He's So Fine

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     Ye Hua was now 70,000 years old.  He knew his life was so much different because his Da ge had cared enough to save him.  He had never returned to the nine heavens.  He knew that one day he would have to, but it was not today.  He looked at his life today.  He had been trained by the great War God himself.  Not only that, his JieJie, Bai Qian, had also taught him some fox magic.  His eyes softened when he thought of her.  She really was like his mother.  Every night after she brushed out Mo Yuan's hair, she would brush his.  Every night.  She would right now if he asked her too.  He just hoped he could find a love like his brother has.  He let out a soft sigh.  He had daily duties as Crown Prince, but he had always lived at Kunlun Mountain.  Today was no different until Jia Yun came in with his daily paperwork.  The scroll on top caught his attention right away.  It had HaoDe's seal on it.  He opened it and as he read, a look of anger, hatred and disgust came over his face.  He picked up the scroll and walked to the training ground where he knew his brother was training his twin sons, his nephews, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe.
     Mo Yuan saw the dark clouds on Ye Hua's face when he came around the corner.  Mo Yuan stopped the exercise and nodded.  "You boys continue practicing the sword dance your mother taught you.  I need to talk to your uncle just a minute."  In unison they answered, "yes Fuqin!"   Mo Yuan motioned Ye Hua over to the small pavilion.  "Want to tell me what that look is about?"   Ye Hua handed the scroll to Mo Yuan to read it.  When he finished it, he crunched it in his hand.  "So Didi, I think it's time we make a trip to the nine heavens again.  And this time, I truly hope you throw more than a cold air spell!"  "Da ge, I'm really sick and tired of all these arranged marriages and proposals all the time.  It's common knowledge that I barely, if ever, go to the nine heavens.  I hate it there.  If I could move the throne room here, I would in a heart beat!  You know I want to be able to choose my own mate!  Just like you and Jiejie!  When I was a scared little boy, you brought me here.  You have raised me and taught me with JieJie by your side.  I want the same kind of relationship!  Am I wrong for wanting that?" "No Didi, you are not.  I waited a long time for a woman to come into my life.  There will never be another woman for me.  I never like the idea of a harem to begin with.  You do what you feel is best for you.  Now let's plan a trip to the nine heavens.  This is going to be fun!"
     That night in their room, Mo Yuan told Bai Qian of their planned trip to see HaoDe.  "Ye Hua needs to make an appearance.  It's been some time since he's been there.  I think it's time he receives his official Crown Prince seal and put some people on notice.  Also, my love, I wish to carry Xue Xue and JinDe with me.  I want them to see the diplomatic side of politics.  I wish for them to take my mantle one day so they need to learn every aspect of it.  I wish for you to go too, but you don't have to.  Do you want too?"  Her eyes cast to the side and she put her arms around his neck.  "Actually, there is something I have to tell you, Mo Yuan, my dear."   He raised his eyebrows and looked into her soft eyes.  "Since your dragon decided he likes me so much and all, remember our last little tryst of fun at the hot springs about six months ago, hmmm?"  His dragon sprang forth in a second and growled a low hum of remembered pleasure and passion.  "Yes, I remember.  Can I have more?  Much...much...more?"  He kissed the side of her neck up to her ear.  His breath was hot and his hands were starting to heat up.  "Yes you can have more, you greedy dragon, after I tell you what I wanted to.  I'm pregnant again.  With twins!"  The golden eyes of his dragon got big as he stepped back and looked at her.  He swung her up into his arms and jumped her straight to the hot spring.  "My love, my heart is overflowing for you!  I'm the only dragon in the world so blessed!  Let me love you!  I promise to be tender."  He removed their clothes in a flash and was kissing her neck.
     Ye Hua knocked on his brother's door.  He learned a long time ago that he better knock first because he didn't want to interrupt anything.  That his brother loved his wife so deeply was a balm to his own spirit.  When they were together, Ye Hua knew it.  His brother's spirit soared and his love expanded like the stars in the sky.  The warm feeling in his own spirit always made him feel good.  One day, Ye Hua!  One day!  He knocked again but got no answer.  It had been a long time since he had pranked his brother.  Since he wasn't in his room, he knew right where they were!  He snickered to himself.  Yes indeed, he knew right where that naughty golden dragon was!  He walked along the path to the hot spring.  He hadn't interrupted his brother in a long time so he got as close as he dared.  He knew his brother could feel him, unless he got too absorbed, that is.  He was about to round the corner when Mo Yuan appeared right in front of him in all his naked aroused glory..golden eyes afire with passion...and a snarl on his lips.  "I'm busy, Ye Hua!  Go away!"  "How busy Da ge!"  (He almost snickered out loud.)  "If you don't leave now, I'll tie you down and show you my displeasure when I'm finished."  He raised a talon up by Ye Hua's jawline, lowered his face right into his brother's and growled.  Loudly.  Mo Yuan's dragon growled another threat that had him thinking he better retreat and quickly.  "Sorry!  It can wait!"  He turned to leave and felt the barrier go up.  "Horny ol Da ge!  When his dragon is loving his mate, you really don't want to mess with him!  Guess I'll just go get a piece of cake then!"
