Be Still My Heart

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Baohu ran into his Shushu Ye Hua's study and ran up to Zhe Yan. He tugged on his sleeve. "Shushu Zhe Yan, something happened to Fuqin. Something is wrong in his spirit. My spirit is like Fuqin's spirit. My spirit says something happened to Fuqin. He burned down the pavilion in the flower valley. What happened? Why did his spirit change? He is a different person. It's like two souls and one is bad, very bad." Baohu had a thought. He stood back and he called Xuan Yuan to his hand. Ye Hua stared and waited. Minutes flew by. The door flew open and Mo Yuan strode through the door. He took Xuan Yuan and slapped Baohu across his face. "You brat! Don't ever call my sword again!" He turned and left. To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. Baohu held his cheek, fell over and cried. His father had never talked to him like that before. Ye Hua looked at Baohu and a slow anger begin to burn. He would get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing he ever did.
"Xue, did anything unusual happen the day you found Feng Jui? Can you recall anything?" Bai Xue ran the events through his mind that might seem out of the ordinary. "Only one thing comes to mind. Baohu found the Soul Jade. Fuqin took it and put it in his robe. I haven't seen it since." Zhe Yan looked off into the distance. "Who was the owner of the Soul Jade?" "That would have been Ghost Lord, Li Jing. Is it possible that when he died his soul went into that stone and he has somehow taken over Da ge?" Zhe Yan thought for a moment. "We have to somehow get that stone away from him. It's obvious now that when Mo Yuan was weak, he took over his spirit. There is more than likely a power struggle going on. We have to get that stone away from him, but how?" "We could say we need it for mother. Li Jing was in love with her. We could say we are going to try to realign her spirit or she will die. We could try." "I will go get it. Dijun has the soul binding lamp. We could say we need the two together to work correctly. If we use the lamp to draw Li Jing out of the stone, will it draw him out of Da ge?" Let's go ask Dijun. He could bring Da ge here, but we would have to trick him to do it. We must act quickly. I'm afraid the removal of the dragon tear was not the work of Da ge, but Li Jing. I'm afraid that is why JieJie's heart is still bleeding. Let's go see her and then talk to Dijun."
They were about to leave when Zhe Yan stopped them. "We have another big problem. Bai Feng Jui came home with a small child. That child belongs to Donghua Dijun. He doesn't know about it yet so don't mention it." They all walked out the door and across to Shangdi Zhanzheng. Bai Qian was in her fox form. Her once luxurious fur was matted and scraggly looking. A wound on her chest was bleeding fresh blood. Zhe Yan passed energy to her. "She can't stay like this much longer. She's very weak plus I have other news. I think she might be pregnant again. This will probably be her last baby. If she loses it, I'm not sure she would ever recover." They walked quickly to Taichen Palace to talk to Dijun. He was drinking tea in a very pensive mood. Zhe Yan sat down and motioned for everyone else to sit down. The silence drug on until Dijun looked straight at Zhe Yan and sighed. "Why didn't you tell me, Zhe Yan? I know that you knew. Why?" "I gave her my oath that I would not. What would you have me do? Right now we have a situation that must be resolved and soon. We have reason to believe that Mo Yuan has been taken over by the soul of Li Jing. He has the Soul Jade. We want you to go ask him for it. Tell him we need it to revive Bai Qian. Only you could get it from him. Once that is done, I will go with you to talk to Xiao Jui. It's only right for you to see your son. Or do you want to? She thinks you don't want her. If you don't, I suggest you leave her alone. If you really want to try then I suggest you learn how to formally court her. Now let's plan to get that Soul Jade." Baohu had been listening with great interest. He slowly backed out the door and left for Kunlun.
When Baohu got to the gate, he cloaked himself in a barrier. As he walked he probed around the mountain to find his father. He was in his room. He slowly but surely made his way there. He heard the conversations among the disciples about how weird Shifu was acting. They were all upset about the children being sent away. They couldn't understand what had happened. Die Feng and Chang Shan were debating on going to get Dijun and Ye Hua. Baohu crept up to his fathers door. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. He was crying. Now that Baohu knew that his father was being attacked by the Ghost Lord, he felt a wave of overwhelming sadness and he had to squelch the desire to run to him. He needed that Soul Jade. Softly he probed for it. The jade was not in that room. He backed away and went to his father's study. He probed around until he found it hidden on the shelf with his scrolls. He very carefully retrieved it and was about to leave when he heard voices. He ran to crouch by the door. It was Die Feng and Chang Shan. They stopped at the door for a moment but continued on. Baohu fled the study and ran as fast as he could to the gate. He cloud jumped to the nine heavens. Mo Yuan jerked his head up the minute Baohu left with the Jade. A snarl curled his lips. He ran to his study and found it gone. He started shaking his head and mumbling. He grabbed his head and sat down hard. A battle was taking place that no one knew anything about.
