andrei svechnikov // carolina hurricanes

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requested by 3barrelsforlife

andrei had a horrible attitude about the injury he had gotten about half way through the season

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andrei had a horrible attitude about the injury he had gotten about half way through the season. andrei had torn his acl pretty bad.

he wanted to play hockey, not rehab.

you watched how upset he looked every time he walked into the rehab office you worked in. he had a large brace around his leg that made him look even more annoyed.

he just seemed very discouraged by the fact that he wasn't recovering as fast as they thought. his doctor wasn't very welcoming either. in your opinion, that was the worst doc to get.

you took a look at his files and saw that he had the same exact tear that you had the summer before.

you heard the one day this man asked for a new doctor out of frustration and you immediately volunteered for the job.

they thought it over and you were to meet with him for his next session.

"hi you must be..." you looked down at your clipboard, "andrei."

he nodded.

"i'm dr. y/l/n, but you can just call me y/n." you said and smiled at him.

he said nothing back to you but you could feel his eyes all over your body.

you let out a breath and then guided him over to his station where you would be helping him rehab.

apparently andrei had liked you because he didn't ask for another doctor through his entire recovery process no matter how long it took or how annoying it was.

andrei's attitude had completely changed from the first time he got here. he always looking forward to his appointments because it meant seeing you and getting closer to playing hockey again.

you had gotten really close with andrei and he was coming in for his last appointment today where he was hoping to get cleared to play.

andrei walked in with a hopeful smile on his face and you met him in the lobby.

"well hello andrei." you smiled at him.

he smiled back, "hi y/n." he said and pulled you into a hug.

"you're excited today." you chuckled.

"i'm hoping i get to play hockey again." andrei said.

you nodded, "i know and i hope so too." you smiled and walked with him over to his zone to check his leg out.

you smiled big at the end of the checkup, "svechnikov is back on the ice." you stated.

his face glowed with a child during the holidays look.

"are you serious?" he asked.

you nodded, "i wouldn't lie about this andrei."
you said.

andrei got up and pulled you into a hug, "thank you y/n."

you chuckled and nodded, "of course andrei."

"can i get you some tickets to the game tomorrow night? i would love to my savior there." andrei asked with a big smile.

you smiled back at him and nodded, "i would love to be there and see all of your hard work."

he was on top of the world and his face showed it.

"i couldn't have done it without you y/n." he said and hugged you tighter.

the next day you got some instructions from andrei on how to get the tickets and you were off to the arena.

you were overjoyed to see all the progress and work that andrei put in on the ice.

you sat down in your seat and watched as the canes got on the ice for warmup.

andrei's ice looked around until they met yours. he smiled and tossed a puck over to you with a little wave.

you smiled and slid the puck into your pocket before going back up to your seat.

andrei ended up scoring in the game and overall having a really good game. he did the little hand signal that you guys always did together when you rehabbed. it made you tear up a little.

you went to visit andrei near the locker rooms.

"i'm so proud of you andrei." you said and jumped into his arms.

"i couldn't have done it without you y/n." he said and hugged you close.

you hugged for a little while longer before pulling away.

"can i tell you something?" andrei asked.

you nodded.

"i don't think i would have ever made it here without you. i give you so much credit and i cherish the time we spent together and all the help you gave me that allowed me to do something i love again..." andrei took a breath and continued, "i don't want it to end y/n. you taught me so many things in just a few months and i want you in my life. y/n, will you go on a date with me?" he asked.

you stood there practically awestruck. a smile slowly came onto your face and you nodded.

"oh my- yes andrei." you said.

he smiled big, "holy hell, that was really scary." he giggled.

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