You Can't Force It

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     Jinzi came quickly and was taken to the infirmary.  Mo Yuan met him.  "Jinzi, Jingsi cast her charm spell on Zi Lan.  I made her release him.  Bai Zhen took him to the mortal realm for relief but for some reason it didn't work.  He has told me he must leave Kunlun or be killed.  Can we help him?"  "Fuqin, I will try.  Let me read her spell!"  He scanned him for the spell.  It was released.  He scanned deeper.  He made a face of anger.  "Fuqin, Jingsi did release her charm spell, but she put some sort of tag on Zi Lan's heart.  He is suffering from a love sickness.  I can't remove it yet until I talk to Jingsi."  "Alright, come with me then.  As soon as this is ironed out, her powers will be blocked indefinitely."  They went to their room to find Jiaxiao trying to wake her.  "Jiaxiao!  Go to your mother for now!  Fuqin will tend to Jingsi.  Go on!"  She looked at him and anger came over her face.  "Jiaxiao, wipe that anger off your face right now!  If you girls continue down this road, I will put both of you to sleep and place you in the sea of innocence.  I mean it!!  Now go to your mother!!"  She ran in fear straight to her mother's arms.  "Jinzi, I don't know what Jingsi will do when I wake her, so be prepared.  She may kill me, I don't know.  Be ready!"  He worked his spell to wake her and waited.  Her eyes opened and turned white.  Mo Yuan threw up his barrier and waited.  "Jingsi, Zi Lan is going to die.  Whatever tag you threw on his heart must be removed now or he will die.  It's your choice.  He lives or dies by your word.  Make up your mind quickly because I am out of patience.  I will give you five seconds to decide.  Starting now.  One, two, three, four, five.  Jinzi, put her into the deepest dream sleep that Zhe Yan taught you.  She will be taken away.  Now."  Jinzi started moving his hands as tears ran down his face.  Jingsi begged.  "Fuqin, please!  Fuqin, please!  I won't ever see you again!  Fuqin, please!"  "Jingsi, release that spell on Zi Lan now or else."  Her eyes turned white and she roared.  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he roared over her.  She worked her hands to remove the spell.  She did it three times.  On the last time, she transformed and tried to blow fire at her Fuqin.  He threw up a barrier, but he worked a spell that made it appear he was gravely injured.  He spoke into Jinzi's mind.  "I'm not hurt.  Just make her think I'm dying.  Do it!"  He fell down like he was dead.  "Jingsi!  Look what you did!"  He knelt beside Mo Yuan and held him close.  "You have killed Fuqin!  You killed him!!"  "Jinzi, I'm going to fade away like I died.  I will make the bell ring.  She needs to know real fear.  I will be in Yanhua cave.  Just tell your mother, ok?"  He slowly faded and had the bell start tolling. 
     Jingsi watched in horror as her Fuqin disappeared before her eyes.  Jinzi played his part to the hilt and fell down clutching his chest.  The bell tolling stopped everyone on the mountain.  Ye Hua appeared, his face distorted with grief.  He looked at Jinzi in horror.  "Where is Da ge, Jinzi?"  He looked Ye Hua in the eye and winked.  Ye Hua, understanding the seriousness of the situation, played along.  "Shushu!  Jingsi killed Fuqin!  She killed him!!"  "Mo Jingsi Yuehai, you are under arrest for the murder of High God Mo Yuan, your Fuqin.  What other crime has she committed?"  "Shushu, her crimes are many.  I will leave her now.  She murdered my Fuqin!"  Jinzi walked out the door, but as he did, he threw his spell to block her powers.  He was met outside the door by his whole family.  He motioned for them all to follow him to his mother's room.  Bai Qian was about to run out in a panic.  Jiaxiao was holding her skirt with a grip like a gorilla.  Seeing her with her mother Jinzi turned to Xue.  "Da ge, Fuqin is not dead but he is trying to teach Jingsi a lesson.  She tried to blow fire on him.  I blocked her powers.  Shushu needs to be told the whole truth.  He's about to arrest her for murder of a high god."  Xue nodded.  "Mother!  Please go lay down.  Give Jiaxiao to me!  Jinzi, put mother to sleep!"  He took her to her room and threw his strongest sleep spell on her. 
