Preparations and a Power Show

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Mo Yuan woke up the next morning smiling and feeling rather smug.  The Xiao Bai Huli had turned the tables on Jinlong.  She took his rage and turned it against him in the most delicious way.  He thought to himself he just might have to get into another rage.  Jinlong crooned a mating call.  He looked for his huli.  He sat up quickly and realized he was alone.  Jinlong let out a huff.  He was tying the belt on his robe when she walked in the door.  "Well, dearest, it's about time you got out of bed.  It's past lunch."  She smirked at him as she ran her hand under his chin and tickled his beard.   His eyes gave him away.  He was rather startled that he had slept so long, but he had to recover the moment.  "If I hadn't had the tables turned on this dragon, I might not have been all used up.  When can I have more?"  His breath was on her lips and his eyes were swirling with golden lights.  He sniffed her loudly and kissed her on her neck right below her ear lobe.  He purred his desire as his hands softly ran down her sides to her luscious hips.  He was about to let his tongue take a taste of her lips when his three errant little hulis ran in the door.  Damn!!  Jinlong wanted to growl his frustration, but he held himself in check.  He turned to the little hulis to call them to himself.  "Come to Fuqin!  He is so proud of his baby boys!!  Mother they fought very bravely!   What kind of reward do you think they should get?"  "Fuqin, Yingjie wants to learn to use tails.  Yingjie want Si ge to teach me."  "Really?  All of you?"  He got three nods.  "Very well.  Fuqin will talk to Si ge and set up lessons.  It will have to wait until we get back from the next leg of our trip though.  We are going to visit your Shushu Bai Xuan.  You are named after him and your Ershu, Yi.  Now come, let's go to the classroom.  There are things we need to learn before we go."

     Bai Xue was walking to his Fuqin's study with a rather determined step.  He wanted to go on this leg of the tour.  He could take his family and learn more about his rather reclusive shushu.  He rounded the corner just in time to run into his Fuqin with three little xiao bai hulis.  He smiled when he saw them.  "Ho, Fuqin!  You're just the person I want to see."  "Oh?  What can I do for you, Bailong?"  "You know me too well, Fuqin.  I wanted to train some to control my power and I wanted to make a request."  "Well out with it.  What's on your mind?"  "Fuqin, I wish to go on this leg of the tour with you.  I've only seen Shushu Bai Xuan once in my whole life.  I want to get to know him."  "Pack your bags and get ready to go then.  I wanted Baohu to meet him, but Li Li needs him.  She is about to shift.  I was going to get Taiyang and Zhenzhu to build a little cottage in the meadow for them and build her a really nice stall.  They could finish it if they started today before we go to Bai Xuan's realm."  "I'll get them right on it then.  I'll go tell Meili to get the girls ready to go!  I'm excited!"  "So master spy, just what do you think to accomplish on this trip?"  "Nothing.  I just want a small vacation and I want to visit my family.  No spying unless Shushu Bai Xuan wants me to!"  "He's always been rather reclusive but you have seen Bai Zhen.  The nine tailed huli men tend to be rather beautiful in appearance, but don't let that fool you.  Bai Xuan is quite the warrior!  He doesn't have any children, but I'm told that is about to change.  He was already an adult when Bai Qian was born.  I quite look forward to seeing him.  It's been quite some time.  Well, just make sure you bring what you need.  Bring all your weapons too.  I'm sure he will try to test each one of you.  Never forget that he is a very powerful huli.  I really wanted Baohu to be able to meet him.  I may try to set up a visit for him and Li Li after she has these last babies.  It would be perfect for Baohu to see another huli that is his match.  What makes him unique is the blending of dragon and huli essence.  I'm sure Bai Xuan will be quite intriqued by it.  I must check your mother's list for her now and tend to these boys.  Be ready to leave by the end of this week."

Mo Yuan took the hulis to the classroom where they spent the better part of the morning learning new spells, proper decorum and more about the realms of the Nine tailed hulis.  After lunch, Mo Yuan met Bai Xue in the arena.  "As you are well aware, you must learn to control power if you are to have it.  You have great power, but you don't know how to control it once it gets to a certain point.   I will teach you today how to control it."  He brought fire to his hand and rolled it around his fingers.  "This you know how to do.  You bring the fire, you tell it what to do.  You roll it around and you have total control over it.  Feel inside yourself the control you have over it when you do it.  Bring the fire to your hand."  Bai Xue brought fire into his hand and rolled it around.  As he did, he felt the changes in his core to be able to control the fire and make it do his bidding.  He nodded.  "Now draw Leng Gang and call power to it.  Feel the same feeling inside when you do it."  Xue drew his sword and drew power to it.  As he increased his power he begin to feel the intense feeling in his core.  He grinned at his Fuqin and drew more power.  He drew so much power he started to glow.  Baohu was on the other end of the arena watching his Da ge with great interest.  Bai Xue was glowing now with a white hot glow.  His persona was now light.  He stabbed his sword into the ground and knocked over everything that was in the arena, including his Fuqin.  He withdrew his power and grinned.  "I understand now, Fuqin!  I understand!"  "Yes my son, you do!  From now on you should be able to control that power.  Now here comes your didi.  He needs to learn the same lesson.  His new blades can call a lot of power to them.  Would you teach him?  I need to just check over everything on our list.  We leave at the end of this week so be ready to go after breakfast then."  "I will.  Send the xiao jin huli over here."

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