Dirty Tricks

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     At breakfast, Mo Yuan was taking stock of the facial expressions of everyone present.  He noticed that Qiang de Hei was there.  "Hei, I still want us to make a visit to your realm.  It will have to be in the summer though.  Qian Qian hates the cold."  "I could arrange it for you, if you wish it?"  "A very good idea.  You do that and let me know the final arrangements.  Liang Lei needs to see your realm and meet all of your family."  Hei bowed and agreed.  "Yes, I wish for her happiness above all else."  Baohu walked in and took his place beside his Fuqin.  He grinned.  Mo Yuan felt a pride that he couldn't explain.  He could actually entertain the idea of retiring.  His mind was running around on what he needed to show Baohu when Bai Qian walked in.  She was beautiful beyond words.  She smiled as she sat down near him.  "Qian Qian, what has you looking so beautiful this morning?"  "You, my love and my pride for a Xiao Jin Huli!  Baohu, mother is very proud of you.  I wish to show you some things later this afternoon, if you're free."  "I will be free right after lunch, Mother.  I have a session with Fuqin this morning."  "Oh, really?  Don't let him fool you!  He's full of tricks.  Dirty little tricks to catch you off guard.  Be warned!"  Mo Yuan laughed at her.  "So, would you like to see my tricks, my dear?  I'm sure you know some of them!"  "Mo Yuan, dear, I know many of your tricks but I have some of my own.  I'll be watching you two!"
     After lunch, Baohu was sitting on a bench in the arena waiting for his mother.  She came down the corridor from the hall looking beautiful as always.  Baohu stood and bowed.  His mother still never ceased to amaze him!  She stood before him and whispered in his ear.  "What I'm about to teach you is secret.  Come with me!"  She put her arm around his waist and cloud jumped them to the entrance.  She nodded at Taowu and jumped them to the peach tree woods.  "Baohu, I know you know the fox charm spell, but you don't know the one I cast on Jinlong the day he raped me.  I could have hurt him that day if I hadn't feared for the lives of Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  I'm going to show you how to make the spell incite violence among your enemies.  You and Jinzi actually used it when you were small against the demon army, but you didn't have the power you needed to incite the insanity.  That spell can make an entire army kill themselves from sheer desire to be with the one who cast it.  Understand?  It is a sexually charged spell that can cause great mayhem.  You must never use this spell unless you are sure you are about to die.  Don't ever cast it on Jinlong.  I can guarantee if you do, he will kill you, even though you are his son.  This shouldn't take long for you to learn.  Now pay attention!"  They worked for over an hour before he perfected it.  She taught him a few spells she had learned when she was a disciple too.  She sat down at the table by the Jade Pool.  She gave Baohu a bottle of Zhe Yan's wine.  "Here, you deserve a good drink.  Since I'm pregnant, your Fuqin would kill me if I drank any, so you enjoy.  All afternoon they sat, Baohu told his mother of his dreams for replacing his Fuqin so he could retire, and he drank, and drank, and drank. 
     Bai Qian was absolutely flabbergasted at the amount of liquor that Baohu had put down.  She counted over ten flasks and he was still drinking.  He was on flask twelve when Mo Yuan popped into the grove looking for them.  He took one look at them and grinned.  He sat down and Bai Qian handed him a flask.  "So what are my Hulis up too?  From the looks of it, it's no good!"  He sipped his wine and smiled.  "Qian Qian, you know you shouldn't be drinking!  You're not thinking!"  "Mo Yuan, dearest, I'll have you know that I have not touched one drop!  Your replacement over there has officially taken my title from me!  So there!"  Mo Yuan took another sip and counted the bottles.  Twelve!  A test was needed for sure!  He shot a beam of power and knocked Baohu backwards.  He stood up, dusted himself off and jumped behind his Fuqin so fast he was almost caught off guard.  Almost.  He managed to jump away.  He grinned at his wayward son!  "So, I see that drinking this much doesn't seem to effect you!  Let's say we have some more, shall we?"  Baohu sat down and cracked open flask thirteen.  He took a big swig and grinned at his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan did the same.  Flasks empty.  Flask fourteen.  Flask fifteen.  Mo Yuan stood up to bow and promptly passed out.  Baohu and Bai Qian looked at him laying prone on the ground and busted out laughing.  With one on each side, they jumped him back to Kunlun to the hot pool to soak off the toxins.  Baohu jumped into the pool with his linen underpants on.  He moved his Fuqin into the water with his magic.  He had him laying in the water when Jinzi came around the corner.  Jinzi took one look and nearly doubled over laughing.  He too, jumped in. 
