I Can't Take It Anymore

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     Mo Yuan squeezed Baohu tight and stood up with him.  He placed both hands on his shoulders and looked him dead in his eyes.  "Baohu, it was your trial.  Learn from it and grow.  I know you are a better man for it.  Do you understand?"  "Fuqin, I don't think I can live with myself!  I can't!"  He fell down on his knees and bowed down his head to the floor.  He banged his head.  "Fuqin, please help me!  I just want to cut my own throat and die!  How could I pass my trial?  Please, Fuqin, help me!!"  Mo Yuan picked up Baohu and carried him to his room.  He called Jinzi to him.  Jinzi heard his Fuqin in his mind.  "Jinzi!  Come to Baohu's room!  Bring sleeping potions with you!  Hurry!"  He had just laid him down when Xue, JinDe and Jinzi came in.  Mo Yuan stood.  I want you three to watch him closely for the next few days.  He has threatened to kill himself.  Keep watch.  For now, Jinzi, I want you to give him a sleeping potion and a spirit recovery potion.  We will go from there.  You, JinDe, should understand how he feels more than anybody.  Xue, he has always been attached to you.  Just stay close and watch him.  Let him sleep for today.  Maybe tomorrow he can deal with the circumstances better.  Let's at least hope for the best."  Baohu awoke in his room and saw Xue sitting on his bed.  He threw himself into his arms.  "Da ge!  Da ge!"  He buried his head on Xue's shoulder and sobbed.  Xue ran his hand down the back of Baohu's head onto his back.  "My brave Xiao Jin Huli!  I know it was hard!  I know!  You must accept what happened as your trial and learn from it.  Don't dwell on it.  You don't have to be the man you were in your trial!  You will be a better man for it.  I know in my heart that you would never hurt any one of us.  Now rest yourself.  Can you do that for me?  Remember, you have training to do!  Taiyang and Zhenzhu have been waiting patiently to see you!  Junjie too.  Are you up for visitors?"  Baohu wiped his hand across his face and squared his shoulders.  "You're right, Da ge.  It was a trial.  I know I could never be the man I was in my trial.  I love all of you too much.  I just hope Jinzi can forgive me."  "He slept with you last night, so I know he loves you deeply.  Now come.  Let's go get some lunch.  I'm starved!" 
     They were met with a chorus of voices.  "Si ge!  You're back!  Come sit with us!"  Taiyang and Zhenzhu came running up and grabbed his legs.  Their sweet little faces looked up at him and smiled.  "Si ge!  Are you shining like Fuqin now?  Can we see?"  Baohu stood back and called forth his aura.  His power pulsed out in waves of green as he looked at his hand.  Mo Yuan walked in just in time to see him.  He was in awe at the raw power.  His Xiao Jin Huli was powerful indeed!  Xue also noted his power.  His combination of fox and dragon was a site to behold!  Mo Yuan sat on his dais and motioned for him to come to him.  He bowed to his Fuqin.  "Well!  It seems your power has indeed grown!  I'll see you in the arena after lunch!  Are you prepared?"  Baohu grinned.  "Maybe.  Jinlong better watch out this time!"  "Is that a challenge, Xiao Jin Huli?"  His eyes turned gold and he snorted smoke.  "Maybe!"  Xue took note.  He was pretty sure that Baohu might be the one to beat his Fuqin in a fair fight.  We shall see.  Bai Qian walked into the hall with her three daughters in tow.  She saw Baohu and nearly wept.  She sat down and motioned for him to come to her.  He hugged his mother for a long moment.   "Are you ok, my Xiao Jin Huli?"  "Mother, I'm going to be fine.  Da ge and I talked this morning.  I know I could never be the man I was in my trial."  "Very well, I just want you to be ok.  I love you!"  "That's all that matters in the end.  My family loves me.  Love means everything.  I love you, Mother!"  He sat down at the table next to his twin brother.  They did what they always did.  They ate off of each other's plates.  They put food on each other's plates.  They poured tea for each other and they hugged each other.  When they finished, Baohu rose to leave.  Jinzi caught his sleeve.  "Are you going to challenge Jinlong today?"  "Maybe".   "Then I best come along.  He's getting old and he might need healing!"  Jinzi laughed with a twinkle in his eye.  They both nodded and headed for the arena. 