     Bai Xue walked into the girls room and stared down Jingsi.  "Shushu, what has happened?"  "Jingsi killed Da ge!  I'm placing her under arrest.  She will be tried and possibly die from her punishment.  To kill a high god, especially one as highly esteemed as Da ge, is the death penalty."  "Jingsi, why?  Why did you do it?  Why?  Da ge can't protect you now.  You must suffer for what you have done.  What did you do?"  She was wringing her hands and crying.  "Da ge, me cast charm spell on Zi Lan!  Fuqin got very mad.  He made me release my spell.  He blocked my powers and made me sleep.  Me get mad and blow fire!  Fuqin die!  Da ge, I not want it!  I not want it!  Please Da ge!  Me love Zi Lan so me wanted him to love me.  Me need to die now.  Kill me Da ge.  Send me to Sea of innocence.  Me wish it.  Me wish it!"  She cried on his shoulder.  "Did you release Zi Lan?"  "Uh huh.  Me release him.  Me real sorry.  Mother will die too.  Me no have anybody!  Me no have anybody!"  He held her tight.  "Jingsi, if you wish it, Shushu can put you to sleep for a while.  We can try to soul search for Fuqin or get Zufu to bring him back.  Are you really sorry or are you just trying to get your way?"  She was crying so hard she couldn't speak.  "Let Shushu go talk to Zufu before you have to be arrested for your crimes.  Sleep now!"  Ye Hua put her to sleep.  They stepped out of the room and closed the door.  They went to Mo Yuan's office and Ye Hua threw up a silence barrier.  "Shushu, Jinzi told me everything.  Fuqin pretended to die to scare Jingsi.  I say we talk to zufu and get him to help us.  She needs to learn control over her temper.  She's just like Jinlong.  What do you think?"  "Call Baohu to you!"  Xue called and he was there before they could blink.  "Baohu, please go to Yanhua cave and check on Fuqin.  Take mother with you.  They don't need to be separated right now."  "What about Jiaxiao?  She's very upset."  "Take her to Meili and my girls.  Those babies may calm her spirit.  She is very calm whereas Jingsi has a hot streak just like Jinlong."  "Alright, I'll take her now and come back to get mother.  You need to explain to the rest of us just what is going on.  I hope Jingsi will learn from this."
     Baohu returned, picked up his mother and jumped straight to Yanhua cave.  His Fuqin was looking rather pale when he walked in.  He told him what they planned to do and why Jingsi cast her spell.  "Did you say that Jingsi said she loves Zi Lan?  How could she even get that thought in her mind?  Tell Didi to explain everything to Fuqin.  He will help us.  All I can say is that karma has come around because my hot temper just caught up with me.  Hurry now!  I will release the spell on your mother."  He returned to find them all grieving for their Fuqin.  "Shushu, Fuqin said go talk to Zufu to help us rectify the situation.  He said for you to let him know what he says."  "Very well.  I'll go now."  Ye Hua jumped to the bench and waited for his Fuqin to come.  Fuxi came and sat down.  He laughed so hard he cried.  "So now he has to face one who has a temper like his.  I can help.  We will fool the Xiao Bailong.  She thinks she has murdered her Fuqin, am I correct?"  "Yes, I'm afraid so."  "This is what we will do.  Bring her here with you.  I will berate her and then I will pretend to bring Mo Yuan back.  You can communicate with him.  When I tell you, you tell him to materialize here.  She will think I brought him back.  That will work.  Now go get her and make sure that darn dragon isn't mating...."  Ye Hua jumped back to the entrance of Yanhua cave.  He was almost afraid to enter but he shrugged and walked in.  They were sitting together on the fur bed where he had lain for 20,000 years.  "Da ge.  I talked to Fuqin.  He has a plan."  Ye Hua told him he would call him when Fuxi gave him the signal.  "Fuqin laughed because he said Jingsi is your match in temper.  Karma, if you will.  Well I'll go get Jingsi now.  When I call, you come."  Ye Hua walked to Jingsi's room.  "Jingsi, I have talked to Fuqin and he says he can get your Fuqin back.  Do you wish it?"  "Shushu, I wish it!  I wish it!!"  He picked her up and jumped to the bench.  Fuxi stood in front of her with his hands behind his back just like Mo Yuan.  "So my errant Xiao Bailong, your temper got the best of you and you killed your Fuqin.  I should take you over my knee and teach you a good lesson.  You must get that temper under control or you will live to regret it.  Don't you know just how much your Fuqin loves you?  He was old when your Da ge and Er ge were born.  You could be without him.  Do you wish it?"  "Zufu, Jingsi been bad!  I didn't mean to hurt Fuqin!  I can't live!  Fuqin die, I die!  Jingsi suffer punishment."  Fuxi took her from Ye Hua.  He sat down, turned her over his knee and swatted her twice.  He handed her back to Ye Hua.  "Now I will attempt to bring him back.  He nodded to Ye Hua who messaged Mo Yuan.  He worked his hands and made a glow appear on the ground.  Mo Yuan appeared there.  He opened his eyes and looked at his hands.  "I'm back!"  He appeared to cry.  He sniffed and winked at his Fuqin.  "Jingsi killed me, Fuqin!"  "Yes I know.  I punished her.  Her temper is a lot like yours, my son.  Help her get it under control.  Take her and go rest now."  He left them there.  Ye Hua was holding Jingsi in his arms.  Mo Yuan stood up and looked at her with sad eyes.  She started crying and buried her head on Ye Hua's shoulder.  "Jingsi, don't you want your Fuqin?"  "Me killed Fuqin, Shushu, take me for punishment now."  "Jingsi, you could die.  Do you wish it?  Shushu thinks you have suffered enough."  "Will Fuqin still love me?"  "Why don't you ask him?"  She took a peek at her Fuqin and cried.  She held out her hand and made a motion for him to come.  "Fuqin, me sorry!  Me sorry!  Me wants you!"  Mo Yuan took her into his arms.  His eyes turned gold and he rumbled a loud purr to her.  "My baby, Fuqin loves you!  You're ok now!  I'm ok now!  Fuqin loves you!"  He touched Ye Hua and jumped them to the hall where everyone was waiting.
     Zi Lan woke up with a terrible headache.  He sat up on his bed.  He didn't remember getting there.  Die Feng was sitting by his bed.  "So, Zi Lan, how does it feel to be charmed?"  "Terrible!  Did that sweet little baby girl throw a charm spell like that?"  "Yes, she did!  Now rest for today.  We will need to make sure the spell is removed tomorrow.  I will report to Shifu that you are better."  Die Feng walked into the hall to see Mo Yuan there holding the little culprit of mischief.  He smiled to himself.  Who would have known that Shifu would have so many children?  He bowed before him.  "Shifu, Zi Lan is resting now.  We're not sure that spell is totally gone yet.  He seems to be ok."  "Jingsi removed her spells but I will have Jinzi check him tomorrow.  Let him rest today and if he won't rest, have Chang Shan make him a heavy sleeping potion."  "I'll do it right now."  He bowed and left.  Jingsi was still in his arms but she was showing signs of being very tired.  He stood up and cuddled her to himself.  "Are you sleepy, Jingsi?"  "Hmmm, me wants to sleep.  Where Jiaxiao?"  She is with Meili.  I will get her.  Let me take you to your room."  He laid her down and covered her up.  He kissed her cheek.  "Sleep now.  Fuqin will be here when you wake."  He was about to go get Jiaxiao when Xue came walking in with her.  She went straight to Mo Yuan.  "Fuqin, I sleepy too.  You tuck me in?"  He laid her down and covered her.  "Sleep now."  He kissed her cheek and turned to Xue.  "Let's give them a rest now.  I will explain to everyone what happened."  He walked to the hall to explain the lesson that was taught to a very hot tempered Xiao Bailong.
