jack hughes // new jersey devils

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jack has had 19 birthdays but none would ever compare to his 20th

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jack has had 19 birthdays but none would ever compare to his 20th.

it was the day where he truly found out how much you loved him and his love grew 10x.

the day started off normally for jack.

for you, it did not. you were rushing to finish jack's birthday plans up in time to go pick up some people from the airport.

you called everyone you needed to make sure that everything you had planned was going straight.

you barely had time to sit down and jack noticed it.

"y/n, what are you doing?" he asked you and put a hand on your hip as you rushed through the apartment.

you placed a quick kiss on his lips, "nothing much. just some work that i need to get done by a deadline." you said, coming up with a quick response to his question.

jack was hesitant, but he nodded. he gave you one more kiss before releasing your waist.

you sighed as you walked away.

"jack, i'll be right back. i have to go into work for a second to get some stuff." you spoke to him.

he nodded and kissed your forehead, "come back soon sweetheart." he smiled.

you smiled back at him, "i promise i will birthday boy."

you picked up your keys and got in the car to make your way to the airport. you had gotten flights for the entire hughes family to come out and surprise jack for his birthday.

you were lucky enough that none of the busy bodies had any big plans that they needed to attend to.

you got to the airport and texted quinn that you were there.

you got out of the car to greet them with open arms.

"hey y/n. we missed you hun." ellen said and hugged you close.

you said your hellos to the rest of the hughes before telling them your plans.

"so i'm going to take you to the restaurant that we're having the party at. some of his teammates and friends should be there already." you said and continued, "i'm going to go home and get him all ready."

everyone nodded and you breathed easily.

your head quickly racked through the things that you had to do. it seemed that there was nothing else, but you were still nervous.

maybe it was the fact that the gift you were giving him was one of the most intimate things you had done for anyone in your life.

it was beautifully decorated in your own handwriting and the book was his favorite color. the writing inside contained 100 different ways to say i love you.

you had been working on it for a long time and you had finally finished right before his birthday so you decided it would be the perfect present.

if he didn't like it you could always get something else for him, but you really hoped he would cherish it as much as you did.

you dropped the hughes family off at jack's favorite restaurant and then drove home to claim jack.

"jack, baby, i'm done with work. let's go out to eat together for your birthday." you told him.

he smiled and agreed, "okay sweetheart."

"go get dressed handsome." you smiled back and kissed his lips.

jack walked off and you did a quick scan through the house to make sure you weren't forgetting anything. thankfully you did because you almost forgot the candles for the cake.

you shoved them in your pocket right as jack was coming back into the lounge room.

"alright i'm ready to go."

you smiled and put an arm around his waist as you walked to the car together.

you got to the restaurant and walked him to the back room excitedly. you opened the door and it was extremely quiet.

"you did not y/n." jack exclaimed.

everyone broke their silence to laugh.

jacks eyes laid onto his family and he gave you a long hug. 

"thank you." he whispered.

you nodded with a grin and watched as he ran over to his parents and brothers.

the party was an absolute blast and you could tell that jack was beyond happy to have a lot of his favorite people in the room.

when people started to file out, you tapped his shoulder.

"what's up sweetheart?" he asked and laid a hand on your thigh.

"i have a gift for you."

you handed him the well wrapped book with a small smile on your face.

he looked up at you before you urged him to unwrap it. he began and looked at the book titled "100 ways to say i love you jack" he was holding in his hand.

he opened it and read the first page.

"you can have the last piece of pizza."

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