Don't Play With Fire, It Will Burn You

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     Mo Yuan and Ye Hua returned to the hall for tea.  After tea, Ye Hua returned to his palace, but told Mo Yuan he would be back with his children later.  Mo Yuan went to check on Bai Qian.  She was asleep on their bed.  Feeling sorry for her and her predicament, he lightly ran his knuckles down her beautiful face.  What a vision of loveliness she is!  She sighed and smiled in her sleep.  He got up and smiled.  "Love is a very powerful thing", he thought to himself.  After all this time their love was boundless.  He smiled and left her resting.  Feeling rather confident, he was walking to the arena when he was bombarded by the Dragon Wing.  "Fuqin!  Shushu!  You promised to take all of us on an adventure.  Did you forget?"  "No I didn't forget, but I have a new lesson for you today.  Join me in the arena!"  He sent a message to Xue to join them.  He sat the younger dragons under the pavilion and called JinDe over to himself.  As he was about to explain to JinDe, Xue walked into the arena.  "You called for me, Fuqin?"  "Yes, I have something to teach you.  I just learned it myself.  As you both know, I erupted crimson hellfire on Ye Hua the other day.  I did it once when I was young, but Fuxi was livid and forbade me to do it ever again.  He said no son of his would have a power of darkness.  Yesterday he taught Ye Hua and I how to use it.  Mainly because Mother shamed him.  It comes from her.  Do you wish to learn it?"  JinDe looked rather shocked.  "You mean to tell me we can blow fire?  Crimson hellfire?"  "Maybe.  How about I show you?  Move back to the pavilion!"  They ran as he transformed.  Targets were set up at the far end of the arena.  He turned toward them and erupted his fire.  The children were in awe as Xue pointed.  "Did he do that?  Really?"  Next Jinlong blew out ice fire.  They were clapping and pointing.  He transformed and called them to him.  "Who wants to learn?"  Baohu had come in on the last trick.  "Fuqin, would my tails be able to do that since I can shoot lightning?"  "I don't know.  We could try.  First let me teach the dragons, then you and I will work together, ok?"  "Ok.  I'll just watch from the pavilion."  Everyone on the mountain had come to watch.  He started with Xue and JinDe first.  "In the very back of your throat, there are glands that secrete a viscous substance that keeps the fire from burning your throat.  That's why I couldn't talk.  Fuxi healed me.  We are going to learn how to control those glands.  Have you ever had goo in your mouth after you hissed really loud?"  Both of them nodded.  "So you are familiar with the mess!  Transform and let's learn to control those glands.  Hiss loudly until you learn how to cut them on and off.  Go ahead now."  Mo JinDe tried first.  When he hissed, the goo was in his mouth and he slung his head to clear it.  "Learn to control it, JinDe.  Keep trying until you control when it comes out."  Xue did they same.  It took about fifteen minutes for them to control it.  "Good!  Good!  Now I want you to feel for your fire in your core.  I'm assuming since you have the glands, you have the fire.  Mine was between my water and ice.  Probe for it now.  Nod when you find it."  Instantly they both nodded with excitement.  "When you call it forth, open your glands.  It protects you from being burned by your own fire.  Try it!"  JinDe looked at the targets and called his fire.  He shot a golden stream of fire!  He shut it down and looked wide eyed at his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan grinned and patted his nose.  Bai Xue called his fire.  He shot out a translucent white stream of fire!  He too, turned to his Fuqin!  They both transformed and ran to him.  "Did we really do that, Fuqin?  What does it mean?"  "It means that if Fuxi had taught me how to use it there would have never been any wars.  It means that I would have been so feared that no one would have dared to cross me!  I think he knew it from the moment I brought it forth.  I suffered for weeks with my throat until he relented and healed me.  He wouldn't teach me how to control those glands.  Now that you know, you can call it!  Never use it for evil purposes.  Use it only in war as a last resort or a very first attack.  Understand?"  "Yes, Fuqin, I do understand.  It can cause great damage and great pain.  I wouldn't want to do that!"  "Do you wish for me to teach your children?  If so, you know that I will make it clear to them when they can and can't use it."  They both nodded.  "Very well!  Lessons begin today for them.  I also will send a message to Hei and Lei to come so she can learn too!"