     The girls slept for an hour and woke up quite famished.  Their mother was sitting there waiting for them to wake.  Jingsi looked around.  "Where Fuqin?"  "He's resting.  Your little display took a lot out of him.  He needs to regain his power.  Understand?"  She started crying.  "Mother, me killed Fuqin!  Because of me, Fuqin will die early!  Mother, me wants to go to Sea of Innocence.  Just put me to sleep!"  "Jingsi, stop your nonsense!  Fuqin was tired.  Now Mother wants you to learn to be a sweet gracious little girl!  Who will help me with the boys?  Hmmm?  Now come, let's go to the playroom."  She stood and waited for them to join her.  They both took a hand and followed her there.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were there teaching.  Jiaxiao fell right into learning, but Jingsi held her doll and spoke not a word.  While no one was watching, she cloaked herself and went in search of her Fuqin.  He was in his room taking a nap.  Slowly she crept up to the bed to watch him.  Seeing that he was asleep, she climbed up on the bed and laid beside him.  She laid on his shoulder and held her doll close.  In minutes, she too was asleep.  Bai Qian, realizing that Jingsi was missing, went in search of her.  She found her wrapped up with her Fuqin snoring away.  A tender smile crossed her face.  Her dragon was a loving and kind one when it came to his children!  She was about to leave when he opened one eye and looked at her.  He smiled and looked to see Jingsi on his shoulder.  He held her tight and kissed her cheek.  "Jingsi!  Jingsi!  Fuqin needs to rise!  She opened one eye to look at him.  "Me no want to leave Fuqin right now."  "Fuqin needs to get up.  I will carry you with me.  How about that?"  "Hmmm, ok."  She sat up and waited for him to get dressed.  He reached to pick her up.  "Fuqin, you won't die now, will you?"  "I feel fine, Jingsi.  I just had a very hard day.  I'm hungry, what about you?"  "Me hungry too.  What to eat big elephant."  "That hungry, hmmm?  Well let's go see if Chang Shan has something good for us to eat.  Maybe get some fish?  Would you like Fuqin to take you to catch fish?"  "Go to big lake and swim?"  "Yes.  Just us!"  She looked at her mother waiting for them.  "Dearest, Jingsi and I are going to catch fish for dinner.  We will be back shortly."  He nodded and jumped them to the lake.
     He landed on the bank of the lake and sat her down.  "Shift to your dragon and follow Fuqin!  Ready?"  "My dolly get wet."  "Leave her here on the shore and we will get her when we finish, ok?"  She laid her down and shifted.  Mo Yuan shifted and dove into the water.  Only his head was above water as he waited.  She dove in and came up spitting water.  He spoke into her mind.  "Learn to close off your nose when you go under.  That way you can stay underwater a long time.  Come with me."  He sank under the water and waited.  After several tries she swam around him and grinned.  "Very good!  Now let's find those fish!"  He swam slow to let her be by his side.  There were fish up ahead.  When she saw them she took off like a rocket and caught one.  She ate it.  Jinlong was not pleased.  "You're supposed to catch fish for dinner, not eat them raw.  Watch Fuqin!"  He swam into a school of large carp and caught several in his talons.  He motioned for her to do the same.  She caught one in each talon.  She followed him to the bank with her catch.  They dropped the fish and transformed back to human.  He waved his hand and sent the fish to the baskets by the kitchen at Kunlun.  "Fuqin, me want to eat raw fish.  Me liked it."  "We absolutely do not eat our fish raw, Jingsi.  Fuqin will not allow it."  "Me hungry, Fuqin!"  He crossed his arms over his chest and stared her down.  "Ok.  Me no eat raw fish.  Can we go get tea and snack?"  "Yes, we can.  Come let Fuqin carry you.  Don't forget your doll!"  She jumped to his arms and called her doll to her.  They jumped to the hall to join everyone for snacks.