     Baohu was waiting in the arena.  Everyone sat down on the benches and under the pavilion to watch.  Mo Yuan came in with his little entourage.  They sat down in the pavilion to watch.  He walked out into the arena and smiled.  He grinned and his eyes turned gold.  "So my Xiao Jin Huli!  You challenge me?  Then let's get to it!!"  He drew Xuan Yuan and attacked before he finished talking.  Baohu erupted his tails and attacked.  The battle went back and forth.  Out of his last bit of strength, Baohu threw his swords up, crossed them and called lightning to them.  He swung them at Jinlong as hard as he could.  Caught off guard, Mo Yuan was barely able to deflect the blow.  He still flew backwards and landed on his rear.  He spit blood out of his mouth and grinned.  He jumped behind Baohu and transformed.  Before Baohu could blink, Jinlong had him in his talons.  He took off for the skies.  Baohu transformed and threw his best charm spell at his Fuqin!  Jinlong shook his head and grinned.  He laughed.  "Huff, huff, huff!"  Baohu forgot he was able to deflect it now.  His brain was running fast and he knew he best think quick.  Jinlong flew very high and made his turn down toward the area at blistering speed.  Baohu transformed, threw his cold air spell and called a lightning filled thunderstorm.  The bolts were coming hard and fast and Jinlong was dodging them.  He didn't realize he was getting too close to the ground.  Baohu saw what he had done.  His Fuqin was too busy dodging to check his altitude or his speed.  He screamed at him to look where he was.  Too late!  Seeing he was very close to crashing full speed into the ground, Jinlong pulled up, scraped his stomach along the ground and crashed into the valley below.  Baohu had been released and he rolled on the ground until he stopped.  He ran to the edge of the cliff and cried.  Jinzi heard Baohu screaming in his head.  "Come quick!  Call Shushu!  Get JinDe and Xue to come help me!!" 
     Xue, JinDe and Jinzi flew over the cliff after Baohu.  What they saw was the worst thing that could have happened.  When Jinlong went over the cliff, he crashed through the forest and landed on the back cliff.  His head was hanging off and they couldn't see his face.  Trees were broken all around him and a very large stick was sticking out of his stomach.  Blood was pouring out of the wound.  Baohu tried to lift him up and back but he was so scared he couldn't do it.  Xue and JinDe ran forward to help him.  They laid him down carefully and Baohu ran to his face.  Blood was running out of the side of his mouth.  "Fuqin, I've killed you.  Please forgive me!"  Jinlong closed his eyes and sighed.  Jinzi scanned him and walked to his face.  "Fuqin, can you transform?  Mind talk to me!"  "I can't.  Not until that stick is removed.  Jinzi, have Xue get Ye Hua and Zhe Yan.  I must not be moved right now.  I will have to stay in dragon form.  Please just pass healing energy to me and let me rest."  Xue left immediately but Ye Hua was there before he could leave.  He landed by Mo Yuan and sat by his head.  He looked into his golden eye.  "Da ge, would you care to tell me what exactly did you do?"  "That Xiao Jin Huli has killed me.  I will retire when I recover, if I recover.  Ye Hua, let me talk to Heilong please."  Ye Hua brought him forth and looked him in the eye.  "Heilong, don't blame Baohu.  He beat me fair and square.  I wasn't paying attention.  I was so focused on beating him I flew into the ground.  Can you get Dijun?  And please don't let Qian'er know how bad I am.  I might really die.  Promise me?"  "Da ge, I promise.  I'll stay here and pass you energy and warmth for a while.  Just rest!"  Unnoticed by anyone, Baohu ran to the great hall.  He stared at the pictures his Shushu had painted of his zumu and zufu.  He fell down on his knees.  Zumu, Zufu, I didn't mean to kill him!  He's my Fuqin!  The God of War!  Please help him!  How will I ever be able to live without him in my life?  I beg your forgiveness for he is your son.  A true high god in every sense of the word.  I leave him in your hands."  Baohu sat on the steps and buried his head in the crook of his arm.  He sat there sobbing into his arm when a soft arm came around his shoulder and the smell of jasmine filled the air.  "My Xiao sunzi!  Don't upset yourself!  Your Fuqin will be fine!  Mo Yuan can't stand to lose and he can be reckless to win.  He is badly wounded, but it is not your fault.  He will be fine.  Return to his side and be there for him.  I promise you!  Now go, my Xiao Jin Huli!"  Baohu got up and flew to his Fuqin's side.  He saw his Shushu Ye Hua passing energy to him.  He sighed and looked his Fuqin right in his golden eye.  His eyes turned gold as he spoke.  "Do you concede, Jinlong?  If not you best get up from there because this fight is not over by a long shot.  That's what you get for dragging me on the ground!  Hmmmph!!"  Jinlong looked at Baohu long and hard.  Long and hard.  He sighed a long sigh and spoke.  Barely.  "I concede."  "What?  I didn't hear you!  Speak louder!"  "Alright, you Xiao Jin Huli!  I concede this round.  As soon as I'm healed, it's on.  Not unless you want to be the God of War!"  Ye Hua snickered behind his hand.  He knew Jinlong didn't want to give up, but that stick in his side was a huge problem.  He couldn't move right now.  If he did, it would be his undoing.  He had to be still or risk dying. 