     Mo Yuan woke up laying on the grass by the hot pool.  He put his hand over his eyes to block out the light.  Slowly he looked around to see where he was.  His head was killing him!  That Xiao Jin Huli had drank him right under the table!  He grinned.  Baohu was drinking tea and reading a scroll.  He looked up and grinned.  "Are you ok, Fuqin?  I brought you to the hot pool to soak out those alcohol toxins.  Seeing as how you passed out drunk!  I'm sure you didn't want anyone to see you other than Mother and I.  Only the hall was full of people so we had to take a slight detour.  Only Shushu saw you, I think.  I'm not sure!"  Mo Yuan was undone.  Very few people had ever seen him really passed out drunk.  He was embarrassed down to his toes.  Jinzi looked at him.  "Are you ill, Fuqin?  Your face is very red!"  It was all Jinzi could do not to bust out laughing.  "Laugh it up, my Hulis!  Very seldom do either of you get the best of me!  Very seldom."  He tried to rise, but it became clear that he was naked and he had no clothes.  He sat up to gain his bearings.  He waved his hand and clothed himself and stood up.  He staggered slightly.  Jinzi grabbed his arm.  "Can you make it to your room, Fuqin?  You're still rather shaky."  He looked Jinzi right in the eye.  "Maybe you should walk with me.  Just in case."  He started walking with Jinzi by his side.  He turned to Baohu and grinned.  "Baohu two.  Jinlong one."  Baohu laughed hard.  He decided to run with that thought. 
     Since Mo Yuan was thoroughly hung over, despite three bowls of sobering soup, the afternoon training session was cancelled.  That night, Bai Qian tried for all she was worth to get Jinlong to come out to play, but he just groaned, turned over and went to sleep to the sound of her tinkling laughter.  The next morning, breakfast was a somber affair.  Baohu sat by his Fuqin on the dais but didn't utter a word.  He excused himself after breakfast and went to the arena.  Mo Yuan went to the hot pool.  He bathed and came out refreshed.  Now for some training.  When he got to the arena, everyone was crowded around a big board that had been hung on the wall.  On the board was written in big, bold letters......BAOHU  2.       JINLONG  1.  Dark clouds passed over his face.  He took on a look of determination and decided he was going to get that little huli if was the last thing he did.  He walked out into the arena, looked around and transformed.  He laid down.  He groomed his talons.  He groomed his face.  He erupted his phallus and acted like he was looking it over.  He stood up, stretched and took to the skies.  He flew all around the whole mountain complex.  He saw the lake off in the distance.  He dove in, caught enough fish for dinner for everyone and brought them to the baskets outside the kitchen.  Chang Shan saw the fish hitting the baskets.  Grilled fish for dinner!!  He flew back to the arena.  He didn't wait long.  Baohu came out of the corridor grinning.  He was walking out to the middle of the arena when Jinlong froze him in a solid block of ice.  He tromped over to the board and changed the number...... BAOHU 2.       JINLONG 2.  He transformed and walked to his study to drink tea.