When Bai Qian had left the mountain, Jinlong had been injured severely. The dragon tear was his gift, therefore he suffered the most. Li Jing attacked Mo Yuan's soul while Jinlong was injured, therefore gaining access to his mind and soul. When Bai Qian returned, it was Li Jing who removed the tear to break the bond between them. It was Li Jing who drove the children away and it was Li Jing who was trying to destroy Mo Yuan's reputation. Mo Yuan was trying to gain control of his mind. The battle was fierce and Li Jing was on shaky ground. Mo Yuan was close to breaking through when the Soul Jade was taken. Sensing that the object that was causing him the most grief was gone, Mo Yuan took control. He had to get Li Jing out of his body if he wanted to salvage what was left of his life. He was desperate to see Bai Qian and he desperately needed to get Jinlong to wake up. He was tired . He went to his room and laid down. He was asleep quickly.
Baohu ran as fast as he could to Taichen Palace. Donghua Dijun was about to leave when Baohu came running in. "Baohu greets Donghua Dijun! I got the Soul Jade! I got it!" He reached into his robe and withdrew the stone. Donghua smiled and patted him on the head. "Come! We have work to do!" Dijun sent Si Ming to get Ye Hua, Mo JinDe and Bai Xue. He took Baohu and went to his study. He opened a cabinet and retrieved the soul gathering lamp. "I need something that belonged to Li Jing. Do you think you could go to the ghost realm and get something? Clothes, shoes, a weapon, anything that was his." I've never been there but I could try. I'm not afraid. Anything to bring back my Fuqin that loves us and mother. Anything." He rose, bowed and was about to leave when Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe came in. Seeing Baohu there, they all looked at him with concern. Dijun enlightened them. "While we were dawdling, this young man took matters into his own hands. He has retrieved the Soul Jade. I have the lamp here. I need something from Li Jing to light the lamp and bring his soul here. Any volunteers?" Baohu spoke before they could speak. "Er ge! You and I could go. I could cast the barrier and we could sneak into his palace and get something. We can do it. I have my dagger Fuqin gave me! Please Er ge! Please!" Mo JinDe hugged Baohu and smiled. "Ok. You and I! We will be back as quick as possible."
Mo JinDe was surprised to say the least. The land was unguarded and the palace was in shambles. They searched for a long time before they found Li Jing's quarters. It was in shambles. Someone had been looking for that Soul Jade. JinDe picked up a discarded robe and was about to take it when he heard voices. "He motioned for Baohu to come close to him and he cast an invisibility barrier over Baohu's. " I told you I have already searched Li Jing's room for that Soul Jade. It's not here. He must have had it with him when he was killed. We will go search there." They turned and left. JinDe picked up the robe and he and Baohu left quickly. They were met at the door of Taichen Palace by Si Ming. Baohu was holding JinDe's hand when they came in. "We got this robe. Two men came to his rooms while we were there. I think they were Ghost tribe but it was hard to tell since we were behind a barrier. They were looking for the Soul Jade. Something fishy is going on, but I don't know what." Dijun took the robe and lit it on fire over the soul gathering lamp. It burned a purplish black color. Instantly the Soul Jade started trembling and smoke appeared over it. "I'll be here for three days. The lamp will gather the soul pieces that are now within Mo Yuan. Rest assured he is fighting the battle of his life. The words he has spoken and the emotions put forth must be reversed." Bai Xue hung his head as replayed the scene over in his mind. He wiped a tear from his face and looked at Dijun. "I can tell you, somehow I knew that wasn't my father speaking, but it hurt badly, none the less. I hope mother never finds out what he said."
Jinzi had been sitting with his mother. She was still in a coma, but she had started whining. Jinzi shot energy to her and covered her. He called Baohu. "Baohu! Tell Shushu Zhe Yan to come here please!" Baohu walked over to Zhe Yan and tugged his sleeve. "Shushu, Jinzi says he needs you!" Zhe Yan left quickly with Baohu and Ye Hua. He entered the hall and saw Jinzi passing energy to his mother. "I'll take over now. He scanned her to see her condition. "Why is she whining, Shushu? What's wrong?" "It's the whine a fox makes when they are parted from their mate. Because the dragon tear was removed by Mo Yuan, even if he was Li Jing, it has caused her great heartbreak. Even unconscious, she knows she is parted from her dragon. I have the tear, but only Mo Yuan can repair it. I hope he can win this battle and soon. I'm positive his dragon is suffering too. Let's just hope the lamp draws Li Jing's spirit out of Mo Yuan and he will come to her. If he doesn't, you're going to lose your mother. I can't cure heartbreak." "Why is the wound still bleeding?" "It's the same spot where she stabbed herself to feed Mo Yuan her heart blood to keep him in pristine condition. She was willing to sacrifice her life to help bring him back after he died." "If only Zufu Fuxi could help Fuqin. He would be ok. I know he would!" Jinzi turned and ran out of the room. Baohu followed him.
