Let Him Eat Cake

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     Mo Yuan and party left the nine heavens to return to Kunlun.  He didn't want to but he would take a look at the Bell of the East Emperor.  How could he possibly forget it?  That bell had caused him more trouble than he ever thought possible.  When he created it, he thought his father would be proud of his accomplishment.  It had been just the opposite.  He knew the moment Qing Cang had deployed it that it would require his soul.  He knew it as sure as his name was Mo Yuan.  What bothered him today was that very fact.  Was he going to have to sacrifice again?  Was this bell really his nemesis?  Could he ever be free of it?  He had made it.  Could it be destroyed?  He was going to find out one way or another.  He had to keep Qing Cang in that bell and he had to figure out a way to destroy it once and for all!  He had too much to loose.  Way too much. 
     "Da ge, is that the bell where you died?  Why did you die?  Will you have to die again?  Please say you won't!  You can't leave now!  What about JieJie and the babies?  What about Kunlun?"  He threw himself into his brothers legs.  "Didi, I can tell you I don't wish to sacrifice myself again.  I created that bell.  I'm going to figure out a way to destroy it without it.  Don't worry.  In fact, I'm going to give you a task when we get back home.  I want you to read every book you can find on that bell.  Together we can work it out.  Now let's go home!"
     Bai Qian was anxiously awaiting them in the hall.  "Just what took you two so long?  I've been worried!"  "We stopped by the Donghuang Bell.  I have a bad feeling about it.  I just wanted Ye Hua to see it too.  How are you feeling my dear?  Better?  I hope?". " I'm better.  In fact, I have an appointment with a certain dragon, if you know what I mean!"  "Oh really?  Well he will be right along!  Ye Hua has something to tell you!"  "JieJie, Da ge said if I broke Dijun's barrier I could have cake everyday for a month!  I broke it!"  "Really?  Well, I believe Chang Shan just made cake too!  He must have known!  How about you go get a piece!"  Ye Hua ran off to the kitchen in a hurry.   "Now, my dragon, come with me!"
     They walked to their bedroom and she sat on the bed.  Mo Yuan sat beside her and placed his hand over her stomach.  He passed a little energy to the babies and drew her into his arms for a kiss.  His eyes swirled into gold and a low growl came from his lips.  He grinned.  "You said you have an appointment with me, my love?"  He sniffed her hair and kissed her lips.  "Hmmmm, tastes like peach wine!"  "Mo Yuan, from now on when we make love, you must be more careful.  We can still have fun, but not so rough.  Can you behave yourself?"  "Yes, I can be very tender.  I knew we would have to be careful because of my sons.  I love you and them.  I don't want anything to happen to them.  You and our children mean too much to me!"  "Sons?  How do you know that?  I don't even know that yet!  Zhe Yan hasn't told us yet."  "I just know.  Trust me, I know.  While I was drunk on your love they spoke to me, so I know them.  Now how about some of that tender love we just talked about!"  "Not until you set Ye Hua on a task!  He has the most annoying way of interrupting our fun!"  "I have just the task for him too.  I'll be right back!"
      Mo Yuan went straight to the kitchens on a mission.  Ye Hua was sitting at a counter eating cake.  "I see Ye Hua told you about our little bet.  He can have cake once a day, not all day long!"  Chang Shan laughed.  "I had already been told by Ye Hua but I just wanted to hear it from you, Shifu!"  "When you finished your cake, Didi, I have a task for you.  I want you to..."  "Go to the library and read about the Donghuang Bell.  I'll get right on it!"  "Good boy!  Your JieJie and I are going for a walk now.  We'll be back later.  And don't come looking for us!!" 
