colton parayko // st. louis blues

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requested by @alisonjames

recently, you had got a trainer job with the      st

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recently, you had got a trainer job with the st. louis blues and today was your first day. you were way beyond nervous. you didn't want to mess this opportunity up. you desperately wanted to keep this job.

you had put on your uniform and grabbed your keys to drive to the blues practice facility for your first day as an official trainer and the blues first practice after the long summer. your thumbs bounced on the steering wheel as you drove to your new workplace.

"shit. i didn't eat anything." you said out loud to yourself as you pulled up to the rink. your stomach growled loud.

you shrugged it off and got out of your car. the two security guards stood in the doors protecting the nhl stars inside.

"ID please miss." one of them spoke to you.

"oh yeah." you pulled your lanyard with your keys out of your pocket and showed him the ID pinned on it.

he nodded and you walked through the glass doors. you walked quickly to your new office. very empty. you made a point to get some decor or pictures to make the room a bit less boring. you sat in your office chair reviewing medical files of all the players and doing some paperwork.

a knock on your door made you jump.

"sorry ms. y/l/n." ray barile, the head athletic trainer chuckled, "i need you to come down with me to the ice. we need to watch the players coming back from injury closely."

"oh yeah of course." you stuttered out, grabbing your folder of medical files. you stood up and followed mr. barile.

you made it down to the ice and sat on the bench watching the players. the nerves went away as you did your job. ray would say a player that he had been watching previously and you'd ramble off your opinions on how he was skating and what would be helpful to his further recovery. ray would input his opinions and together you'd put together whether the player should play or not and put together a plan to get them in playing safely in games faster.

"ah y/n." ray exclaimed, "you haven't met the players have you?"

"um no, no i haven't." the nerves rushed back into your body.

"you should get to know them a bit. they'd love you." he spoke smiling.

you nodded and looked at the floor of the bench as ray talked to head coach, craig berube about the introduction.

"ms. y/l/n, if you are going to be around for a while, we should probably introduce you." coach berube said.

you smiled and agreed, but inside you wanted to scream. you were already nervous enough, meeting a bunch of nhl players wouldn't help the anxiety running through your body. it would just provoke it.

"come on y/n." craig ushered you onto the ice. ray following closely behind.

"BOYS!" coach berube yelled and every single player had their eyes on him, "this is the new assistant athletic trainer, y/n y/l/n. i would appreciate if you introduced yourself to her."

one by one the blues players skated up to you and shook your hand, introducing themselves politely. the nerves were taking over, your vision beginning to blur. all you could do was shake hands, say your name, and smile.

until you couldn't...

you blacked out as soon as a blonde had tried to introduce himself to you. looks like the nervousness and not eating had finally caught up to you.

"what the hell happened?" you questioned as your eyes flickered open.

"you fainted...straight into my arms. you know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes." the blonde smiled.

"i'm sorry." you apologized, jumping out of his arms. you hadn't realized you were even in his grasp until he said something. you really must have been out of it.

"you're fine sugar." he said, "next time just ask for my name."

"i didn't mean to faint on you blondie." you rolled your eyes.

"oh whatever sweetheart. i'll just give you my name. colton, colton parayko."

"well colton parayko, you've got quite the confidence."

"i'll take that as a compliment." colton said, "well ms. y/l/n, gotta a boyfriend?"

"um no?" you asked scrunching your eyebrows in confusion.

"how about to please your little fainting stunt, you go on a date with me?" colton asked.

you had to admit colton was charming, funny, and very attractive. it was hard to say no.

"maybe i will." you answered with a bit of an attitude.

"i'll see you after practice tomorrow with the details, sugarplum." colton said, winking as he skated away.

"see you then parayko."

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