My Villain Academia: Chapter 3

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The whole League goes on the defensive as they get bombarded with Quirks from all sides.

"All of these guys are strong! No fair!" Spinner complains.

"They're strong, yeah." Noa says. "But that's fine." Noa suddenly blows away a massive number of people. "Because we're still stronger!"

"How fascinating. I've read that your Meta Power is extremely limited, but I never expected you to pick up support items." A woman with blue skin says. "So you have other connections than the broker? Seems we underestimated you."

Toga was going ahead to the tower, when the ground below exploded.

"Mines?!" Noa gasped as she looked around and rushes over to help her friend. Thankfully, she didn't step on any mines herself. She helps Toga to her feet, and stands side by side to her.

"Both of you will make for a fascinating feature...! But there's no need to be impatient, Noa Fuchikazi, I'll get to your interview soon." The blue skinned woman smirks and does the classic hand frame over them. "'The school girl with a mind full of violence'. That'll make a good head line, don't you think?"

This woman was Chisato Kizuki, going by the codename "Curious". She's a reporter sided with the Meta Liberation Army. The stories she covers are very clearly biased toward the Liberation Army's cause, so most people write them off as propaganda. But to a few enlightened individuals, they bought into the ideology she's spewing.

"As the only two girls in the League of Villains, it must be quite difficult to fit in, no?" Curious asked, still smiling. "Your tragic past has nothing to do with your Meta power, so if I may ask you to step away from my main priority, that would be most appreciated."

"That's fine. Wasting time on you means Tenko will go unguarded." Noa says and looks at Toga. "Can you handle her?"

Toga nodded.

Noa also nods and rushes off to find Shigaraki. As she ran, she saw Dabi burning people to a crisp, Compress panicking, and Twice fending some guys off while also trying not to get hurt too badly. "Is everyone okay?!" She asked as she punched a guy into a wall.

"We're all fine. For now at least!" Compress says. "We don't know how long Dabi can last right now!"

"Yeah, you're right about that..." Noa nods, then gets an idea. "I wish Dabi's body was immune to his intense fire...!" She uses her first wish of the day to aid Dabi and make sure he doesn't burn himself while fighting.

"Hey thanks for that." Dabi says and scorches some more Liberation warriors.

"Of course." Noa nods and punches another guy trying to get Twice from behind by firing off one of her bracelets. It quickly slides back onto her arm with seemingly no resistance.

"Noa. Can't you wish for a meteor to crash down and end this faster?" Dabi asked.

"I can, but I would have no control over who it'll hit! If I did wish for one, it could smash right into the tower where Giren is and kill him on accident!" Noa says.

"That would be pretty counterproductive." Dabi sighs and continues to incinerate everyone in his path.

"Noa, where's Toga?!" Twice asked.

"She's fine, she's making her way to the tower!" Noa called back. "Where's Tenko?!"

"If you mean Shigaraki, he's over there with Spinner!" Compress points.

Noa turns her body to look in the direction he was pointing, only to see something terrifying happen. In one swift movement, Shigaraki hops onto a wall, grabs a dude's face, and decays him, as well as the horde that was behind him. Even though Shigaraki didn't touch all of them, they all disintegrated to ashes from Shigaraki's touch. He vomited soon after, but he had the most disgusting look of pure bliss on his face as his vomit dropped from his chin.

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