F I F T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

"Boo hoo. Just tell me. I'm going to fall asleep if you don't." I insisted. Myrtle came closer to me.

"It's a dreadful story," she started, dramatizing her every word. "In my fourth year, I was crying in that very cubicle," she pointed to the cubicle in the far left, closest to the wall. "I was crying because Olive Hornby made fun of my glasses. Anyway, someone came in the lavatory and started talking — it was a boys voice. Boys aren't aloud in the girls lavatory so I peeked my head out to tell him to go away and I died."

"You died from leaving a bathroom stall?" I chuckled.

Her face contorted. "No, something killed me. I remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes." She shuddered at the mere memory.

"I wonder what it was." I thought aloud to myself.

Myrtle giggled. "I'm pretty sure Harry Potter knows what it is. He saved the school from it after all." Her face got all lovie - dovie at her own mention of Potter.

My lip snarled but I continued to speak anyway. "What year was he in? Potter?"

"Second, I think." She dazed.

Second year.

Let's recap.

The Chamber of Secrets was opened, everyone found out that Potter could speak Parsletongue, Ginny Weasley had that diary that connected me to her for that year and all I remember was a mention of Voldemort at the very, very end of that year.

Then a picture of the diary Ginny held in her arms every single day popped into my brain.

It was leather with empty pages. Every time I tried to get a glimpse in it, there was nothing written. I always thought that was weird as Ginny wrote in it everyday.

There was gold writing imbedded into it to, on the front. It was a name. Oh God. Why can't I remember it.

The middle of the three names was Marvolo, I remember that. I'm pretty sure the person in the diary was named after Marvolo Gaunt, my great-grandfather.


My great-grandfather.

The name flooded back to me now. The name imbedded in the diary Ginny Weasley held many years ago was: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

My father was the owner of the diary.

My father was a Parslemouth just like Potter.

The Chamber of Secrets was known to be Salazar Slytherin's secret chamber, one only the Heir of Slytherin could open.

My father was the Heir.

As am I.

I'm a direct descendant from Slytherin, which means maybe, just maybe that's why I was so drawn to Ginny Weasley. The diary.

My father didn't know I existed until he reincarnated at the end of my fourth year. If the diary had any trail of him whatsoever —  if he was acting within it, through another student — than maybe that's why I was so drawn.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now