F I F T Y - S I X

Start from the beginning

Draco bit his lip and nodded. "I did fuck Astoria Greengrass and it was a fucking mistake-"

"So was kissing Kayden!" I shouted, then sat back into my chair.

"Let me finish," he ordered. I bit my tongue. "I did it because you made the mistake of breaking up with me,"

"Well, I'm with you now aren't I?" I mumbled as I wiped a tear from my eye and sniffed. Why was I crying?

"Yeah, you are and I'm with you," Draco took a deep breath. "And for the sake of our relationship, we should just let each of our mistakes go,"

I laughed. "You just realized that now?"

"I just thought-" he started, trying to take control of the conversation. He was trying to let me go along with whatever he wanted.

"This is what you're doing to get me to stop saying that you had sex with a fourth year," I sat back in my chair, I knew his plan. "But you're going to keep bringing up Kayden like I love him. I don't love Kayden. I love you. You're going to keep bringing up my mistakes and make me feel guilty for bringing up yours!"

Draco crossed his arms and sat back in his chair too. "So, what does that mean?"

"It means that you have to stop calling me out for something that happened while we weren't dating after I told you it was no longer a problem," I replied. "And until then, I'll just keep calling you out for fucking Astoria,"

Draco stood up and grabbed his notebook off the table. "I'm going to go think," he grumbled. "Don't follow me,"

He left the room before I could say another word and I felt all my emotions get the best of me. I stood up and grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a lamp.

I picked it up in my hands and screamed loudly before chucking it onto the ground. It smashed into pieces big and small. I watched as the lamp shards swirled on the floor in front of me and took my seat again.

I took in a shaking breath and fell onto my chair. I kept in my sobs, bad enough I had to cry in front of Draco.

How dare I be so weak?

Why did I kiss Kayden?

Why did Potter grab my wrist?

Why didn't I wipe his memory afterwards?

My father will kill me when he finds out. Literally.

After a couple minutes trying to compose myself, I got out of my chair and headed out the door.

As soon as I left, I stalked down the halls. I was going to go to go down to the spot in the forest, I needed somewhere to go to feel relieved of stress.

When I got out of Hogwarts, I crossed my arms around myself to stay out together. Walking down the hills and across the Grounds was so relieving.

I looked out to the Lake. It was really nice this time of year. The dark blue waves crashed over one another in an orderly fashion. Occasionally, the official Hogwarts squid would come up to the surface to splash a tentacle.

I sighed and shoved my hands in my jean back pockets. I stared at the ground, gazing at my pure white running shoes against the vivid green grass. They shifted each strand with ease.

Dark Secrets (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now