Lessons and More Lessons

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     Bai Xue, Bai Baohu Zhe and Manchu Ru arrived in the mortal town.  Bai Xue knew where the flower house was and headed straight there.  He greeted the madam and asked for two women.  He winked at her and made her blush.  "Baohu, cast your spell now."  Baohu looked right into Ru's eyes and threw his spell right into them.  Xue motioned to the girl that was picked for him.  "I'm his Fuqin.  I want him totally used up.  I want his prick to be so used it's swelled and red.  Get other girls to help you.  Now go."  She took him by the arm and led him away.  Xue removed his ability to protect himself.  Baohu was starting to get antsy so a girl was brought to him.  Xue stayed at the table to enjoy his wine.  For seven mortal days, Manchu Ru was used like a dirty dish rag.  The charm spell had him going full speed for days.  When Baohu came downstairs on day four, he released the spell.  For two more days girls came and went into the room where Ru was.  On the fifth day he was whining about the pain.  The madam said as much but Bai Xue had no sympathy.  He told the madam so.  "Madam, where I would like to have sympathy, I'm teaching this errant boy to stop sticking his rod into every girl he sees every time he gets an urge.  I want him to hurt, and badly.  I want him thoroughly used up and in so much pain his nice little rod will thank me for relief.  Understand?"  "Ah, yes master, I do!  An errant son learning a lesson!  Good enough!  He will be thoroughly used and his rod will suffer!"  Xue threw down extra money for her.  She clapped her hands and brought out another girl.  On day ten, the madam came and got Bai Xue and Baohu.  She took them to Ru and left them with him.  He was moaning in pain.  His legs were coated with juices, his phallus was very red, very swollen and very painful.  He was a mess.  Without even letting him take a bath, they threw his clothes on him and left.
      They jumped to Ye Hua's palace and carried him to his room.  Xue called Ye Hua.  They stripped Ru of his clothes and laid him on his bed.  Ye Hua came in to see the smirks on Baohu and Xue.  He walked over to Ru and stared at his very painful phallus.  He smirked himself.  "So Ru, did you get enough or should I get you another maid?"  Ru looked at his Fuqin with rather jaded eyes.  "No, Fuqin.  I got the point.  How long before I recover?  I really want to get in the ice pool, please.  It hurts.  Really bad."  "So have you learned anything?"  "Yes, don't get caught again."  "So does this mean that you will happily get over your session of sex and go at it again?  I just want to clarify that statement."  "Well Fuqin, I assume you read my journal."  Ye Hua pulled it out of his sleeve.  As he flipped through the pages, he talked.  "Hmmm, let me see....ah yes, here....
     I was able to hop on that maid right under Fuqin's nose.  Took her right in the hot pool too.  This game is starting to be a lot of fun!  I wonder where I'll screw the next one.  This is awesome!!  
And here, this one.....
     Had one today out by the lotus pond in the nine heavens.  I could have screwed her all over and no one would know!  Not even old Donghua!  Ha ha!
Or this one....
     I hear Shushu really likes his hot pool.  I think I have a plan.  Ahhh, the ecstasy of using my own Shushu's hot pool to satisfy myself with yet another maid.  I've really got to up my game.  Maybe two the next time!