     At dinner, Zi Lan came in looking a little worse for wear.  When Jingsi saw him, she jumped to him before Mo Yuan could stop her.  She sat beside him and watched him closely.  Fear was in his eyes for a moment.  She patted his arm and apologized.  "Zi Lan, Jingsi sorry me hurt you.  Jingsi thought me love you, but you too old for me.  Me like you as friend, ok?"  "Ok, but don't cast that spell on people.  If someone loves you, it will be fate that brings them, not a spell.  Understand?"  "Me understand!"  She went to sit on her Fuqin's knee and grinned at him.  He raised his brow at her and waited for her explanation.  "Fuqin, me 'pologize to Zi Lan.  Him too old for me.  We just be friends."  "Fuqin is proud of you, Jingsi.  Very proud!  How about some fish?"  He fed her a bite.  She went to sit by Jiaxiao and they both tried to learn to eat with their chopsticks.  Jingsi ate a whole fish by herself.  Mo Yuan watched her and made himself a mental note to have Jinzi check her over.  She ate more than the average dragon.  A lot more.  She even crunched bones.  He ate his fish as he pondered the situation.  What would make her eat like she was a full grown dragon?  Not human, but dragon.  They finished dinner and he started his ritual of tucking everybody in for the night.  Jiaxiao yawned as he tucked her in while her mother read a story.  He kissed her cheek.  "Sweet dreams, Jiaxiao, my Xiao Bailong."  He tucked Jingsi in and kissed her cheek.  "Sweet dreams, my Xiao Bailong."  "Fuqin?"  "Hmmm?"  "Me want see your dragin."  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he looked her in the eye.  "I'm here.  What do you wish, Jingsi?"  "Fuqin, do you love me?"  "Very much!"  "What if I bad?"  "Fuqin still loves you, even though you might think I don't.  Like when you killed me.  Fuqin was mad that you would do such a thing, but I was sad, because I thought you loved me too."  "Fuqin, me do love you!  Just got real mad.  Me sorry."  He kissed her cheek again.  "Quiet now!  Fuqin will come get you and Jiaxiao to help feed the triplets, ok?"  "Ok.  Me sleep now."  He patted her back and waited for Bai Qian to rise.  He waved his hand and put out the candles in their room. 
     In the early morning hours, Mo Yuan was awakened by growling.  Dragon growling.  He got up, put on his clothes and stepped out into the hall.  He put barriers on every door.  He stepped to Baohu's door and softly knocked.  Baohu came to the door.  He was about to speak when Mo Yuan put his finger to his lips.  He hand signaled for Baohu to follow.  Baohu clothed himself and followed his Fuqin.  They followed the growling sounds and went toward the kitchen.  Mo Yuan stepped through the door and ducked as a bowl was thrown at him.  He cloaked himself and Baohu.  There, right in the middle of the kitchen floor, was Jingsi.  She was in her dragon form eating like a feral beast.  Any and every piece of food that passed her hand.  Raw or cooked, it didn't matter.  She growled as she ate.  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he growled loudly.  Jingsi turned in surprise.  She coiled herself around the food and growled.  He growled louder.  Baohu, sensing something bad was about to happen, called Bai Xue to come quickly and to bring JinDe.  A growling duel was going on.  Bai Xue stepped up behind Baohu and surveyed the damage.  "Da ge!  Don't talk out loud!  Er ge, stay silent!  It's Jingsi!  She's very feral!  Er ge!  Go get Jinzi!  Hurry!"  JinDe jumped out just as Jinlong transformed into his dragon.  His growl was threatening as he looked at Jingsi trying to hoard the food to herself.  His tail came around and knocked the food away from her.  She whined and growled.  Jinlong, knowing the situation was serious brought his head down and blew gentle smoke over her.  She calmed some but tried to get her food back.  He knocked it away.  Baohu, hearing running footsteps coming, stepped out of the kitchen door, put up a sound barrier and a strength barrier.  Die Feng and Chang Shan were there when he turned around.  "Don't go in there unless you want to be dragon food.  Jingsi is in there hoarding food and Fuqin is trying to stop her.  I'm sorry, Chang Shan, but the kitchen is in shambles.  There will be no breakfast unless you can salvage some food and cook over a camp fire.  Fuqin is in there too.  I'm afraid a full size Jinlong has really made a mess.  He's blocking the other door.  We can't get in right now.  Pass the word to everyone to stay out of here.  Have them convene at the arena.  Maybe set up tables there.  I don't want anyone to be killed."  They nodded and set about getting everyone awake.  The sun was beginning to rise over Kunlun.

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