Bai Qian looked into the eyes of that errant dragon and saw his love and mischief.  He kissed her right on her lips.  "Qian'er, I'm going with Baohu to flush out the rest of those Xiyi.  I shouldn't be gone long.  If you need me, just send Xue."  He kissed her again and rose to leave.  Yingjie stood up and grabbed his Fuqin's robe.  He refused to let go.  "Yingjie, what is wrong, my son?"  "Fuqin need Yingjie.  Fuqin need Yi, Yan and Yingjie.  We help.  Yingjie see Xiyi."  "Oh?  How do you see them, Yingjie?"   "Fuqin, Yingjie see aura.  Yingjie see it.  Yingjie see it from the cloud."  Mo Yuan stood still for a moment and decided.  "Very well.  You, Yi and Yan come with me.  Qian'er, I'm taking these boys with me to the mortal realm. We will return quickly."  "Mo Yuan, they are just babies!!  Must you take them?"  "Yingjie can see those creatures.  We need him to help us.  Sadly, they are growing.  I am well aware that they are our babies.  Trust me!!"

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