Hotter than a July Firecracker

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     Bai Qian was feeling much better.  Mo Yuan's constant presence was better than any elixer.  She was thriving and he was happy indeed.  She came to his study to help him with scrolls.  They had one month the prepare for Bai Xue and Mo JinDe's marriages.  Bai Qian was in a dither.  Everything had to be perfect.  Mo Yuan smiled with infinite patience.  What could possibly go wrong?  Everything!  Things were in a jumble.  Mo Yuan had been roaring for a week over minute details.  Both JinDe and Xue Xue were working on finishing their palaces before their weddings.  With two wedding parties to plan for, Bai Qian had been stretched thin.  Mo Yuan was trying to get minor details locked down to give her some relief.  Finally he grabbed her up and went to Ye Hua's garden.  He raised his brow and grinned.  "Your terrible!  Did you know that?!?  Terrible!"  He laughed out loud when someone clearing their throat broke them apart.  "Da ge, I wish to interrupt you for just a moment?  I just wanted you to know that I'm going to build you your own palace right across from mine.  Call it your home away from home!  That way you would have your own garden.....And your own hot spring....."
     The plans were made and the weddings were days away.  Bai Qian was feeling better and Mo Yuan couldn't keep his hands off of her.  His dragon was refreshed and his apex tendencies were there for all to see.  If any man got too close to her or was openly flirting with her, the dragon appeared and growled his low threatening growl.  JinDe and Bai Xue had just had a conversation the night before about their father.  "Xue Xue, have you noticed that Fuqin seems to have an overabundance of testosterone flowing around him?  When he walks into a room, his maleness is overpowering and the women all sigh.  I just hope I can be half the man he is when I'm older!"  "JinDe, I don't exactly know what happened at Kunlun, but Fuqin came out of it for the better!  I also notice that Jinzi is stuck to him like glue.  Sometimes I look at us, such images of him, and I wonder how fortunate we are that Fate decreed him to be our Fuqin."  "All I can say is I will do my best to be like him.  Fuqin said something to me on Kunlun that put fear so strong in me that I thought I would die from it.  He said one of us would one day take his place.  Have you ever thought about that?  What if he wishes to retire?  What then?  Which one of us would it be?  Or would it be one of our Xiao Didis?  It's food for thought.  I thought I had found my place serving Shushu.  Now I'm not so sure."  They both nodded.  "Are you afraid, JinDe?"  "Yes.  I was thinking about talking to Fuqin about it.  How about you?"  "Then I suggest we go right now!"
     Mo Yuan had his hand in his chin looking at his beautiful pregnant wife.  His dragon was so hot for her he was fidgety.  "Hmmm.  Hmmm.  Hmmm."  Bai Qian put her hands on her hips and looked at him.  He was sitting there with a stupid grin on his face and thoughts that were crystal clear.  "Mo Yuan, have you talked to Xue Xue and JinDe about their parts in this wedding?  Mo Yuan!!!  Are you listening to me?"  He jumped and appeared behind her putting his hands around to her breasts.  He breathed hot air on her neck that sent a shiver up her spine.  "Behave yourself!  We have to get these last details worked out!  We only have a few days!"  He sniffed her hair and was about to kiss her when Xue Xue and JinDe knocked and came in.  "Fuqin, have you got a moment?  We wish to talk to you."  A low growl escaped his lips.  It rumbled deep in his chest and spoke loudly of his frustration.  He sighed and kissed Bai Qian on her lips.  "Later, my love!"  He walked to his desk.  "Fuqin, would you take a walk with us?"  "Very well!  I'm not getting much work done anyway."  They walked to the Lotus pond.
     They went to the lotus pond to the first pavilion there.  After taking a seat, JinDe broached the subject first.  "Fuqin, when you married Mother, were you afraid?"  Mo Yuan looked off into the distance for a moment, remembering.  "Yes, JinDe, I was afraid.  I had just come back from chaos.  I had told your mother to wait for me, you see.  I didn't know what had transpired while I was gone. The first minute I had to confess my love to her, I did.  I can't begin to tell either of you how afraid I was.  Would she love me as much as I loved her?  What had 20,000 years done to her?  When she accepted me, I was like a new man.  I had been alone for a long time, so having her was a new experience for me.  Then when you boys were born, I was terrified!  I didn't know how to be a father!  I have tried my best.  There have been times when I failed, I know, but I have honestly done what I thought was best for you.  Another thing that terrified me was letting my dragon loose.   I had suppressed him for a long time.  I refused to let him be an active part of my life.  He was the one who wanted your mother way before I would acknowledge my love for her.  My advice to you is mate your wives the first week.  Let her get to know your dragon right from the beginning.  Trust me, it was the best thing I ever did.  Not only does your mother love me, the man, but she loves my dragon too.  She was fated for me and I to her.  So you see, your Fuqin has not always been the most confident of men.  Your mother is my confidence.  Your mother is my strength.  Your mother is my life."  Bai Xue, being a sensitive man, let a tear slide down his face.  "Fuqin, have I told you lately how much I love you?  Have I ever told you how magnificent your dragon is when he is protecting us?  I just wanted you to know that."
