Part 36: Round 2: Vs. Shina

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"Senpai! How far in do you think they are?!" I ask as we continue our run through the maze of the Shie Hassaikai.

The place is massive, but we seem to be getting through without much issue. But that's just us. Behind us, there were loud noises, like screaming, crashes, and enraged yelling.

"I don't know. But I think we're getting close to where Chisaki is!" He tells me.

"He's not going to come quietly, is he?" I asked.

"Most likely not, no." He answers.

After a bit more running, I spot someone in the corner of my eye, causing me to stop. Long white hair, bright red eyes. I know that silhouette anywhere. "Senpai, I'm going to take a detour! You go on ahead!" I say and turn a corner.

"Be safe!" He shouts as he runs by.

I burst into a room at the end of the hallway. It looked like a child's room, with toys and drawings on pieces of paper on the floor. Using my power, I start to put the toys away and turn around. In the doorway was an all to familiar face. "Shina." I glare at her.

"Noelle." She glares right back at me.

"So, you dropped out and became a full time villain, then." I say.

"U.A. was too suffocating. I had to leave." She replies.

"And everyone else in our class. Did they mean nothing to you?" I asked her.

I didn't get an answer. "What does the League of Villains want with Eri?" I questioned her.

Once again, I got no answer. "Are you going to use her, like what the Haissaikai are doing now?"

"That's not it." She says. "I'm going to keep her safe."

"The word safe and the person Shigaraki don't really go hand in hand." I tell her. "You're only going to put her into more danger!" I shout.

"And what about you, then?! It's not like she's your little sister!" She raises her voice at me.

So they're sisters. "This has nothing to do with her family relations. I'm getting her out of here, and away from people like you. She'll be safer that way. And if you really care for her safety, then you'll stand down and let me take her." I growl.

Shina was silent, and she looks at. "Never." She says, and spreads her wings. She was ready to fight me.

I get into my battle position, and she flies forward. I dodge, and use an explosion to get her away from me. I then use ice to try and keep her at a distance. "If you didn't want to be a hero, then why did you even attend U.A.'s Hero Course?!" I shoot fire at her. I missed.

"I thought that I could change!" She says. "But I didn't! It's as simple as that! Now shut up!"

"No, I won't!" I say as I dodge her feather attacks with my Quirk. I close our distance this time, and go in to punch her. She moves to the side. "I trusted you! Nome trusted you!" I expand my hand using Kendo's Big Hands Quirks, knocking her to the side she tried to go to to avoid me. I pivot, and use Sun Eater's Manifest to turn my fingers into octopus tentacles, and grab her arm to pull her toward me. "Midoriya and Bakugou! They were your friends!" I punch her in the gut with a metal fist I borrowed from Tetsutetsu's Quirk. "And you just abandoned them!!"

She uses her legs to kick herself away from me, and tries to escape the room, but I used the Force to stop her. "You can't escape me...! I won't let you run!" I pull her in, and punch her with a power level on par with Izuku's, pounding her into the floor. "YOU WERE MY FRIEND!! ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!! I TRUSTED YOU!!" I shout, and pick her up, slamming her against the wall. "AND THEN YOU JUST LEAVE ME!! LEAVE US!!" I start to tear up as I punch her again, harder than the last one. "AND TO TOP IT OFF, YOU JOINED THE VILLAINS!! THE SAME VILLAINS THAT TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE I CARE ABOUT!! YOU'RE HEARTLESS!!" I cry out and punch her again, using one of my metal arms to keep her pinned to the wall as I hit her with both my hands. My arms started to turn a very disturbed shade of purple with the amount of force I was using, and I stop of a moment to look at Shina's now beaten up face.

Slowly, she raises her arms, her halo flipping on its own, and she places her hands on my arms, healing them. "Noelle..." She whispers, but I punch her again.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, VILLAIN!!" I scream at her, tears rolling down my face. "Do you know how many days I wasted trying to look for you...?! Do you know how many sleepless nights I've had since you disappeared?!" I shout and grab her collar with my purple arms. "DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS THINKING THAT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN?!" I slam her to the wall again. "You betrayed me! You betrayed everyone who called you their friend!!" I slam her again. Pretty soon, I let her go, and she drops down to the floor. "The police will be here soon..." I say.

I could hear loud crashing noises coming from nearby, and I put my mask back on as I was about to leave. But as I step to open the door. "Noelle..." She says. I turn to face her. "Please... Keep Eri safe... For me..." She pleads with me.

"Why the hell would I do something for you...?" I growl. "But I was going to anyway, so it doesn't matter if you told me to or not." I say. I started to feel guilty about how badly I hurt her, so I point down the hall. "Go down this corridor, and turn right. I heard noises coming from that direction, so I'm guessing that's where Senpai is fighting Chisaki. If you want to see her...then go down that way. It may be the last time you get to see her." I say and run off, heading to where Lemillion was. This was a waste of my time. Lemillion could be very hurt right now.

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