     Mo Yuan had decided that he would wait a week before he taught the dragons any more about their fire.  He wasn't sure they would obey when it came to keeping it in check.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu made up his mind for him.  They were in the peach grove behind the mountain.  Sitting together on a bench, they were in blissful companionship.  Finally Taiyang spoke.  "Zhenzhu, do you want to learn how to use fire?"  "I've been thinking about it.  If we learn it, the day may come when we will be called upon to use it.  Fuqin has always taught us to seek peace first, but if peace can't be achieved, then it would be a good thing to use to threaten war.  I think if the enemy saw it, they would agree to peace talks.  At least that is my thought.  I'm beginning to worry just when will Fuqin meet his calamity.  He's old.  I'm scared, Taiyang.  I don't want to live on without his guidance.  Not even Shushu could teach us.  JinDe and Xue might could be there for us, but it wouldn't be the same.  What about our jiemei?  Fuqin has forged weapons for all of our siblings when they passed their high god trials.  That means he would have to live at least until our jiemei have passed theirs.  He would be nearly 500,000 years old!  Maybe we should start helping more with Gaoxing and Xingfu.  They seem to be very laid back and calm.  They might surprise us one day!"  "Zhenzhu, don't talk that way!  I don't want to lose Fuqin, ever!!  If he dies, I will kill myself!  I mean it!  I don't want to live without hearing his gentle voice give instruction or even his hard voice when he is angry!  I just love him too much!!"  Mo Yuan was quite shocked to hear Taiyang's confession.  Worry etched his brow, but he decided he would just come upon them.  He made small noises as he came.  When he saw them, he waved and called to them.  "Taiyang!  Zhenzhu!  I've been looking for you two!  It's time for your lesson to learn how to call fire.  Are you ready?"  Taiyang, being of a tender heart, started crying.  He ran to his Fuqin and wrapped his arms around him.  "My son what is wrong?  Are you ok?  Tell Fuqin!!"  Taiyang stepped back and wiped his nose on his sleeve.  "I'm sorry, Fuqin!  Zhenzhu and I were talking and I scared myself!  Your calamity isn't near, is it?  You won't leave me, will you?"  Being slightly taken aback, Mo Yuan hugged him close.  "No, my son, my calamity is not close.  I must live to see you grown and married, if that is your fate.  Now come, let's go have some tea and snacks."
     They went to the hall to have snacks.  Ye Hua came in with his children.  "Da ge!  I must talk to you in private please."  "Alright then.  Follow me to my study then.  You children stay here!"  They walked to his study and Ye Hua raised a barrier over the door.  "Da ge, I have decided not to teach the fire trick to my children at this time.  When I discussed it with them, I didn't like the cocky 'nothing could beat me' attitude it seemed to give them.  Have you taught your younger ones yet?"  "No, Didi, I haven't.  I taught Xue and JinDe, but not the younger ones.  I have nearly decided to wait until they are much older.  This fire is no laughing matter and neither should it be considered as a prank thing to pull on anyone.  I think it requires an adult mind that thinks calmly and with purpose.  That fire could cause a lot of mayhem in the hands of wayward children.  Then we agree.  No teaching fire to irresponsible children.  We are in agreement?"  "Yes, Da ge, we are!"  They walked out of the study, one to his throne room, the other to his own room.
     The next morning, Mo Yuan entered the class room with the Dragon Wing.  He sat and addressed them.  "I had a discussion with Tianjun Ye Hua yesterday.  It has been decided that you will not be taught how to use fire until after your high god trial.  At that time you would be more responsible and better able to handle the pressure of knowing it."  A chorus of voices and protests insued.  He held up his hand for silence.  "I will hear no more.  Today's lesson is on the tenants of Taoism."  He lectured them for two hours and sent them to their other classes.  He was walking to his study when he was met by Gaoxing and Xingfu.  Puzzled that they were wandering all alone, he stood still and waited for them to come to him.  Upon seeing him, they smiled ear to ear and ran to him.  He swept them up into his arms.  "What are my Xiao nanhai up to, hmmm?"  Gaoxing looked at his Fuqin very seriously.  "Gaoxing want play games.  Gaoxing look for Er ge."  "I see.  Well why don't we get some tea and then go look for Er ge, ok?"  Xingfu grinned.  "Me get cake?"  "If Chang Shan has made cake I will give you some.  Let's go and see."  They went to the hall to get tea and Xue and JinDe were there.  Seeing their older brothers, they wiggled to get down.  They ran straight to JinDe.  "Er ge!  We want play games!  Now!"  JinDe laughed at their rather indignant little faces.  "When Er ge finishes his tea, then he will play with you.  Ok?"  They both gave him a rather petulant look but changed their minds when cake was brought out.  Mo Yuan sat them down by JinDe and gave each one of them a piece of cake.  He was talking to Xue when JinDe started laughing hard.  He looked at Gaoxing and Xingfu to see an absolute mess.  They had cake all over their faces, their hands and the front of their robes.  He sighed.  "Is it possible you too are the messiest eaters in the whole mountain?  You will have to get clean before you can go with your Er ge.  Come to me."  Before he could say another word, they looked at each other, waved their hands and cleaned each other.  They looked at him and grinned.  Xue and JinDe looked at them and then their Fuqin.  "Fuqin, did they really just do that?"  "It seems they are ready for more lessons!  If you are available, JinDe?"  JinDe rose and motioned for them to come to him.  Without further adieu, they ran to him and giggled as he swept them up to take them to the arena.  Mo Yuan grinned and shook his head.  "Out done by my own son!  Maybe they are learning and don't even realize it.  In that case, I'll just go check on Qian Qian."  He rose and walked to their room.  Bai Qian was reclining reading a play.  When he walked in, he felt the energy wash over him.  He sat down on the bed and touched Qian Qian's stomach.  He sent soothing energy to his girls.  The questions began.  "Fuqin, where you been?  We wanted you!"  "Fuqin had duties.  Remember I told you sometimes I have to be away from you.  I am here now."  "Fuqin, we want to come out now.  We want to see you and Mother!"  "You must not.  It's too early.  Fuqin is afraid for you!  Only a little longer and you can."  "But Fuqin, we want you!  We need you!  We want Mother!  We want to come out!"  "If you keep insisting like this, your Mother will become ill and you will die.  Do you wish to die?"  Silence.  "No."  "Then listen to Fuqin for once.  Stay where you are.  Now go to sleep!"  "Qian'er, are the girls giving you much pain?"  "They are very restless.  Only when you come around me do they get quiet.  Why?"  "They want to come out now.  I just put them to sleep.  They are insisting upon it too.  I'm going to call Jinzi to check on them.  I have a theory I wish to have him check."  "Jinzi!  I need you to check your mother."  He waited but got no answer.  "Baohu, come to my room please!"  No answer.  "Junjie!  Come to my room please!"  Junjie came quickly.  He was slightly out of breath.  "You called me, Fuqin?"  "Yes!  Would you go get Jinzi for me?  He doesn't answer my call and neither does Baohu!"  "I'll go right away!  I'll be back as quick as I can!" 
     Jinzi was not at home.  Junjie was frantic as he called for him.  He was about to leave when he saw Jinzi and Mi Shu coming down the path.  He wave at them.  "Is something wrong, Junjie?"  "San ge, Fuqin wanted me to come get you.  He didn't say why!"  "Well, Mi Shu and I will come right behind you.  I have some supplements for mother."  Jinzi and Mi Shu ran into Mo Yuan's room.  "Fuqin, is something wrong?"  "Jinzi, these girls are insisting they need to come now.  Just how far along is your mother?  Could they even survive?  Why are they insisting?"  "Let me check them.  I'll try to figure it out."  Jinzi took several minutes to scan for every possible problem he could think of.  He also scanned for their progress.  He pulled back his power and the questions started.  "Is that you, San ge?  Why you come?"  "I came to check on you.  Fuqin is upset and thinks something is wrong.  Are you ok or do you need me?"  "We want to come out now!"  "It's too early.  You will surely die.  San ge can't help you if you are too early.  Do you understand?  You must wait.  I will check on you and tell you when you can come.  How is that?"  "If we must!"  "You must.  Now behave yourselves and don't worry Fuqin!  He has been very worried about you!"  Silence.  "Ok."  "Well Fuqin, you are right.  Maybe six more months and they will be safe to come but no sooner.  Mi Shu and I can come in three months and prepare to stay until they come.  I would suggest you stay close to Mother if you can.  That way they would be more content."  "Why do they want me so much?  I'm very afraid they will be worse than Taiyang and Zhenzhu were.  Aiya!!  What will I look like carrying two little girls everywhere with me?  I was actually thinking about a vacation on Mount Junji.  I was going to carry the children too.  What do you think?"  "Not a bad idea, Fuqin.  You could make them do the work while you cook!  You know Mother can burn water!"  "Jinzi, I'll have you know I can at least cook rice!!"  "Mother, I know for a fact that the disciples of Kunlun hated it when you had kitchen duty!  Fuqin never knew they manipulated the schedule so Chang Shan wouldn't have his kitchen burned down!"  Mo Yuan let out a loud belly laugh.  "I do know for a fact that she can't boil water!  No worries!  I will do the cooking!" 
