Chapter 22: Rescue Noelle

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While I run, it seems the police gave up on trying to find Noelle, and her two associates, and leave the scene. I ran into the room, quietly, and wait for them. "Phew. We managed to escape. I'm gonna take this to Tomura." I hear Noa say.

"Pardon my asking, but how will this help change the Hero society?" Another girl asked.

"Trust me, it will. How long have we known each other? When have I ever steered you wrong?" Noa asked.

"Fine. Fine. Let's spilt, so it'll be harder for them to track us." The girl says, and runs off.

"Coming Noelle?" Noa asked. "I'll stay here. Just in case." I hear Noelle say. They all split up, and Noelle turns. "Come out, brother. I know you're here." She says, and I come out.

"You saw this, didn't you?" I ask.

"Yes. That's why I stayed behind. Let me came to mock me? To put me down, like you always do?" She asked.

"Noelle? What are you saying? I didn't-"

"Well save it. I don't need you around me at all time anymore." She says.

"Noelle, I-"

"Just shut up!!" She screams, and blasts blue fire at me. I wave my hand, and move the flames away. Did I really do this...? "I'm not going back with you! I don't want to go back to being that weak, clumsy girl you knew! I will get stronger! Strong like you!" She continues to scream at me, and starts to throw large crates at me.

I block them all, and make sure no noise was heard to attract as little attention as possible. "I can't go back now... I need to be strong...! Strong enough for you to finally approve of me!" She says, and starts to tear up. Next, a ton of icicles fly at me. I propel myself upward. I toss a crate at her, and she moves away. She grabs me with her own Force, and slams me down, then to the wall. She puts her hands around my neck, as if she was choking me.

"Noelle...! Stop...!" I groan as her grip gets tighter.

"Am I stronger yet, brother...?! Am I?!" She was losing it, and fast.

"Noelle...! Listen to me...! I don't want you to be as strong as me...!" I groan, trying to loosen her grip.

"Wha...? Then what do you want me to be?! Do you want me to be weak?! To be useless?! No! I refuse to go back to that person!" She shouts, tears still in her eyes.

"No! Not at all! I want be better...than me!" I yell back at her.

She freezes, and stares at me for a bit. " do...? Then why...?"

"I say those things to try to motivate you... Because...I love you, Noelle! You're my sister! I care about you, all the time!" I say, and she loosens her grip.

"Brother...I..." She lets go of me, and places me down. "I...I'm sorry..." She whimpers, and takes a few steps back. I step forward to hug her, but feel a sudden pain in my chest. I look down to see a blue, glowing spear lodged through my chest. "Brother!!" I hear Noelle scream, as I fall to the ground, blacking out.

Noelle's perspective

I was horrified! My brother was just stabbed through the chest, and bleeding everywhere! I look behind him, and see Seryu, standing there with her arm up. "Good job Noelle. You bought us time to distract him, and gave me a clean shot in." She says, as if she didn't kill my only family member left.

I was silent, and just look at her with a blank stare. Noa enters next, and hugs me, but I was still. "Good job Noelle! He was on our backs for way too long! You're really great!" She praises me.

I raise my hand, and place it on her shoulder. "Hm? it just me, or is you palm getting hotter?" She asked. I didn't reply, and grip her harder.

".....burn....burn....burn...." I mutter to myself quietly, and my hand bursts into flames. Noa screams, and backs away from me.

"I'll kill you both...! I'll burn you until not even ashes remain!!" I scream, and shoot fire at them both. They dodge.

"She's lost it." I hear Seryu say, and she throws spears at me. I mimic her actions, and cut her cheek. "Damn! She already has my Quirk too?!" She shouts, and jumps to a window. "Sorry Noa. You did this, so you need to deal with it!" She says as she makes her escape.

"Noelle, calm down! You don't need him around anymore!" Noa tries to reason with me. "He's just trying to manipulate you!" She says.

"Die! Die! DIE!!!" I scream at her as I use a ton of Quirks in an attempt to kill her.

"I wish you would see reason!" Noa says, using her Quirk. But somehow, it was overridden by my overflowing rage that her wish had no effect. "Crap! Her imagination is too strong! She's out of control!" She continues dodging my attacks as she makes her last wish for the day. "I wish to return to Tenko...!" She mutters and disappears from the warehouse.

It took a while to process that she was gone, but once I noticed, I stopped my frenzy and ran over to Nome. "Brother...! Please...! Please don't be dead...!" I say to myself and shake him. I put my head on his chest. No breathe... No pulse... "No...!"

A feel a presence behind me, and hear the sounds of boots on the ground. "It seems it's finally happened." A man said.

"Who...?" I turn to look at him as I hold my dead brother.

"Give him here. I can help." He says.

I comply, and hand him to the strange man. Using his Quirk, he made it seem like the wounds were closing themselves, as if he were reversing time. Once his wound was closed, the man handed Nome back to me. I could hear his breathing return, as well as his pulse. Whatever he did, it worked!

"My job here is done. It was not his time yet." He says, and a green portal opens behind him.

"Who...are you...?" I asked him.

He was silent for a moment, and then he talks. "I am Shion. Shion Schwartz." He says briefly, and leaves.

Nome starts coughing in my arms, and he sits up. "Am I dead...?" He asked me.

"No...! No you're not...! I mean, you were...! But then someone-someone came to save you...!" I start to fumble my words as I hug him tightly. "I'm so sorry...!"

"It's...fine..." He says, and puts his arm around me. "I'm sorry too... It was my fault... For putting you under so much stress... And saying those awful things..." He says, also tearing up. "Never again..." He whispers.

I bury my face into his scarf, and start crying all over again. "Never again...!" I repeat his words, making my own promise to him. To go beyond. Beyond his expectations.

Plus Ultra...

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