Talk Is Cheap

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     Lui Lie stayed in the nine heavens.  It wasn't easy convincing her father, but he finally relented.  Ye Hua basically told him to expect his visit in three days.  Mo Yuan saw the handwriting on the wall.  The Southern Sea King's plans were turning to dust right before his eyes and he didn't like it.  He thought he could manipulate Ye Hua.  He was wrong.  Tianjun Ye Hua might be young, but he was no fool.  Mo Yuan was definitely no fool.  The closer the day came for Ye Hua and Mo Yuan to arrive, the more nervous the king became.  How was he going to explain the presence of the mermen to Ye Hua?  How was he going to explain Ye Hua to the mermen?  The mermen King wanted  Lui Lie for his son.  He had woven a fantastic mess and he couldn't get out of it. 
     Mo Yuan had security around Ye Hua so tight, a bee couldn't fly through.  For two days the Southern Sea King toured them around his realm.  For two days the boredom was incredible, but Mo Yuan had a feeling and his feelings were hardly ever wrong.  On the morning of day three, he sent Bai Xue and Mo JinDe to rock the mermen to their core.  They had shown up to disrupt the meeting between Ye Hua and the king to discuss the betrothal of Lui Lie and Ye Hua.  They had come to an agreement when the mermen king showed up with a counter offer.  Mo Yuan smirked.  "Now I have you", he thought.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were under their barriers speeding toward the palace grounds of the Mermen.  Right before they reached the area, they split.  JinDe circled the area for guards.  There were only five.  One by one he killed them.  They never saw him coming.  Bai Xue went from one hall to another looking for the wife and child of Lui Zhong Wang.  He found them imprisoned in the King's palace.  He would have to invade the dungeon.  He probed for guards.  About fifty.  He was about to go alone when JinDe came to join him.  They transformed and strengthened their invisibility barrier.  " JinDe, there are about fifty guards.  We must kill them and get in and out as fast as possible.  From now on, hand signals only."  "Be careful, Xue Xue!"  He nodded and they headed to the dungeon.  Their way was not blocked until they were close to the last block.  One by one they grabbed off the guards from the rear.  They had to fight the last twenty.  Back and forth their swords flew.  They both summoned the cold and ice was everywhere.  At last they broke the door and met Zhong Wang's wife and son.  "We are here to rescue you.  Zhong Wang is ok and waiting for you.  Don't be afraid.  Are you ready?"  She nodded.  JinDe picked up the boy and Bai Xue held the woman.  When they entered the water they placed their barriers and transformed.  They met no resistance.  They sped through the water at so great a speed that their passing was felt as a ripple of water.
     Mo Yuan and Ye Hua were both on their feet.  A note was brought to Mo Yuan.  He smiled.  His smile left fear running up the spine of the mermen king.  "Your time has come to an end.  Prepare yourselves for war is upon you!"  He nodded to Ye Hua and they cloud jumped their whole party out.  They went to the nine heavens.  The trip had been swift.  Incredibly swift.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were there waiting for them.  They both bowed to their father.  JinDe spoke first.  "Fuqin, I only killed five guards outside the palace.  There was a lack of security that concerns me.  Where are they?  What are they up to?"  Bai Xue offered his opinion.  "Fuqin, there were only fifty guards.  We killed them all.  I agree with JinDe.  Something is up.  I suggest we gather our army now.  Our time has run out!" Ye Hua agreed.  "Da ge, I agree.  We should march now."  Mo Yuan nodded.  "JinDe, gather your generals.  Have them ready to march by morning.  Bai Xue, I need intelligence now.  Get that information by morning."
     The next morning Bai Xue brought the information.  "Fuqin, it seems you and Shushu barely got out of there with your lives.  That army is right there.  They were ready to attack and take you prisoners.  We left the palace in shambles though.  Hopefully that helped you."  "That king is mistaken if he thinks we will take this sitting down.  Tomorrow morning we march."  Mo Yuan was standing in full battle armor next to Ye Hua.  Ye Hua's armor was black, his battle crown black, his dragon insignia on his left breast.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were behind them, each in the armor their father had given them.  A figure dressed in white came from behind them and stood beside their father.  It was Bai Qian, dressed in her Kunlun white armor, her Jade Purity Fan her only weapon.  Mo Yuan frowned at her, but said nothing.  She was magnificent when she was angry!  "May I ask where you left Baohu and Jinzi?"  "They are with Donghua Dijun.  He said don't worry."  When his eyes grew large, she smiled sweetly at him.  "My promise to you, my love, is this;  fox tails and dragon scales, our hot pool in Kunlun.  Just you and me."  Her lips grazed his.  His eyes glazed over gold and he growled.  "Promise made!  I expect to see you there!"  Ye Hua stepped up, raised his sword and signaled.  "To victory!"  They left the nine heavens and landed in the Southern Sea kingdom. 