     Zhe Yan flew up in a near panic.  "What has happened here?  Mo Yuan, you idiot!  You very well could die from this!  I've got to get that log out of your side without you bleeding to death.  Jinzi, I need every hand we can get here.  Go get all the disciples.  Hurry!"  Jinzi left in a flash.  Bai Qian was standing to the side but she hadn't spoken a word.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were whining and standing side by side by their mother.  "Mother, will Fuqin die?"  Zhenzhu was distraught.  He didn't want his Fuqin to die!  He looked at his brother and his sun disc glowed a bright red.  Ye Hua, seeing the little boys talking to each other, knew they were planning something.  He called them to himself.  "Taiyang!  Zhenzhu!  Come to Shushu!"  They walked over to him and looked directly into their Fuqin's golden eye.  "Fuqin!  Are you dead?"  He opened his eye and looked at his small son.  "No, not yet, but I can't be moved from here.  You see there is a stick in my side.  We have to get it out.  Fuqin is just weak right now.  Don't worry.  I'll be ok."  "Fuqin, we can help you.  We can move you to arena.  Make it easier to heal you and tend you.  We can do it."   Before Ye Hua could stop them, they transformed and flew all around their Fuqin.  Their sun discs glowed a bright golden color.  They positioned themselves one at each end.  A beam came out of their discs and a glow covered their Fuqin.  With a nod, they jumped him to the arena with moving a hair on him.  Every one at the bottom of the hill was still in shock.  How did they do that?  Ye Hua came to stand by Mo Yuan.  "Are you ok, Da ge?  Are you in pain?"  "I'm fine.  I am in pain though.  I need Jinzi.  Did he go up the cliff?  Where is Qian'er?  I need her with me!"  "Da ge, Taiyang and Zhenzhu just moved you up to the arena.  They left everyone down the mountain."  "What?  They did what?  Killed by my Xiao Jin Huli and now little dragons can transport me.  All of me.  I'm in pain.  I need Jinzi.  Please get him."
     Bai Qian and Zhe Yan came up the mountain to the area.  Jinzi was about to go down the mountain when he came out of the hallway into the arena.  He was in shock.  He ran to his Fuqin.  "Shushu who moved Fuqin?  He could be seriously hurt now.  More so than what he is."  "Taiyang and Zhenzhu moved him without ruffling a hair.  Dare I say they might be more powerful than you and Baohu?"  Jinzi ran to his Fuqin's face.  He touched him softly and rubbed his snout.  "Fuqin, can I help you?"  His eye opened and Jinzi could see that his pupil was dilated.  "My Xiao Jin Huli!  I'm in pain.  Can you help me?  Call Jinzi.  He'll help me."  Jinzi was moved into action.  He scanned his Fuqin and started barking orders like a general.  "Shushu, I need lots of water.  I will need you to transform and spray water at this wound after I remove the stick.  It must be flushed out and cleaned.  Since its a large area, only you could do it.  Xue!  I need you and JinDe to hold that stick while I make sure its not involved with too many major organs.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu!  Come to Si ge please!"  They hurried over as fast as little legs would run.  "Fuqin needs to be kept warm.  I need both of you to cast spells every so often to keep him that way.  Can you do it?"  "We can, Si ge!"  "Ok!  Everyone get ready!"  Ye Hua transformed and was right by Jinzi.  Xue and JinDe grabbed the stick.  It was large.  Jinzi scanned and probed with his hand.  He turned to Xue and JinDe.  "I'm going to make small incisions on both sides of this stick.  When I do, I will widen the hole so you can pull out the limb.  Shushu, put Fuqin to sleep please.  He is in shock already so it won't hurt him.  Chang Shan!  I need balm and plenty of it.  I also need any kind of needle that will close this wound.  Even an old dragon scale.  I'll make one.  Taiyang looked a moment and transformed.  He peeled a scale off his tail.  He handed it to Jinzi.  He changed back and rubbed his butt.  Jinzi patted him on the head.  Baohu came into the arena.  "What can I do, San ge?"  I will need you to feed me energy.  This is going to get hard, ok?"  "I'm right here!"  Once he had all that he needed, he began.  