Have you heard enough?  I think I'll just call Da ge over here."  Ye Hua stared at Ru hard and called Mo Yuan to him.  He and Bai Qian had just returned from the mortal realm.  He jumped right over.  Ye Hua had him brought right to Ru's room.  "Da ge, as you can see, I have a rather errant son who thinks it's funny to screw every maid he can get his hands on in very dangerous places.  Even your own hot pool.  Here,read some of his journal."  Mo Yuan read.  As he read, his own anger built to a crescendo.  He looked at this man child, so full of himself and laughed.  "So you think you are some kind of love god!  You are about to learn a lesson, little boy!"  He motioned Ye Hua to follow him.  When they were out of his hearing range, Mo Yuan spoke into Ye Hua's mind.  "How about he learns a real lesson.  By the look of his very nice dragon rod you would think he would have learned.  Let me call Die Feng here.  Why don't we send him to the sirens of the west sea?  Let them pleasure him."  "But Da ge, won't they kill him?  I want him to learn a lesson, not be dead."  "A valid point.  Let me think.  Ah yes!  Let's get Lian Song to help us.  He would know someone who would literally screw him silly.  Call him here!"  Ye Hua sent Jia Yun to get him.  He came in thirty minutes later.  Ye Hua and Mo Yuan told him the situation.  He was thinking hard when a thought came to him.  "I know just the place for him.  In the lower immortal mountain, this is a place where they train the girls that are to be maids for let us just say, the more randy of us.  He would be taught a valuable lesson there.  Let me ask you this, do you want him to be used by them?  It might teach him some appreciation.  I mean he is using these maids as cheap little whores, isn't he?"  "A valid point, but I really want a woman or a group of women who will literally tie him to a bed and use him like a dirty dish rag.  Baohu can charm him.  That way I know he can't talk his way out of anything."  "What about those amazons?  They could teach him."  "Ah yes!  They will use him for sure!" 
     Ming came in to see what kind of mess his Didi had created this time.  Seeing a room full of people, he was about to leave when Ye Hua saw him.  "Ming, come here.  I assume you knew about your didi's sexual games?  And his journal?"  "Well Fuqin, I knew some of it, but what journal?"  "This one."  He handed it to Ming to let him read.  His face turned beet red.  "Fuqin!  He even did it in my bed!  And yours!  Look!"  Ye Hua read and handed it to Mo Yuan.  "That's it!  No more sex for him.  Even though he is in pain right now, he gets too much enjoyment out of it.  Ming, you take all of his clothes away.  If he leaves this room, he will go naked.  In fact, I have a real desire to make him walk around the lotus pound totally naked.  Isn't there some spell I can throw on him that will make it hurt every time he does it?"  Baohu was carefully listening to their conversation.  He stepped over to his Shushu.  "Shushu, I think I can help you."  "What can you do?"  "Well, I know a spell that would cut his desire off.  It could harm him though if not done right.  It would make him sick every time his smart little dragon prick got hard.  From the look of things, I think it would be the best route.  It's obvious that our first plan backfired.  He enjoyed it too much.  He needs to not enjoy it.  I mean it should have some good instant backlash.  Let me call Jinzi.  He should be the one to cast it and observe to make sure he will be ok."  Baohu called Jinzi and he was there within the hour.  Baohu took him to the side and told him what had occurred so far and the effect of his punishment.  Jinzi, being a loving tender soul, was rather angry.  "You mean to tell me he even did it in Shushu's bed?  Take me to him right now!"  Jinzi took one look at Ru and smirked.  "Your about to pay for your disgrace Ru.  I hope you learn something!"  Jinzi stood back and worked his spell.  Ru was not pleased with the satisfied look Jinzi had on his face.  They all left him in his room.  Jinzi smirked and looked at the group gathered around.  "If he doesn't learn from this, I will take my measures farther.  Like lightning strikes. No son of mine will be known around the realm as a risk taking, love making fool.  We shall see.  I want a maid brought around to clean up his room and help him bathe.  We will be cloaked to see what he does.  Let's all pretend to leave him to his pain."  They all made small talk like they were preparing to jump away.  Everything was silent.  Ru grinned and rose from his bed.  He would show them.
