Chapter 94

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After Ji Wang left a message, he immediately received a call from Qi Boyan: "Is that id you on July 8th?"

"How did you know?" Ji Wang asked back.

Qi Boyan: "Brother, didn't we meet on July 8th?"

Ji Wang relaxed and said, "So you still remember."

On July 8, the day he first met Qi Boyan was also the time when he was destined to meet him.

Shi Yao said that he would never mistake it, Ji Wang was destined for him, and this may be a judgment formed from his physiology.

In the same way, Ji Wang will not mistake his destiny, it is a psychological judgment.

The filming cycle was shorter than expected and smoother than ever.

Three months later, Ji Wang was finished, and he was finally able to be released from the internet-free environment in isolation.

The last time he and Qi Boyan met was a month ago.

Qi Boyan came to him once, and he almost couldn't get up to film the next day.

Ji Wang and Qi Boyan set the rules, not to be so indulgent when he was filming. Even if he is a rough-skinned alpha, he can't shoot a fight scene perfectly the next day after such an intense exercise.

After leaving the airport, Xiaoxu didn't let him get off the car immediately, but made a phone call. After a while, a team of security guards ran over, surrounded the car, and waited for Ji Wang to get off.

Ji Wang was carrying a bag and looked at Xiao Xu in surprise: "What's wrong? What are you doing?"

Xiaoxu said honestly: "Brother Wang, you will know in a while."

Ji Wang: "Come on, it's too embarrassing, why do I need so many security guards, did the company arrange it? Not many people know me."

Xiaoxu knew that this might be because Ji Wang had not been connected to the Internet for too long, he said, "Brother Wang, the word-of-mouth of "On the Road" has exploded. It's your TV show that dominates the screen."

Ji Wang: "Does the company run it?"

Xiaoxu: "After being in the industry for so long, how can you think the company has the ability to make such a big battle."

The variety show "On the Road" is indeed very popular.

In the early days, most of the audience went to Qi Boyan, but when they came to the variety show, Ji Wang attracted fans instead.

When all kinds of CPs were hot, it was revealed that Ji Wang had a stable boyfriend and was ready to get married.

The cp knocking stopped, but a strange force came to the fore at this time. They all regarded Ji Wang as a candidate for the national husband.

It is said that Ji Wang's boyfriend must have saved the universe in his last life, so he will have a fairy boyfriend in this life.

When Ji Wang made it public at this time, it attracted their attention.

In "On the Road", Ji Wang showed all kinds of excellent skills, strong physique, and sometimes gentle and contrasting personality, and soon gathered a wave of extremely sticky fans.

In addition, the program team intends to hype the program, and various capitals are launched, creating an unprecedented lively scene.

More and more passers-by came off the stage, and the major marketing accounts began to make achievements. Weibo reluctantly swiped the screen. At one time, there was a feeling that this variety show would become one of the most popular variety shows of the year.

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