Bring on the Allies

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     A week after Lang Shu Rong was granted asylum, an entourage of emissaries arrived to seek an audience with Ye Hua.  He received them in the throne room.  They bowed low to him and one stepped forward.  "Taizi Dianxia Ye Hua, we were told by our friend and colleague, Lang Shu Rong, that we could seek asylum in your lands or those of the Queen of Qing Qui.  Our clan was aligned with Qing Cang in the war of Ruoshui River, but we left that alliance.  Li Yuan pursued our tribe mercilessly.  We are not of the dark lands and wish to return to the lands of light.  We offer you our allegiance on this day and into the future.  There are only maybe 2500 of us left.  We seek your mercy and grace towards us."  They all bowed onto their knees and lowered themselves to Ye Hua.  Ye Hua leaned over and motioned Jia Yun to his side.  "Go get Mo Yuan and Bai Qian.  I need them here for this."  "Please be patient and wait a few moments while I summon the Queen of Qing Qui."  The throne room was now full of people who were following Ye Hua's every move.  Mo Yuan entered with Bai Qian on his arm.  "Qing Qui Bai Qian, these emissaries from the wolf clan have come today on the advice of their friend and colleague, Lang Shu Rong, to seek asylum in our realms.  They number only 2500 left of their once great clan.  Would you have room for them in your realm?"  "The mountains in the north of Qing Qui could be made a home for them.  It is in my brother Bai Zhen's realm.  I will send a message to him now."  Ye Hua walked down the dais to stand by her.  "Please let us offer you shelter and food for you while you wait for a reply to this message.  Come back tomorrow morning for the answer.  My assistant, Tian Shu, will show you to your quarters."  "Thank you for your generosity!" Tian Shu led them away.  Mo Yuan had been casually panning the crowd to see their expressions and judge what they thought.  He liked what he saw.  Ye Hua was doing very well in diplomacy.  He expected the marriage offers to start pouring in once he takes the throne. 
     Bai Zhen arrived that night to discuss the new allies.  He was briefed by Bai Qian and Ye Hua on the details.  He decided he would be glad to help.  The next morning, the group returned to the throne room.  They had been well treated and were very eager to hear the news.  Ye Hua called them to the throne.  Mo Yuan was seated nearby as was Bai Zhen.  " Wolf clan emissaries, this is Bai Zhen, ruler of the northern lands of Qing Qui.  He has agreed to settle you on his lands.  Bai Zhen."  Bai Zhen bowed and their leader approached him.  Bai Zhen spoke to them in his soft voice.  "There are mountains on the north of my realm that have caves and forests where you can establish yourselves.  There is plenty of game there and ground for growing.  It is yours to settle in if you wish to live in my realm."  "We accept your offer and pledge ourselves to you.  Thank you for your foresight to know that we prefer the mountains!  We will begin our move in the next few days!"  They bowed and left.  Mo Yuan turned and offered Bai Zhen a meal and a chance to visit Bai Qian.  He accepted.
     When Bai Zhen walked in behind Mo Yuan, Bai Qian was happy to see him.  "Si Ge!  Come and eat with me!"  He laughed and joined her.  There was plenty of food to be had.  Mo Yuan noticed that Bai Qian had a healthy appetite today.  "She must not be sick today", he thought.  Mo Yuan sat down to eat himself.  "Here Qian Qian, eat this.  He was putting things on her plate.  He knew she liked meat so he put that on her plate too.  " Mo Yuan!  Stop!  I can't eat all of this!!"  "Well my dear, you haven't been eating well because of sickness so I just wanted you to have plenty!"  "Si Ge, did you help the wolf clan?"  "Yes, Xiao Wu, I settled them in the mountains to the north of my estate.  I think they will be happy there.  The land is not inhabited and is just what they need."  "Looks like Ye Hua is gaining friends daily.  There are still some leaders who are neutral, but time will tell.  I'm really proud of Didi.  He's far wiser than even I gave him credit for." 
     Mo JinDe had not been idle.  He had been able to sit down with the generals and have conversations about their army and how they could improve it.  He also recommended that they set up an intelligence network.  He was young compared to them, but he was his father's son.  His military expertise was second to none.  He explained how they could use their elite soldiers to spy on other lands and keep them abreast of goings on.  They listened to him and decided they wanted his father's input.  The next day Mo Yuan was in the early meeting.  Once again Mo JinDe explained in detail about their network of spies.  There were only two things he commented on.  Not wanting to be the proud father or be critical, he had to admit the plan was brilliant.  He had always known JinDe was a military genius.  One general asked his opinion.  Mo Yuan stood and walked with one arm behind his back.  "I think it's an excellent plan.  In order to keep peace, we need something like this to keep tabs on any revolt."  They all agreed and Mo Yuan said he would bring it to Ye Hua's attention in their next meeting.
     Out of all the sea kingdom rulers, only the ruler of the southern Chang Sea had not reported.  A missive was sent and two days later he finally showed up.  Their land was being terrorized by the mermaid clan.  HaoDe had never sent help when it was requested so the king had assumed they had to fend for themselves.  Ye Hua listened to his weak speech.  He decided to make a trip as soon as the coronation was over.  Later that evening Mo Yuan brought JinDe's plan to Ye Hua.  He read it over and smiled.  "Da ge, this is exactly what we need to implement as soon as we can train the men.  Can I count on you to handle the proper training?"  "Actually, this whole scheme was JinDe's idea.  Why not let him train them?  He is capable to do it."  "If you think he is then arrange it to start immediately.  The sooner we get things in order the better.  I want our leaders to know we are not weak.  We just need reorganization for a more efficient military."  "I like your thinking, Didi!"