     Mo Yuan set about making plans to take the Dragon Wing on the trip.  He sent Feng Jui a message to make plans to let Gun Gun come with them.  He spent the afternoon drawing plans for additions to the hut and improvements to the grounds.  That should keep them all busy!  He wrote down what he wanted each child to learn and what he wanted them to do.  Right before dinner, he rose from his desk and headed out for his room.  Bai Qian was about to walk out.  "So what are you planning, my sneaky dragon?  You've been in your office all day!"  "Well, if you must know, my Xiao Bai Huli, I have been planning a little trip for us, the babies and the Dragon Wing to Mount Junji.  I sent Feng Jui a message to let Gun Gun go with us.  I drew up plans for additions and work to be done around the grounds.  What do you say to that?"  "Really?  A vacation?  I think it's wonderful!  As soon as these babies are born we can go!"  "That's the plan!  Now may I escort you to dinner?"  She took his arm and he walked her to the hall.  Mo Yuan seated Bai Qian and sat down himself.  He was reaching for his cup when Baohu asked him a question.  "Fuqin, are you and Mother going to be here for the birth of our first child?"  "Baohu, you know I wouldn't miss it for anything.  So the answer is yes!"  Baohu spoke into his Fuqin's mind.  "Fuqin!  I'm scared!  What if something goes wrong?  What will I do?"  "Baohu, you forget you will have Jinzi here.  He will be on top of everything.  Don't worry!  Just take care of Li Li!  How many times have you watched him take care of your Mother?  Now stop worrying!"  Baohu let out a deep sigh.  He had been watching Li Li like a hawk.  He knew his Fuqin was right! 
     After everyone had gone to bed, Taiyang and Zhenzhu were having a private conversation.  "Zhenzhu, we could learn how to breath fire.  I was watching Fuqin teach Da ge and Er ge.  How hard could it be?  Let's go to the arena and try it!  We can do it!"  "I think we can too, but you heard what Fuqin said in class today.  If he catches us, we're doomed!"  "Come on!  Let's sneak out!"  Very carefully they opened their door.  They hid behind a barrier and went to the arena.  Everything was still and quiet.  "The first thing we have to do is learn to control those glands in our throat.  Let me try first and then you, ok?"  Taiyang transformed into a juvenile white dragon.  He hissed loudly and the goo came into his mouth.  He kept trying until he could control it.  Zhenzhu did the same.  They talked to each other.  "I heard Fuqin tell Da ge that his fire is between your water and ice.  Let's feel for it."  They were silent for several minutes when they both grinned big dragon grins.  They both turned to the targets and turned loose.  Not having perfect control, their fire flew straight over the targets into the valley below.  Instantly a forest fire was started.  Panicking as children do, they ran to their rooms and collided with Die Feng making his last round of the day.  Seeing the utter panic and haste of the two, he stopped them to question them.  Neither could talk but only point.  They took his hand and took him to the arena.  He instantly saw the fire.  He set the fire bell ringing and left the bewildered and terrified twins standing in the door.  Mo Yuan heard the fire bell and jumped out of bed.  He dressed himself with a flick of his hand and headed toward the back of the mountain where the arena was.  The first thing he saw was Taiyang and Zhenzhu standing in the doorway crying.  He looked at them as they pointed out the door.  He stepped outside and saw chaos!  Instantly he transformed and flew toward the fire.  He called Bai Xue and JinDe as he went.  "Xue!!  Come to the arena!!  The forest is on fire!!"  "JinDe!!  Come to the arena!!  The forest is on fire!!"  Bai Xue had seen the light from the fire and had got up to look out the door.  He heard his Fuqin and transformed as he jumped over the rail.  JinDe ran out his door onto his portico when his Fuqin called.  He too transformed.  Mo Yuan was flying back and forth blowing ice and water at the base of the fire.  They joined him.  It took them about thirty minutes to get the fire out.  They transformed in the arena totally breathless.  JinDe looked at his Fuqin and saw his face.  He was seething with anger.  "Fuqin!  What happened?"  "Two very naughty little dragons, that's what!  I just told the Dragon Wing this morning that they would not be taught how to breathe fire until after their high god trial.  So what do your errant didis do?  They set the forest on fire!  If you will excuse me, I'm about to get them!"  "Xue, I'm pretty sure Fuqin is about to block their powers.  They just destroyed the valley that Fuqin worked hard to repair after Jinlong crashed into it.  Should we intervene?"  "What and have him knock the scales off of my white butt?  No way am I getting in the middle of that!!  Come on, let's get tea, or better yet some of Zhe Yan's peach wine and go home!!"  They went to the hall.  Mo Yuan had two little dragons by the scruff of the neck taking them to their room.

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