     Baohu needed help to get out of the ice.  "Jinzi, please bring Junjie to the arena with you!"  Jinzi and Junjie arrived to see Baohu thoroughly frozen in a big block of ice.  Junjie laughed out loud.  He transformed, swung his tail around and blasted the ice away.  When the ice broke, Junjie laid hot hands on him to warm him up.  "He got you, didn't he?"  "Look at that board over there!"  The two by Jinlong's name was obviously carved by a big talon.  Junjie laughed until he held his stomach.  "Baohu, I'm afraid you are on a path that will only get worse.  You and Fuqin are killing me!  This is developing into something better than a mortal world play!   I think I'll start watching this situation.  This is good, really good."  Mo Yuan was drinking his tea and reading his correspondence.  Ye Hua walked in.  "I hear that a Xiao Jin Huli drank a dragon under the table.  I hear said huli drank fifteen bottles of Zhe Yan's peach wine.  I hear said dragon had to be carried home after three.  It's just what I heard."  Mo Yuan took a sip of tea and answered him.  "Could be."  He kept reading.  "I hear bets are being made all over this mountain and the nine heavens.  Who will win, the dragon or the huli?"  Chang Shan brought Ye Hua his oolong tea.  He grinned and backed out the door.  Mo Yuan had his poker face on.  Ye Hua sipped his tea and sat in stony silence.  He really wanted to laugh, but he knew that dragon was touchy.  He finished his tea and rose to leave.  "I might just have to make a bet myself.  Hmmm.  I think I'll take the dragon for the next point.  That old dragon can't be beaten that easily!"  He heard the snort when he turned to leave.
     Bai Qian met Ye Hua in the hallway.  His conversation was short, but he invited her and Mo Yuan to eat dinner with them.  She said she would ask him.  She floated into his study on a cloud and sat down opposite him.  "How do you feel, dearest?"  His eyes spoke volumes.  The silent treatment was on.  "Ye Hua asked us to eat dinner with him tonight.  Should we accept?"  "I'd rather not."  "And why not, may I ask?"  "I don't feel like it.  I want a good soak in the hot pool and a massage.  Then early to bed.  I have work early in the morning."  "Mo Yuan I know good and well you don't have work!  That analytical mind of yours is trying to figure out a way to beat Baohu again.  I know you like a book.  You two have become the hottest topic in the whole realm since the demon wars!  I'll come to the hot pool when you're ready.  Just let me know.  Your ignoring your students too.  The Dragon Wing have nearly given up on their Shifu!  Shame on you!  I'll just send Ye Hua a message then."  She walked around his desk and kissed his lips.  She flipped out of the room like a butterfly.  Mo Yuan found her in their room reading when he was ready to go to the hot pool.  He was ready for a good soak since he still reeked of alcohol.  He was still trying to think of a way to get that darn pesky huli!!  He didn't want to hurt Baohu.  He knew he could, but he didn't want to.  This could just become a friendly little competition of sorts.  Off to the hot pool then.
     He stepped into the hot pool and started to relax.  Bai Qian joined him and rubbed his shoulders.  "Mmm mmm.  That feels good!  I admit I'm rather stiff.  Nobody rubs my shoulders like you do, Qian Qian!  That feels really nice."  She grinned to herself.  She worked his shoulders and slowly down his back.  Down his spine she worked her hands.  When she got to the base of his back she started up again.  Twice she massaged his spine.  On the third time down she went right down his spine right to those luscious hard butt cheeks.  He was so relaxed he was caught quite off guard when her hands started kneading the muscles in his buttocks.  Hmmmm, that felt so nice!  Down his legs she went.  She rolled him over to massage his arms when she was met with a nice big grin.  His phallus was nice and hard.  "Is there something you might want to do with that, Mo Yuan dear?"  He growled and raised his brows.  "Maybe.  What do you have in mind, sweetheart?"  "Oh, I don't know, maybe this?"  Before he could think, she pushed his legs apart, raised his knees and fell on him with a vengeance.  He hissed as his breath sucked in.  She was in no mood for mercy.  Jinlong had pretty much ignored her and she was about to make him pay.  Mercy!!  He WAS paying.  Big time!  The sheer feeling of it!  He was breathing hard and he was about to explode when she rose over him and impaled his shaft in one swift motion.  She banged him like a gong in the temple.  Her release came swift and hard.  When her walls grabbed him he arched his back and unloaded.  He was breathing hard.  She jumped off of him into the hot pool.  Watching him out of the corner of her eye, she bathed herself leisurely.  He was still laid out flat on the grass.  He rose slowly from the ground and joined her in the pool.  "Must you always use me like a dirty rag, Qian'er?  I feel like you get what you want and give no love or tenderness to me.  Am I just a toy for you to use and leave?  Don't you love me anymore?"  The heartbreak in his voice was almost her undoing.  She had set about to teach him a lesson.  "You know, love is a two way street.  I have felt the same way recently.  I think Baohu said it correctly when Taiyang and Zhenzhu were born.  I'm nothing but a brood mare for you and a milk cow for my children.  I'm used and abused.  I have felt no tender love from you for years.  If it wasn't for this dragon tear, I would go to the peach tree woods for a while.  You don't want me or need me anymore.  It's how I feel, Mo Yuan.  I feel you just don't need me anymore."  The stab of pain in his heart was almost more than he could bear.  "Qian'er, I can't explain to you how much you mean to me!  I couldn't live without you!  It's not just the dragon tear either.  I gave that to you out of my love for you.  I was trying so hard to come back to you from the chaos when Mother helped me.  I felt so guilty because I didn't tell you how I felt before I sacrificed myself."  He brought her close to him and put his head on top of hers.  "I should have just stayed dead, if I have to live without you.  In a way, I guess you're right.  We have been together a long time and I just take things for granted.  I do love you.  With all my heart I love you.  If you wish to leave me, then I can remove the tear, if that is what you want.  You're my mate, Qian'er, my one true love.  The only one I want by my side.  I'm sorry.  Please forgive me?"  He cupped her face with his hands and softly kissed her lips.  He broke the kiss and held her tight.  He put his head down on her shoulder and started sobbing.  "I'm just a cruel useless dragon!  *sob*  I want to love you like I have before!  What is wrong with me!!  What is wrong?"  "Jinlong, are you telling me that the spell I put on you before Taiyang and Zhenzhu were born has somehow taken away a part of you?  Maybe Jinzi could read your spirit alignment.  I do love you.  With all my heart I love you.  With every piece of fur on my fox do I love you!  Come, my love!  Let's go to our room now!"  "Transform for me, Qian'er.  Please?"  Without hesitation, she transformed and sat before him.  Her fur was pure white, soft and thick.  He nodded.  He transformed and put his head down to her.  He nudged her close into his body.  Slowly he coiled around her and made a spot for her to curl up to sleep.  She nodded and grinned a fox grin at him.  She turned in a circle a couple of times and settled right in the middle of his coils.  He let out a deep sigh and blew warm smoke over her body.  She licked him.  They both drifted off into a contented sleep.  The next morning Chang Shan had been concerned because their bed had not been slept in.  He told Die Feng.  Die Feng went and got Bai Xue.  Xue got JinDe.  Those two swept the mountain.  Not wanting to alarm anyone, they did their search in quiet.  They had searched everywhere except the hot pool.  Side by side they walked down the path to the hot pool.  The sight that met their eyes was so beautiful they almost cried.  Their Fuqin, in his dragon form, was curled up in a protective ball around their mother, in her glorious fox form.  JinDe almost sobbed when he saw them.  They both knew that their Fuqin had asked for her to transform.  He was aligning his spirit to hers.  They backed away and left them there.
     For three days they stayed there together.  They slept as their primal spirits realigned with each other.  That night they awoke, refreshed, aligned, heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit.  He licked her fur tenderly and nuzzled her with his snout.  She lay on her back and all of her tails were in motion.  Her little fox laugh made his heart soar!  He transformed and picked her up.  He hugged her close.  Her tails went around him to cuddle him.  She transformed into his arms.  They laid down on the grass and tenderly kissed.  Slowly, tenderly, they caressed and kissed like they were young immortals.  They spent that night loving each other.  Giving and taking, loving, sharing, bringing back their love to a place that they hadn't had for centuries.  Right before dawn he jumped them to their bed where they were cuddling when Zhenzhu barged in upon them.  "Fuqin, where have you been?  Zhenzhu has been looking for you!  Why you naked?  Are you sick?  Is Mother sick?  Huh?"  Mo Yuan opened one eye, grinned, used his power to send Zhenzhu to the dining hall and put up a barrier.  He never felt better in his life!  Yes, he was feeling quite good!  Hmm mmm.  He got up, dressed himself, covered Qian Qian, kissed her cheek and walked out a better dragon.  Yes, even Jinlong was feeling more like his old self.  He was humming a love song.  Yes indeed! 

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