     Mo Yuan smiled a simple smile.  "I love you both.  My first born sons!  Now by the end of this week, you will both be married.  You will begin a new journey down a new path.  Know you can always come to me with anything and your rooms at Kunlun will be expanded for you.  Now I must finish my task for your mother!  You never want an angry wife around if you can help it!  Come!  Visit your mother for a minute while I finish my correspondence."  They walked back to Mo Yuan's rooms and were talking about different things.  Bai Qian was finishing her last task of the day when they walked in.  "Mother, did you get our robes finished?"  "Yes, I did!  You will both be too handsome and I will be bursting with pride!  Now how about dinner?  Ye Hua wants us all to come to his rooms for dinner, so if there are rank dragons and stinky foxes in here, I suggest you all get cleaned up now!  And hurry."  Her words had them scrambling to do her bidding.  "Mo Yuan, dear, I already have a bath drawn for you.  Do you want me to scrub your back for you?"  "Hmmmm, that would be nice!  Where are those two foxes of ours?"  "Ping has them in the bath right now."  "Care to join this rank dragon in the bath, my dear?"  She turned with her hands full of oils and cloths.  "I thought you would never ask, my dragon!"
     Never one to turn down any opportunity, Mo Yuan's dragon was mentally rubbing his hands together, or in this case, his talons!  He stepped into the room where the tub was and began taking off his robes.  He stuck his hand in the water.  Finding it a little too cool for his taste, he heated it.  Hmmm, just right.  He got in and sat down.  Ahhh! It felt nice.  Bai Qian stepped in and promptly sat astride his lap.  His closed eyes shot open to see her grinning.  She started grinding herself against his groin.  His shaft was rock hard in less than a second.  "Mo Yuan dear, does this feel good?"  She grabbed his shaft and rubbed it.  "What about this?"  She pressed her breasts against his chest and licked his neck.  "Or this?"  She licked his lips.  His eyes turned gold.  "Hmmm, I love" she licked, "a big" she rocked, "bad" she bit his neck "dragon"..... She impaled his shaft.  His hissed in with his intake of breath as she did it.  His hands grabbed her breast.  He rubbed her nipples with his flat palm.  Her intention was to love him hard and fast.  She was succeeding.   She rode him like a stallion.  He couldn't deny himself as he threw his head back and panted hard.  She rocked him to oblivion.  She rode him harder still.  He reached between them with his hand to bring her climax quicker.  His breath came so hard he grunted with each thrust.  Water was splashing all over the room from the tub as they rocked themselves to the ultimate pleasure.  Not denying himself any more, the moment her walls contracted he filled her with his seed.  He jerked and thrust with each spurt.  His head still laying on the rim of the tub, he pulled her to him.  " You never cease to amaze me, Qian Qian.  I love you!"  He kissed her soft lips.  "We're going to be late for dinner."  "Who cares?"  "They will come looking for us."  "Let them look."  He threw up a privacy barrier and kissed her soft lips again.  "I'm hungry."  "Me too, but not for food."  He rubbed his hands down her back to rest on her sweet cheeks.  She sighed.  His kiss deepened and it was much later that they came out of the bath, their skin wrinkled and their faces flushed from their love making.
     Ye Hua, Bai Xue, Mo JinDe, Mei Ying, Meili, Ping, Jinzi and Baohu were eating.  Dinner drug on but no Mo Yuan and Bai Qian.    Bai Xue sighed.  "Should one of us check on them?"  Shrugged shoulders all around.  Baohu decided to contact his Fuqin.  "Fuqin!  You going to bring mother to eat?"  "Fuqin!"  He waited a second.  "Fuqin!"  "Not now, Baohu!  I'm busy!"  "What you doing, Fuqin?"  "Fox tails and dragon scales!"  Baohu looked confused.  Ye Hua noticed Baohu was in conversation with someone.  "Well, what did he say, Baohu?"  "Fuqin, said he's busy."  "Is that all?"  "He said fox tails and dragon scales!"  Ye Hua spit out his tea as he burst out laughing.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe joined him in his merriment.  "What's fox tails and dragon scales?  Baohu wants to know!"  "When your older you will understand, but not now!"   Bai Xue toasted his Fuqin and mother.  Yes, indeed, they were in as much love today as when they married!  Maybe even more so!  Ye Hua smiled and toasted.  "Here's a cup of tea to my Da ge!  The bravest, strongest, most powerful, loving man I know!  Have I ever told you how Da ge saved me when I was just a boy?"  "Tell us Shushu!"