     They had no time to react for the mermen were upon them.  Mo Yuan swept away mermen warriors left and right.  Ye Hua was surrounded but not for long.  He called lightning to his sword and swept them away.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe fought back to back.  The mermen king saw them.  Slowly he made his way toward them.  He smiled.  He would show that Mo Yuan.  He had just seen his own son fall to Xuan Yuan.  He would exact a little revenge!  He was upon the twins when Ye Hua saw him.  His soul slayer was coming down when Ye Hua screamed.  "Jinnnnddddeeeeee!"  JinDe turned and the sword cut across his armor from right to left.  Ye Hua raised Qing Ming and beheaded the mermen king.  Mo Yuan saw JinDe fall.  Bai Xue grabbed his heart and gasped.  He fell beside his brother.  Mo Yuan swung Xuan Yuan back and forth so hard that hundreds fell.  The celestial army swept through like a tidal wave and the entire mermen army was wiped out.  Bai Qian was running with her fan swinging it left and right.  Mo Yuan  reached JinDe's side.  He was unconscious but still alive.  "Bai Xue!  Bai Xue!  My son, are you ok?  Bai Xue!"  Bai Xue nodded.  "Fuqin, I'm ok but JinDe is gravely wounded.  Please go get Zhe Yan!  Please!  You cloud jump faster than any of us!  Please go get him!"  "Ye Hua, jump JinDe to his room in the nine heavens.  I will meet you there with Zhe Yan.  Qian Qian, take command.  Bai Xue, help your mother.  Ye Hua, when you get there, go get the twins.  Jinzi loves JinDe very much, but he has healing powers.  Go now!"  With that, he jumped so fast the sonic boom was heard by all.
     Zhe Yan was caught by surprise.  Mo Yuan was in his armor, blood of the enemy on him, small cuts on him.  He had travelled fast and it showed.  "Zhe Yan!  Please come with me to the nine heavens!  JinDe was cut by the soul slayer sword!  Please!"  He ran to Zhe Yan to jump him.  "Prepare, we're going fast!"  He jumped them to the nine heavens.  They arrived just as Ye Hua was bringing JinDe in.  They hurried into his room.  Mo Yuan threw off JinDe's armor.  He removed his under robes.  The cut was ugly but not as deep as first thought.  Ye Hua was about to go get Baohu and Jinzi when Donghua brought them in.  Ye Hua creased his brow.  How did they know?  Jinzi ran to JinDe.  He threw himself onto his brother with grief.  "JinDe, you no leave Jinzi!  Jinzi no want you to die!"  Before Zhe Yan could remove the little boy, a golden glow came from his little body.  His sobs were hard to hear as he talked.  "*sob*....JinDe....
*sob*........Fuqin.....*sob*  Zhe Yan also healed JinDe.  The cut needed tending.  Mo Yuan touched Jinzi.  " Come, Jinzi.  We need to clean that cut.  Stand here by JinDe's head to watch."  Baohu looked into Dijun's eyes.  "Is brother's soul broken?"  "Only Zhe Yan can tell."  "Zhe Yan!  Baohu want to know if brothers soul is broken!"  Zhe Yan looked at the boy staring at him so hard.  He nodded and performed the soul chasing magic.  JinDe's soul was struggling to stay together.  "His soul is struggling to stay together.  We have to cleanse that cut of the evil residue.  Mo Yuan!  I have two elixers in the hut.  They are in a blue bottle.  Get them."  Mo Yuan stood and jumped out of the room.  He was back in less than ten minutes.  He handed the bottle to Zhe Yan and fell against Ye Hua.  "I can't jump like that again today.  I'm exhausted." Baohu touched his father on his arm and passed him a little energy.  "Baohu need Fuqin to be strong.  Fuqin always strong."  Baohu hugged his father as hard as he could.  Mo Yuan sat down with his legs stretched out in front of him and took the boy up against his chest.  "Baohu, Fuqin will do his best.  I need you to help your brother, Jinzi.  He will become weak if he keeps passing energy to JinDe.  Give him your energy.  Fuqin will be fine." 