     Mo Yuan literally pounced back into the pool next to Bai Qian.  He softly moved his head up her body.  His dragon let out a "hmmmm" as he sniffed her.  He kissed her lips and smiled, "where were we, my love!"  She licked his bottom lip and up his jaw.  A low sensual growl came out of his throat as she kissed his ear lobe.  He rolled her to her back and lavished her with kisses.  His hands were playing her body like a quqin and the tune was heavenly.  Her passion rose so fast she was begging him.  He smirked and grabbed both breasts with his hands.  "Hmmm, nice, very nice!"  He took her right breast into his mouth.  "Hmmm, tasty....hmmmm."  He kissed down her stomach and attacked her petals like a starving man.  He flat tongue licked her from top to bottom.  Her juices were flowing and he coated his tongue with her nectar.   He moaned.  "Hmmmm, so good...hmmmm."  She was thrashing and digging her hands into his hair.  "Mo Yuan, I can't, please come here, now please!"  Her peak was so close she was banging her fists into the ground.  He rose above her in triumph and placed his shaft at her opening.  In one powerful thrust he entered her.  She herself set the pace.  It was fast and furious.  Mo Yuan knew he was going too fast but his desire and love for her let him ride her to the very stars.  When her peak started he was lost when she contracted around him.  The sheer power of his release kept her going until they were both spent.  His dragon felt the need to nurture and tend her.  He was licking the side of her face while he purred.  "My love, I was too forceful.  Please forgive me, but your loving drives me to another place where I am lost in you.  I love you, my tian de huli."  "Mo Yuan, I love you.  Are you happy about the twins?"  "Happy?!?  I'm ecstatic!  We have to tell the boys!  Which reminds me.  Ye Hua almost got himself hurt by me.  I can't help it!  You're mine and I can't stand interference when I'm loving you.  We need to go back so I can discuss this trip with those boys."  He clothed them and jumped to their bedroom.
     Ye Hua was sitting in the dining hall eating cake and drinking tea when Mo Yuan appeared.  He sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.  Ye Hua looked him over and decided he would let him speak first.  "Ye Hua, I apologize, but to be fair, you know my dragon is very possessive of Qian Qian.  He loves her very much.  I would suggest you don't interrupt him again.  I came very close to marring your face with my talon.  I don't want to do that.  Your very handsome and I want all the women in the nine heavens to be falling all over you.  It bothers me that you have no interaction with women except for Qian Qian.  She is more like a mother to you.  It's time you start dating a little.  Play the field.  Have you ever wondered why I was celibate until Qian Qian came along?"  "I have wondered about it, Da ge.  Why?"  "I played the field for a long time.  Women were always throwing themselves at me.  They will do you the same way.  I realized they didn't love me, they just wanted to say they had the War God.  The one who they heard could play their bodies like a quqin.  Not one really wanted just me, Mo Yuan, a simple man who is delighted in simple things, like a sunrise or the smell of peach blossoms.  That is until a little white nine tailed fox came into my life!  I've tried to teach you everything I know.  I have tried to love you so you never felt like you were neglected or unloved.  I've never talked to you about your love life though.  I thought you would come to me one day on your own.  Has that day come?"  "Yes, Da ge, it has.  I've been getting letters from this princess or that one since I turned 70,000 years old.  I've politely answered them but I've never asked for a meeting or anything.  I felt I really couldn't afford to reciprocate without meeting them in person.  I assume this trip to the nine heavens is almost a coming out for me, the reclusive Taizi Dianxia.  Am I correct?"  "In a way yes, I do want the world to see my handsome Didi!  Are you afraid?"  Ye Hua looked into his Da ge's eyes.   If there was one thing he knew for sure, this man truly loved him and it had shown for thousands of years.  "With you and my family by my side, what is there to fear?  Are we taking the twins with us?  What about JieJie?"  "Yes I'm taking them with me, but Qian Qian hasn't decided yet.  She's pregnant with twins again!"  Ye Hua's eyes grew big and he grinned!  "Da ge!  Twins!  This is fantastic!  Is that why your dragon was so horny earlier?"  Mo Yuan had just taken a sip of tea and managed to spit it straight out, nearly choking on it.  He looked straight into Ye Hua's eyes for a moment.  "You can feel me, in here, can't you?"  He touched his heart.  "I know I should have told you, Da ge, but I assumed you could feel me too.  Can you?"  "Yes I can.  When your lonely, sad, happy.  You have never sent other feelings my way but I have a big feeling that's about to change, isn't it?"  Ye Hua's face turned beet red as he looked down embarrassed.  "I see.  We will continue this talk after our trip.  Now I need to talk to the twins.  I expect them to be on their best behavior.  Especially JinDe.  You know how he is.  Bai Xue is always taking up for him.  I can't deny I'm proud of them.  You have also been a very good influence on them.  By the way, how are your duties as Taizi Dianxia coming?  Any trouble?"  "HaoDe seems more than happy to throw all of his paperwork off on me.  I'm taking care of it though.  Da ge, I'm pretty sure I may have to take the trial for the official seal this trip.  Do you support it?"  "Of course!  It's about time.  As much as I hate it, it's getting close to time for you to start alternating your time between Kunlun and the nine heavens.  I won't always be standing over you.  You're an independent young man and its time for you to spread your wings and fly.  You know who to trust and who not to.  Lian Song supports you.  Dijun supports you.  Many others will flock to you once you show them you're no pushover. I'll always be by your side, Ye Hua.  Always!  Now let me make arrangements for our trip."  They stood and looked at each other.  Mo Yuan stepped in first and hugged his brother tightly. 

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