     "My upbringing in the nine heavens had been harsh.  I had been taken away from my mother when I was a baby.  When I could sit, that is when my lessons started.  From the day I was born, I was always compared to the great War God, Mo Yuan.  He was dead when I was born.  HaoDe always pushed me to excel and to surpass Da ge.  He woke up from his trial after 20,000 years of sleep.  The day he came to the nine heavens looking for me, I had just endured my high immortal trial.  I was only a boy but no one was helping me.  Mo Yuan had come in to see the last bolt strike me.  He grabbed me up into his arms and took me to see my mother.  He held me close to him.  He and JieJie helped me pack my things and he jumped to Kunlun with me.  He tended me and told me to not be afraid.  He told me how I was his twin, why I hadn't been born with him, why he wanted me to be with him.  From that day forward, he has loved me, cared for me and taught me everything I know to this day.  My love for him is boundless and I don't know what I would do without him."  "When I came back from my high god trial early, Fuqin never judged me.  When I asked to use his seclusion cave, he took me in, combed out my hair, arranged my clothes, put up a barrier and left.  Every day he came to check on me but he never said a word.  He let me work out my problems without interference.  His kind tender care was what I needed, not screaming at me."  Jinzi looked around and replied to them.  "Zufu say because Fuqin loves so many,  and many need him, he was given new life to live."  "Zufu?  What Zufu?  Bai Zhi?"  "No, Zufu Fuxi!  He talk to Jinzi.  Said he proud of his oldest son."  Ye Hua jumped up.  "You saw Father?"  "Jinzi talk to him.  He called me sunzi."  "It seems we are indeed blessed as a family!"
     Mo Yuan leaned back from his desk.  Finally he put away the last scroll!  He had written letters telling everyone that Xue Xue and JinDe were now to be married.  He had gone through alliance proposals and marriage alliances weeding out those he thought not suited, and he had arranged for every one of the others to be present at the double wedding!  He had said nothing to anyone about his very carefully planned arrangement.  His greatest hope was that Ye Hua could find the love of his life.  He stood, stretched and went in search of his lovely wife.  Just the thought of her had his brow go up in a slight arch and his lips in a smirk.  Hmmm.  He smiled as his steps grew faster.  He sent out a probe to find her.  Yes!  There she was!  His steps took him towards Ye Hua's garden.  He was tempted to jump.  He reached the garden gate and followed her energy straight to the hot pool.  Pay dirt!  She was sitting on a quilt on the ground drinking tea.  "Ah!  Mo Yuan dear!  Join me!"  He sat next to her and reached up to put a piece of hair behind her ear.  "My beautiful wife, what are you planning today?"  "Me, you, hot pool......"   "What about Ye Hua?"  She threw up a strong barrier." "There, fixed it."  She threw off their clothes and pounced on him like a tiger.  Caught off guard, he fell backwards only to be totally in her power.  She threw open his legs, raised his legs and began to totally, absolutely without a doubt ravage and savage his manhood.  His head thrown back, his hands gripping the quilt, his dragon present and gasping for air like a drowning man, his body flashed gold as we was about to transform.  "Not yet, my dragon!  Give me your phallus to pleasure."  He gave it to her.  Her lips were sublime as they closed over the swollen head of his erection.  Her tongue circled and licked her way up and down and when she took him into her mouth to suck, he was nearly undone.  He begged her.  "Let me have you now!  I must have you now!"  His dragon growled and pleaded.  "Xiao Huli!  Now!"  She sucked one long last hard time.  He raised himself up, flipped her onto her stomach, and entered her.  He brought her up against his chest.  Her head laid on his shoulder.  Both arms went around her.  He reached down with both hands and spread her lower treasure to thrust up into her.  He rubbed her nub with one hand and around his phallus with the other as he thrust into her.  Her walls were hot and slick.  He bit her neck in a dragon frenzy.  A slight taste of blood made his desire soar and his shaft expand.  He thrust harder and harder, faster and faster until they both shattered like an ocean wave against the rocks of a distant shore.  Not done, he rolled her onto her back, spread her legs and buried his face in her petals.  The taste of her nectar mixed with his seed was like a heady wine.  Her screams of delight brought him over her to enter her again.  He rocked her like a ship on the sea.  His thrust were heated as his dragon heated his whole body.  He heated her core and the child within.  His pace was slow and leisurely.  The heat spread and she felt her walls begin to tighten.  He picked up his pace.  One more shot of heat.  She screamed her release.  He cast a spell over her that kept her release going while he rammed his swollen member into her hot, contracting walls.  He felt his own release coming and released his spell so she crashed around him as he jerked and bucked his final release.  He lay on her as his shaft was still twitching.  After a few minutes, he withdrew.  He lay to the side and drew her into his arms.  Spent, sated, and loving each other, they drifted off to sleep.  They were there for hours, loving, sleeping, bathing and taking.  They were finally interrupted by two little indignant voices.  "Fuqin, Mother, were are you!  We need you!"  Mo Yuan let out a sigh, clothed them, checked them both over and removed the barrier before they could round the corner.  To them it looked like their mother and father were simply enjoying a cup of tea and a snack.  Baohu was watching his father very closely.  "Fuqin, were you and Mother having fox tails and dragon scales for snacks?"  Bai Qian spit out her tea as Mo Yuan laughed out loud.  "I guess you could say that, Baohu.  Now come eat a snack.  There's plenty for nosy foxes!"

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