Jinzi ran into the garden and sat down at the table. He laid his head on his arms. Baohu walked up to him. "San ge, we must go help Fuqin fight off Li Jing. He needs us. Let's go!" Jinzi thought for a moment and stood up. "Let's go then. Fuqin needs us!" They left heading straight to Kunlun. Mo Yuan was still on his bed. His headache was terrible but he could feel Li Jing weakening. Someone knew he was there. He was about to rise from his bed, when Jinzi and Baohu appeared by his bedside. He had never been so glad to see those two Xiao hulis in all his life. Baohu sat down and held his father's hand. He spoke to his mind. "Fuqin, we have come to take you to mother. She is dying and she has not awakened since you threw us out of Kunlun. I know now that it wasn't you. I know it was Li Jing who took over your mind. While you were possessed by him, you removed the dragon tear and broke it. Mother's heart is bleeding and it won't stop. Please Fuqin, tell me you are in your mind again! Please let me help you." Mo Yuan opened his eyes and looked straight into Baohu's eyes. "Baohu, help me. Get me to your mother. Take me there! I must repair the tear and put it back. If I don't do it soon, she will die and my dragon will perish. Help me!" Jinzi shot energy to his father. He rose from his bed and they carried him out. Die Feng saw them but he decided to let them go. He knew only good could come from it.
Jinzi and Baohu were dragging their father through the entrance to his palace when Xue and JinDe saw them. They ran forward and took him from them. They took him straight to their mother's hall. Mo Yuan was weak but he was conscious. Zhe Yan had them lay him on the bed. "Mo Yuan, can you hear me?" "Yes, I am weak but I can hear you." "Xiao Wu is very sick because the dragon tear was removed. It's broken. You must repair it. Are you able to do this?" "Yes. Give it to me." Zhe Yan handed the pieces to him. He placed the pieces in the palm of his hand and placed his hand over them. Slowly a glow emanated from his hand. After several minutes he stopped and handed the tear to Zhe Yan. "Place it over her heart where the wound is and let it absorb back into her heart. I need dragon elixer. For now, please let me rest beside her." He closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Zhe Yan kept watch over them. After the tear was absorbed, Bai Qian started to recover. She stopped whining and she snuggled close to Mo Yuan. She transformed and was laying on his shoulder with her arm across his chest. His dragon responded. He was purring in his sleep. Zhe Yan noticed that their bond was strengthening. Their color returned. He smiled. They had managed to save them.
Bai Xue looked at his brothers. Instead of fear, he was met with two stares of stubborness. "Da ge! Please don't lecture us. We did what had to be done!" "Yes, my Xiao Jin Hulis, that is exactly what you have done! Let's go tell Shushu Ye Hua what you did." Ye Hua was pacing in his study. He could feel Mo Yuan in his spirit. He had felt the darkness, but now it felt different. He looked at the portrait of his mother. "Mother, we need you!" Bai Xue and Baohu and Jinzi came in. "Shushu, it seems our Xiao jin hulis have come to the rescue. They brought Fuqin to mother. He repaired the dragon tear. They are both sleeping now. I think they are going to be ok." "Let's go check with Dijun then." They went to Taichen Palace. Si Ming met them at the door. "There is still a few hours left before the lamp has finished its job. Dijun asked not to be disturbed until then. May I help you Tianjun?" "No, I just got word that Mo Yuan is resting in his palace. He seems to have overcome Li Jing at this point. Please inform me when Dijun has finished with the lamp." "I will tell him." Bai Xue turned to Ye Hua. "Shushu I must go check on my boys and the younger children. This whole week has traumatized them. I'm thinking I might move them back to Kunlun. I'll talk to them and see." Ye Hua was troubled still but he only nodded and watched Xue as he left.
Xue stopped by to check on the children first. Junjie was entertaining his sisters with his tales of their stay at the hut. "Tell them how brave you were, Junjie! You should have seen him! He flew through the air, landed on the demons back, grabbed him and cut his throat with his dagger!" As he told the story, he was making gestures with his hands to show them. Chen Bo was wide eyed. "Didi, were you scared? Was Fuqin magnificent? Tell us!" Junjie jumped up to tell his story. "You should have seen Fuqin! He swung Xuan Yuan and demons went flying! He killed a whole troop by himself! He was strong! Wasn't he, Da ge!" "Yes, he was! He's the strongest ever! I hope he recovers soon so we can all go get in the hot pool and swim. Don't you?" A chorus of little voices was heard as Mo Yuan came walking in. Junjie saw him first and jumped up to run to him. Bai Xue turned and saw the most wonderful thing he had ever seen in his life. Mo Yuan surrounded by his younger children and loving them. Xue hung his head and cried. He thought he would never see that loving man again.

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