My Villain Academia: Chapter 4; Origins of Noa

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My name is Noa Fuchikazi. All my life, I've lived in poverty. My family, the Fuchikazi Clan, were an unintended branch family, splitting from the powerful and rich Tachikazi Clan. Because of our act of defiance, it's been the Tachikazi's mission to make the Fuchikazi's lives as miserable as possible. Not by murder. Not by the truth. Instead, they chose humiliation. Lawsuit after lawsuit, false claims, bribery, corruption left right and center, forcing near un-payable debts onto us. And if the current family head can't pay it off, it gets passed on to the next. And it continues.

And continues.

And continues...

My father was one such victim. He had done a good job keeping himself under the radar. He met and married my mother, despite his crippling debt. She loved him for who he was, not what he could give her. However, it was arrogant to think the Tachikazi would just forget my father's debt. Because the creeping roots of the Tachikazi's influence reaches deep. Inescapable...

When I was born, the Tachikazi found out about us. Accused my father of...forcing himself onto my mother...and used falsified evidence, and bribed the jury. And just like that, a debt that kept us shackled for so long had just pulled us deeper. We were so close...yet so far...

Because of this lawsuit, my life had been like hell. My father was fired from his current job, and couldn't get another one because of his fake criminal record and family history.


"You're so cold, Kenji..." My mother told my father.

"I'm...fine, Megumi..." My father reassures his loving wife, huddling closer to her for warmth from her and his 5 year old daughter.

Since I was still a growing girl, my parents would give me all the food we could make, three times a day, and get by on the leftovers that I didn't eat. My father had lost half of his body mass since the lawsuit. It was a wonder how he and mom were still alive...

"I'm sorry, Megumi..." Father says softly. "If you hadn't married me...maybe your life would be better... Maybe Noa wouldn't have to be so sad everyday..."

"Kenji, don't talk like that..." Mother tells him, gently caressing his cheek with her free hand. "Despite all our hardships, I still love you... Now and forever..." She reassures the love of her life.

"Megumi..." Father mutters, and gets even closer to her. "I love you too..." He says, a faint smile over his lips.


Five more years pass, and I'm 10 years old now. I always knew mother was working hard to pull us out of this debt, and wanted to do my best to help as well, but what could a kid do other than steal? My father told me that stealing was bad, and that I should never resort to it unless absolutely necessary. And just nodded and agreed. Mom was a simple accountant, but there was a side gig she got into to make more money.

Behind father's closed door, mother was selling her body to make more money for us. And to the very man who put us into this horrific situation, Kenjiro Tachikazi. Not to cheat. Not to get back at my father. But in an attempt to bargain with the devil. She would usually return late in the night, sleep for a couple hours, head to work, does her dirty job, then repeat for days. Weeks. Months... Until tragedy struck once again, making our downward spiral worse than it already was.

Mom had contracted an STD. And due to our immense poverty, we couldn't identify what it was, or treat it with any kind of medication. After a month of suffering from her untreated illness, mother passed away by the end of the month.

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