Jinlong didn't make a sound.  Slowly Jinzi used a spell to make cuts on both sides of the limb.  When he finished, he called to Xue and JinDe.  "Pull the limb out now!"  Slowly they pulled it out.  The limb had broken with a clean sharp edge and had acted like a spear.  The hole wasn't as bad as first thought.  He widened the hole.  "Flush it out, Shushu!"  Ye Hua very carefully brought forth warm water to flush out the wound.  When Jinzi felt it was clean enough, he stopped him.  "That's enough!  Let me look now.  He probed and looked at the organs nearby.  Luckily, nothing was struck.  It was a serious flesh wound.  It had barely missed a kidney, but the wound was clean.  He healed the muscle tissue and close it.  Jinzi took the little dragon scale and made a needle out of it.  He used silk thread and slowly stitched the wound closed.  He cleaned Jinlong off of any blood and checked his pulse by feeling along his neck.  So far, so good.  Ye Hua transformed back and came to Jinzi.  "I have an idea.  Would the hot spring help him stay warm?  Or should we get blankets or furs to cover him?"  "His wound needs to stay dry.  I'm going to put this balm on it.  That will help the scar not be so bad.  We need furs.  Do we have any or should we just conjure some?"  Ye Hua nodded.  He moved his hands and several large furs appeared.  They covered him up.  Jinzi made a pillow appear under his head. 
     Zhe Yan was sitting on the ground by the cliff holding Bai Qian in his arms.  "Xiao Wu!  Don't cry!  He will be ok!  Jinzi is tending him now.  Let's go up the mountain and you can see for yourself.  Jinzi will take care of him.  Come now!  Wipe those tears and come with me!"  They both flew up the mountain to the arena.  Jinlong was laid out on his side and covered with several furs.  Jinzi had laid his head on a pillow and was checking his pulse.  He nodded and stepped back.  Bai Qian looked at the sleeping Jinlong and cried.  "Mother, don't cry!  He will be alright now.  He just needs rest and lots of it.  The only thing I'm worried about is feeding him.  What can we feed him?"  Ye Hua stepped up to Zhe Yan.  "What about fish?  Or make a big pot of soup for him?  He needs hot broth, doesn't he?"  Zhe Yan nodded.  "Lets just let him sleep this off.  We must take turns watching over him.  He must not move for a few days.  Keeping him still is going to be difficult at best.  Let me examine your work, Jinzi."  Zhe Yan scanned over the wound, nodded several times and shut down his power.  He stepped back and grinned.  "Having Ye Hua flush out that wound with warm water was an excellent idea.  He should heal fast.  How did you sew him up so neatly?"  "With this!"  Jinzi brought forth the little dragon scale needle.  "Taiyang peeled off one of his tail scales for me.  It made the perfect needle!'
     Mao Qiang de Hei had come to see Liang Lei.  The whole mountain was in an uproar.  Since he was pretty much accepted by everyone as a permanent fixture, he followed them to the arena.  The site that met him there was quite a surprise.  He searched for Liang Lei.  She was standing by her mother who was crying on Zhe Yan's shoulder.  He went over to her and touched her arm.  When she turned and saw him, she fell into his arms.  "Oh, Hei, it's horrible!  Fuqin crash landed and is severely wounded.  It's horrible!  What if he dies!  I can't live without my Fuqin!"  Her sobs were hard and sorrowful.  He held her in his arms to comfort her.  "I know it looks bad, but High God Zhe Yan is here and your San ge, Jinzi.  He is in the best of care!  Don't worry now.  Let me talk to your mother now.  He walked over to Bai Qian and bowed.  "My Lady, is there anything I can do for you?  Why don't you come drink some tea and rest just a moment.  Jinzi will take care of him."  Bai Qian was thankful the young man was there.  He had a good head on his shoulders and could stay calm in the midst of a stressful situation.  She looked at Zhe Yan and Jinzi and nodded.  "I do need tea.  Thank you Hei.  Let's go to the hall."  They all left for tea and snacks.  Mo Yuan was sleeping peacefully as the night began to fall over Kunlun.

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