S I X T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

"Today was a good day. Pansy was mean again but I didn't let that bug me. Daisy kept her busy most of the time. I feel like she feels sorry for me, having Pansy as a sister. At the same time though, she is her best friend so, what do I know?
Kayden made me laugh so hard in Charms class today, Flitwick gave me detention for tomorrow night. I'll let you know how that goes.
Blaise is helping me study, I think that's very nice of him.
But, oh Diary, I've been waiting to tell you. He looked so good today. His hair all handsomely done and his smirk. Oh, his smirk. Ah! I think I love him.
I think tomorrow, I'm going to talk to him about Potter, that's probably who he wants to talk about. He hates him. He's probably also sick of those thick-skulled numpties , Crabbe and Goyle.
You already know who he is but I'll remind you because I love writing his name. Draco Lucius Malfoy.
He's so perfect, I can't even believe it.
Anyway, I have to get to bed. I have an early morning.
         Y/N Parkinson <3."

I buried my head in his shoulder in embarrassment. "Did I actually put the the heart?"

"Yes," Draco laughed. "That's what you're worried about?"

"No, but why the heart?" I cringed at my old self.

"No clue." He laughed.

"I wrote your full name, ugh why?" I whined and grasped my hand over the side of the diary to read it better.

"Because my full name is wonderful. You loved my full name, like when you said in your diary entry of September 29th-" he started flipping through the pages like a mad man trying to find the page.

"Stop!" I groaned and jumped on top of him, trying to pull the diary out of his hands.

"Diary, I love Draco's full name so much; Draco Lucius Malfoy. It just sounds so — him. Don't you think? He's perfect so, obviously, it's perfect." Draco recited, talking in a high pitched voice and placing his hand over his heart dramatically.

"Draco!" I whined. He pulled the book to his chest at a close and smirked at me.

"I'll give it back if you tell me how much you love my full name." He suggested.

"No," I crossed my arms in front of me. "I will not."

He shrugged and pulled the diary back out, opening it. I tried snatching it from his hands but he pulled it away sneakily and tutted. "Suit yourself, darling. You could easily get it back."

"Just give it!" I shouted playfully. He didn't listen and kept holding it.

"No." Draco replied. A cocky attitude lacing in his tone.

I picked up my wand and pointed at him. "Rictusempra!" I called.

Draco dropped the book and fell back in a fit of laughter. He tried shaking away the tickles and managed to say through laughs. "S-stop!"

I picked up the book and slid it back into the bag along with the others. I got up and put them in my closet while Draco sat on the bed crying of laughter.

I went back to the bed and unleashed him from the curse. He sat up panting and wiping his eyes of the tears he produced out of pure joy.

"That was dirty." He groaned as he placed his hands on his face.

It must've hurt him to smile that much as he hasn't done it in so long.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "You played dirty first."

"And?" He teased.

"I wanted my diary back." I confirmed.

"Oh Diary, I love him so much," he recited. "I wish he would notice me."

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