     Mo Yuan returned to their room to find Qian Qian waiting patiently for him.  He pulled her up to himself and kissed her sweet lips.  " Hmmmm, I do love the taste of my little Fox's lips!  How about we go to our hot spring!"  He put his arm around her waist and jumped them to the spring.  He stripped them both with a thought.  He picked her up and carried her into the pool.  The waters were nice and hot.  He leaned down to smell her essence and totally lost himself.  His eyes turned gold and he shimmered gold in the water.  She looked at his eyes and licked his lips.  "You must not transform now.  I know you want to, but you must keep yourself gentle or you could hurt me or the children.  I know you would rather die than do that.  Can you keep your dragon present without transforming or does it hurt too much?"  "I can keep him here without pain.  In fact, he wants to feel the children.  Watch!"  She watched as his eyes turned to shining gold and his hand turned to a dragon talon.  He held her body and brought her to float on the water's surface.  Slowly his talon came to lay on her stomach.  He rubbed her little hump and she heard him purring and growling.  His purrs were so soft and gentle that she almost cried.  He withdrew his talon and looked her in her soft doe like eyes.  She saw a tear coming from his dragon eyes and it almost broke her.  All she had ever heard about the golden dragon was the extreme violence, the hunt and kill, the war nature, but here was a side she was not prepared for.  He loved, he protected and he wanted those things even more than the war nature.   She placed her hands on both sides of his face and spoke directly to his dragon.  "Mo Yuan, I love you.  Not only do I love you, but I dearly love this dragon.  He is precious to me.  Extremely precious.  He is the fire in my soul and you are the love in my heart."  She kissed his lips and opened his mouth with her tongue.  Her kiss was flowing with a passion she couldn't control and didn't want to.  He wrapped her legs around his body and brought his engorged shaft up to her opening.  He thrust upwards and planted himself firmly within her hot body.  Hmmmm, she was hot and her scent drove him wild.  It was not a scent of fear or even the hunt, but a scent he found totally intoxicating.  It was her love.  Pure, unadulterated, straight from the heart love.  It drove him wild.  His thrust were growing harder and his grunts and growls were getting louder.  He was getting out of control.  She kissed the side of his face and onto his ear where she whispered, "softer."  He slowed himself down and tried to calm his frenzy.  His thrusts softened and he became more tender.  He held her close as he thrust into her.  Their love making swirled the water and steam started to rise as his body heated and ran into his shaft.  She answered him by erupting her tails.  They were all over him caressing, loving, titillating.  Her peak was drawing closer and he knew it.  He couldn't help the speed as his body took over and brought him to a cliff he couldn't help but fall over.  When her tails caressed his sack, he threw back his head, grabbed her by her shoulders and roared his pleasure as her orgasm drained him dry of his dragon's essence.  Still holding her, he staggered to the pools edge and fell onto the ground with her on top of him.  His breath came in smalls grunts as his phallus was still twitching.  After several minutes, he finally withdrew and let out a dragon sigh.  He turned to look at her.  His eyes were still a bright gold.  His voice was deep and raspy when he spoke but his dragon just couldn't help himself.  "Qian Qian, I love you!  I need you to keep me in your heart!  I love you!"  The deep raspy voice was so tender.  She hugged him to herself and they were still laying there together some time later when Bai Qian heard Ye Hua calling them.
     She dressed them as she pulled them out of the water.  Mo Yuan's dragon hadn't left yet and he wasn't too pleased to be interrupted.  He was half tempted to tail swat his little brother.  When Ye Hua ran into the area where they were, he had cake on a plate and some cider to drink.  Bai Qian smiled as she saw him bringing the refreshments to them.   "More cake, Ye Hua?  I thought your Da ge said once a day!"  Before either one of them could continue, Mo Yuan grabbed the plate and devoured the cake in one big gulp.  He took the pitcher of cider and drained it too.  He sat back smacking his lips and smiled.  Ye Hua looked wide eyed at his plate and then his brother.  He never knew his brother to have so few manners.  In fact, he was always a picture of gentlemanly grace and decorum.  A loud burp followed.  Ye Hua looked his brother in his eyes.  How dare he eat my cake!  Not to be out done, he called forth his dragon, stuck his dragon tongue out at his brother, tail swatted him and took off to the skies.  "Why that little pip squeak!"  Mo Yuan was transformed and gone before Bai Qian could say a word. 
   Over the skies of Kunlun, a chase ensued.  A small juvenile black dragon with a huge gold one in pursuit.  The black one would stop, stick out his tongue and dart away.  The gold one could be heard laughing that sounded more like huffing.  Knowing the little black was getting tired, the gold one changed strategy.  He rose high into the clouds and cloaked himself.  Before too long, the black one was searching for the gold one.  Before he knew it, a gold tail snaked out of the air and grabbed him.  "Now I've got you!" he huffed.  Ye Hua squirmed but he couldn't get loose.  Sighing he gave up and Mo Yuan took them back to the hot spring where Bai Qian was laughing at them.  "So my naughty dragons, did you have fun!?"   They both transformed and fell on the ground laughing.  "Da ge ate all the cake!  It was fresh too!"  "Well, I wanted cake, too!"  "Well you didn't have to eat all of it!  Chang Shan sent that for all of us, you greedy old dragon!"  "You're just as old as I am, pipsqueak!  You just look younger."  "I'm not old!"  "Yes you are!  Now hush!  Did you go to the library like I asked you too?  Did you find anything worthwhile?"  Still sulking, but now having his mind put on a different subject other than cake, Ye Hua answered.  "I found a scroll written by Father that might interest you.  He said that a soul must be sacrificed to seal the bell.  That you already knew, but he also said that a soul sealed into the bell could be used to destroy it."  "Well how is it done?"  "Father said Mo Yuan would know when the time came for it."  "Father has done it to me again!  He punished me severely for creating that bell.  I guess it wasn't enough that I sacrificed my soul the first time!  I wrote some things in my journals about it.  I'll try to find them.  Tomorrow you and I will read them.  In the meantime, I'm famished!  Let's go eat!"

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