Chapter 36

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Even if Qi Boyan canceled the like afterwards, the hand-slide- like spread quickly in the form of screenshots. There is no hot search yet, probably because the company intends to control public opinion.

Immediately after that, the comment that was liked was also directly deleted, but I don't know if it was deleted by the blogger himself or by a Sina official.

There is a saying that the more concealed, the more ghostly it appears. Fans are full of question marks. Qi Boyan's Weibo advertising endorsement a week ago was flooded by fans for an explanation.

Several other guests knew about this disturbance, and Duan Yinyu opened his mouth first: "Brother Qi, you are...

Qi Boyan's mobile phone was firmly held by the assistant, just like pinching a bomb. Qi Boyan showed a sense of anxiety about doing something wrong at the right time: "I just wanted to read the comment and repost it, but I didn't expect to accidentally click the like."

His appearance of innocence is more powerful than his acting skills, as if his true feelings were revealed.

If Ji Wang wasn't already familiar with this expression, he would really be deceived by Qi Boyan.

Seeing Qi Boyan's worries, Zhang Mu first comforted him: "It's okay, Xiao Qi, the company should help you with public relations, and I don't think it's serious, just like your slippery hands."

After saying this, Zhang Muxian felt guilty, but to say that Qi Boyan deliberately liked this, he didn't believe it. Although Ji Wang's people are good, his coffee rank is really not high. It is mutual benefit to speculate on cp, and Qi Boyan and Ji Wang to speculate on cp are unilateral poverty alleviation.

Ji Wang's phone shook frantically, and it was Sister Hong's call. He stood up, took the call from Xiaoxu's hand, and walked aside to connect.

Sister Hong spoke very quickly and analyzed the pros and cons of this matter with him. At present, the situation caused by this is more harmful than good. If Qi Boyan's public relations are handled coldly, it will attract a lot of black fans to Ji Wang.

But in the long run, if Qi Boyan really wants to bundle up to speculate cp, it will greatly increase Jiwang's traffic.

Mainly alpha and alpha. True love fans find it impossible. Ordinary passers-by can only eat as cp, and there are not many who really feel it.

Compared with the alpha and omega artists who directly determine the relationship, publicity and cp are still a safe and effective way to quickly absorb traffic.

However, Qi Boyan probably wouldn't agree with him, and he was not a charity. Why would he abuse his flow so much and hurt the hearts of his loyal fans?

Ji Wang listened for a while: "So what is the company's decision?"

Sister Hong was silent for a while rare: "The company wants you to take the initiative to interact with Qi Boyan in the variety show."

Ji Wang understood: "The company plans to ask me to take advantage of Qi Boyan's heat?"

Sister Hong said with difficulty: "The enthusiasm he brought is real. How much money the company has spent on your marketing is not as big as this time."

Ji Wang committed a small act of smoking, rubbing his index finger hard with his thumb: "Sister Hong, I only have a contract with the company for one year."

As soon as these words came out, all the voices from Sister Hong disappeared, and they all understood that Ji Wang was unwilling, and even threatened to renew the contract.

After the deathly silence passed, Sister Hong said, "I see, you will be back from the Variety Show on Saturday. Come to the company then, let's talk."

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