     He opened his door to find two maids waiting to clean his room and draw a bath for him.  When his bath was ready, he sank into the water to relax.  The maid was washing his back when he begin to entice her.  "Come join me.  I'm too tired to wash myself.  She smiled, disrobed and joined him.  At first he acted dumb, but when she started washing his legs and then his phallus, he got rock hard in a second.  Unknown to him, a crowd was cloaked standing in the corner.  Ye Hua was very angry but he wanted to see the effects of that spell.  The maid was pulled up to his chest and he entered her.  When he did he screamed bloody murder and threw her off.  His phallus was on fire!!  What did she do?  He sent her away and tried to stop the pain.  When he got out of the water, everyone looked in horror.  Jinzi's spell made it look like his phallus was thoroughly burned.  Manchu Ru took one look and screamed.  He ran to his bed, fell over and screamed some more.  Unable to handle the pain, he out right fainted.  They all uncloaked.  Ye Hua had to ask.  "Jinzi, just what did you do?  That looks horrible!  Is he really in that much pain?  Scan him please!"  Jinzi scanned him and nodded.  "He's had some pain, a burning sensation, but the sight of his precious little dragon prick looking like it's been burned sent him into shock.  Let's wait just a minute."  Slowly Ru woke up.  They were all watching him behind a cloak.  He sat up on the bed.  He sent a message.  In minutes, Ming was in his room.  He too, was horrified at what he saw.  "Ming, please talk to Fuqin for me!  He has ruined me!  I'm a bloody eunuch!  I'm ruined!  What kind of spell is this?  I happen to really like sex.  A lot.  Why must I lose my manhood?  Why would he do this to me?"  "Ru, Fuqin just wants you to have some principals about you.  He didn't sleep around before he married mother.  Why should you roam over all the realms screwing every girl that comes your way?  Are you ill or something?  Your appetite for sex is not natural.  Yes, I like girls too, but I've decided to wait for my mate.  You wouldn't know your mate if she stood right in front of you!  You must get yourself under control or at least let Cousin Jinzi check you over.  There has to be something wrong.  And another thing!  I didn't really appreciate finding out that you used my bed for one of your adventures.  I'm sure whatever has happened is swift retribution from Fuqin.  Now sit here and think about how you are going to become a better man instead of a dangling phallus that's had every girl he touches."
     Manchu Ru laid back down on his bed.  He was in deep thought.  He knew there was some spell on him but he couldn't break it.  He also knew that his Fuqin was thoroughly disgusted with his behavior.  He thought about his mother.  Mother!  What if she found out?  He decided he would get Jinzi to check him over.  Maybe it was unnatural to want sex all the time day and night.  He drifted off to sleep.  Ye Hua uncloaked them all and stood there for a moment.  He jumped them all to his study.  "Jinzi, when he calls for you, please check him over thoroughly.  Maybe something is wrong."  "No worries, Shushu.  I will check him for everything, including potions or spells."  Ru woke up an hour later.  His phallus still looked raw but not as bad as it was.  He decided to call for Jinzi.  Jinzi was there in minutes.  "Can I help you, Ru?"  "Jinzi, please check me over good.  I've come to the conclusion that maybe some spell was thrown on me that made my sex drive be at an unnatural level.  I know Fuqin had you put this spell on me too.  The pain was really bad.  If he makes you leave that spell, I assure you I won't try that again.  Just check me please?"  Alright!  Lay on your bed and let me scan you good."  Jinzi scanned Ru for at least fifteen minutes.  He withdrew and then scanned for potions or elixers.  Then he scanned for spells.  He saw his own spell but something else was there too.  He removed his spell and scanned again.  Ah!  There it was!  It was a spell that effected Ru's dragon.  It was a sex charged spell.  Not a Huli spell but it was a spell none the less.  He called Ye Hua and Baohu right away.  Ye Hua walked in with a worried look on his face.  "Shushu, Ru had a spell cast on him that had his sexual drive going over the stars.  I have removed it.  I think you need to question him on just who has been his most frequent partner.  She probably did it.  She thought he would pay more attention to her.  It obviously backfired.  She thought she would have him all to herself.  Ru, I suggest you come up with her name right away.  Any maid willing to do harm to a Taizi is dangerous."  "Fuqin, I think it was the one who you sent away!  Her name was Ling Ling.  I was told she had been serving the dragons of the celestial realm for a very long time.  She even served Mo JinDe and Bai Xue.  She looked very young though.  That's all I know.  Honest!  Please don't make Jinzi put that spell on me again!  Since he removed that spell,  I don't feel so fired up now.  I just want to sleep.  Please?"  "Jinzi, put him to sleep for a while so he can recover.  Then we get on a trail!"