     Donghua Dijun had let Ye Hua take over one affair after another.  He noted Ye Hua was an excellent manager of his time.  He was organized and efficient.  He kept meticulous records about every situation and recorded all the details.  His own observations told him that a coronation date needed to be set.  Ye Hua was ready to assume the throne.  Since Lady Le Xu refused to help in any way, Ye Hua had asked Mo Yuan to help him chose his robes and adornments.  "Da ge, I need your help.  I know nothing about what robes to wear.  I want to make my own statement.  I had thought to wear my black dragon robes for the trial and ceremony and my blue dragon robes for the banquet.  I definitely do not want to wear white.  What do you think?"  I think you have made excellent choices.  I'll organize the banquet and get the ladies of the realm to help.  Are you ready for the trial?  That crown prince thing was a walk in the park compared to this."  "I'm ready.  You taught me many things over the years, and being prepared was one of them.  I've been meditating every chance I get to build my cultivation level.  As long as you're there to cheer me on, I can do it."  "That's my Didi!  In the morning we can commission those robes to be made and get the other preparations going.  Now I'm going to check on my lovely wife.  My dragon is quite displeased that he hasn't been around her a lot lately and he's threatening to rebel.  I will talk to you tomorrow."
     Bai Qian was in bed by the time Mo Yuan got to their room.  He took off his robes and slipped into bed.  He removed their under clothes and spooned himself behind her.  His hand was rubbing her stomach.  The children were restless so he called them by passing a little energy.  The soft circular motion of his hand put them back to sleep.  He was thinking what a beautiful thing it was to be laying naked behind your pregnant wife.  Her soft body, the feel of her stomach, the soft movements of the twins.  All of those simple things contented him better than wine.  His dragon was content too.  Usually he wanted sex in any form he could get it, but tonight he was purring his content.  He too agreed that times like this made a dragon happy.  He had two fine sons, a brother and two more children on the way.  Yes life was good.  He pulled Qian Qian closer and went to sleep.
     The next morning Mo Yuan awoke refreshed and a man with a plan.  He called Lian Song and Chang Yu to enlist their aid.  "The Coronation is going forward and I need aide to organize some things.  Will you help?"  "Of course, we would be honored."   "Good!  I need to have robes made for Ye Hua.  I'm sure you know who will be able to do them.  I also need help to organize the banquet.  I'm hoping you two know what needs to be done."  Chang Yu looked happy and spoke up.  "I can organize the food and entertainment.  Lian Song can help with that too."  "Good!  The Coronation will be held in one month.  Let's make our lists and meet again tomorrow.
      The throne room was full.  Mo Yuan entered and took his seat opposite Dijun.  Ye Hua entered and took the throne.  Mo Yuan panned the room.  Everyone bowed to the floor.  Except for one man.  He stood straight and tall.  Mo Yuan reached out his energy to probe him.  Ghost tribe!!  What's he doing here?!?  Mo Yuan motioned JinDe to him.  " JinDe, see that man over there standing by the middle pillar?  Have your men surround him slowly.  Have Bai Xue go toward him but act like he is going to talk to someone.  Don't let him get away!  Don't mess this up, JinDe!  Go now!"  Audiences were held and decisions made and the man still stood.  JinDe was right behind him and Bai Xue was coming in front of him.  He realized he was surrounded.  Mo Yuan looked him in the eye.  He was about to make a move when Mo Yuan cloud jumped from his seat and grabbed him.  He jumped him to the foot of the throne.  "Care to enlighten us as to why you have graced us with your presence today, Li Yuan?  Do you have so little respect for the future ruler of the nine heavens?  Speak!!"  Ye Hua came down and looked Li Yuan right in the face.  "Well, what is your purpose?  Are you so shallow as to think I'm weak?  Answer me!"  Li Yuan looked Ye Hua right in the eye.  He lowered his head.  "I see that the rumors are indeed true.  You don't need your brother, the War God, to do your work for you.  I have come to seek safety.  Li Jing is determined to kill me.  What he doesn't know is that Qing Cang used us, his children, as his power vessels.  If one of us dies, he gains our cultivation.  He could break out of the bell.  Haven't you wondered what would happen when your soul is no longer there to protect it, High God Mo Yuan?  You best be getting worried because someone is out to kill me and I'm sure they might be after Yan Zhi and Li Jing.  You need to find out soon too.  Here is the only place I can seek safety."  "Very well then.  You will be quartered here as a guest for now, but know I'm launching a full investigation into this matter now.  Guards!  Take him to the guest quarters set aside for the ghost lord."  When Li Yuan left, Ye Hua turned to JinDe.  "I want him followed.  Watch his every move.  If he tries to leave, let him but follow him.  I want to know what he's up to!"  Mo Yuan said nothing but nodded his head.  The meeting was adjourned and all left the throne room except for Dijun, Ye Hua, Mo Yuan and the guards.  Ye Hua spoke first.  "I'm going to summon Li Jing for a meeting to explain himself.  We'll see what he has to say about these attacks."  "A good plan, Ye Hua.  He can't be as dull as we've all heard."  Dijun nodded his agreement.  "I admit I was surprised to learn Qing Cang had indeed used his children in this way.  It's very ancient evil magic. We must protect them at all cost now or we will regret it.  We don't need that bell to activate again!"

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