     Zhe Yan gave one elixer to JinDe.  He removed them all from the room except for Jinzi.  He would not leave.  He took a cloth and washed his brother's face.  He took out his hair piece and combed his hair.  Zhe Yan himself was moved to tears as he watched the little boy tend his beloved older brother.  The second elixer was given the next morning.  Still JinDe slept on.  Jinzi still took care of his brother.  On the third day, Bai Xue and Bai Qian returned from the battle field.  Lui Zhong Wang was prepared to take the throne.  Lui Lie's father was imprisoned and the mermen were destroyed.  Bai Xue came into his brother's room and fell on his knees beside his bed.  Jinzi was laying asleep with his arm across his brother's chest.  Bai Xue felt JinDe's pulse.  It was strong and steady.  He smiled.  His bond told him his brother would be ok.  Bai Qian came into JinDe's room and was surprised to see the little one there.  Mo Yuan was standing behind her with his arm around her waist.  "I believe he will be fine, but it will take time.  Jinzi has not left his side.  It breaks my heart to see his love for his older brother."  "Fuqin, I feel brother will recover.  I feel it here."  He touched his heart.  "The heart knows.  The heart knows."
     JinDe opened his eyes to see Jinzi washing his face very tenderly.  He turned his head.  Jinzi dropped his cloth and cried.  "Er ge!  You no leave Jinzi!  Jinzi knew you wouldn't leave me!"  Jinzi ran out the door calling.  "Fuqin!  Fuqin!  JinDe wake up!"  JinDe tried to rise but he was too weak.  Mo Yuan came running through the door.  "Not too fast, JinDe.  You have been asleep for four days.  You must go easy."  "What about the battle, Fuqin?  Did we win?"  "Yes, we won.  The mermen have been destroyed.  Lui Zhong Wang will take the throne.  We have made a friend there for life.  Lui Lie is free to marry Ye Hua now, so all is well.  You, my son, gave me quite a scare.  You can thank Ye Hua because he took that bastard's head off his shoulder and took possession of the soul slayer.  If he had hit you again, I would be laying you to rest in the Sea of Innocence.  I'll send for some food for you.  Zhe Yan has been here.  He and Jinzi, have tended you."  "Fuqin, I was in darkness.  I don't know where I was, but I heard the tears and sobs of a little boy.  I was trying to find him when I heard another little boy talking.  It was only his thought that came to me.  He told me I couldn't leave because the bond would break.  I asked him, " what bond?"  He said I would know in time.  Who was that?  Was it Baohu?"  Mo Yuan was perplexed.  He didn't know what bond there was either.  Unless it was his bond to Ye Hua.  He could always feel Ye Hua, but how could Jinzi and Baohu feel bonded to JinDe and Xue Xue?  He would have to ask Dijun what he knew.
     Jinzi came in with Baohu.  Behind them was Bai Xue, Ye Hua, Zhe Yan And Bai Qian carrying a tray of food.  Jinzi came to stand by his brother and took his hand.  "JinDe, feel better now?"  JinDe smiled and touched the boy's face.  "Yes, Xiao huli, I'm fine now."  Baohu came to stand next to Jinzi.  He looked straight into the eyes of JinDe.  "Er ge, you better?"  "Yes, Baohu, I'm going to be fine.  It may take a while.  Are you going to help me?"  Baohu nodded and took his hand.  "Let's move now so mother can give JinDe his food.  He needs it."  They stepped back so Mo Yuan could help JinDe sit up to eat.  "Take it easy, now.  You have plenty of time."  "Not if Shushu is about to get married!  I have to be in top shape!"  "Always thinking of the ladies!  Maybe a few of them would have pity on a fallen hero!"  "JinDe, you have no shame!"  Ye Hua laughed out loud.  JinDe grinned.  "Well I'll just have to recuperate if I want to be up to scratch!"

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