     Ye Hua had Bai Xue bring Fenli and Ali to Ru's bedroom.  He had them smell everything.  "Separate the smells and get on the trail of a young woman.  She handled this book too."  He handed Fenli Ru's journal.  He smelled it and smiled.  "We have her smell now!  Do you want us to follow it?"  "Get Junjie to go with you.  Be careful!"  Ling Ling had been sent down to the lowest level of the immortal realm.  She was angry now.  She had worked in the nine heavens for millennia!  How could that randy little dragon get her into this much trouble?  She decided a little retribution was what he needed.  She knew they would discover her spell, but she had been unable to release it before she was brought here.  She decided the best thing to do would be to leave.  She packed a few of her clothes and left to go to the mortal realm.  She could hide there.  She just needed to mask her scent and disguise herself.  She traveled to four different cities laying a false trail in each one.  She felt confident that they couldn't find her.  Fenli, Ali and Junjie arrived in the mortal realm and proceeded to follow her trail.  In the first town they followed her trail for a while before they realized she was changing scents.  Fenli figured it out on the third round of the town.  They checked every road out before they found a trail.  They were in the fourth town when they realized they were being led around.  They returned to the imperial city and searched in earnest.  Junjie found her working in a flower house.  He sent messages to Fenli and Ali.  They joined him at a restaurant across the road from the flower house.  They sat down and ordered tea and lunch.  Junjie started the conversation.  "She's in the flower house.  We should disguise ourselves and go in.  If she is there, I'll freeze time and we snatch her.  Bind her quickly so we can bring her to Shushu."  They set their plan, walked into an alley to disguise themselves and walked to the flower house.  They sat down for a drink and watched as entertainment was being readied.  They watched as a quqin was set up.  They were sipping drinks when Ling Ling came in and took a seat at the instrument.  Junjie nodded.  He stopped time, Fenli and Ali jumped to her, bound her and they left for Kunlun.  She begged the whole way.  Junjie finally cast a silence spell on her.  They entered the east gate and took her to the throne room.  They waited for Jia Yun to announce them.  When they heard his voice, they entered bringing her with them.  Ye Hua had a scroll in his hand when they stopped in front of his throne.  He cast the scroll aside and leaned forward, his arm on his knee.  "So, Ling Ling, you think it is allowed for a mere maid to cast spells on a Taizi of this realm?  Did you think you could get away with it?  Really?  I will turn judgement over to Donghua Dijun today since this involves my own family.  May justice be served!  Jia Yun!  Give the scroll to Dijun!"  Dijun held out his hand for it.  He read through the charges carefully and closed the scroll.  "So you thought it prudent to ruin a Taizi of this realm?  Now I wonder how many others you have harmed over the years.  You shall be punished severely.  You will be thrown down into the mortal realm.  Your immortality shall be stripped from you.  You will live a thousand lives working in a flower house being used and abused by men."  He walked over to her and stripped her of her immortality.  "Take her to the mortal realm and leave her."
     Manchu Ru slept for two days.  His body healed but mainly his spirit realigned.  Jinzi checked him over and told him to lay down on the bed.  He aligned his spirit for him.  He arose and looked at his aura.  It was still disjointed.  He looked at Jinzi with the question in his eyes.  Jinzi smiled and answered him.  "Yes, Ru, it seems your high god trial is close.  I will inform Shushu.  You should rest for today and be back to normal by tomorrow.  Now I have sadly neglected my wife.  If you will excuse me?"  Ye Hua was waiting outside.  "Will he be ok?"  "Shushu, he will be fine, but just know his aura is disjointed.  I would say his high god trial is close.  Just keep a watch on Ming too.  I have done all I can for now."  Ye Hua patted Jinzi on the shoulder and smiled.  "No worries!  I will keep an eye on them."

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