matthew tkachuk // calgary flames

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"baby, i'm home" matthew yelled as he took off his shoes at the door

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"baby, i'm home" matthew yelled as he took off his shoes at the door.

he had just gotten home from practice while you had been laying in bed for the majority of the morning because of the horrible pain of your period cramps.

"what are you doing in here?" matthew asked, standing at the doorway smiling.

"period." you mumbled from under the covers of you and matthew's bed.

matthew's smile fell off his face. he turned and walked away from the doorway.

"matty, where are you going?" you asked.

"i'll be right back calista!" matthew yelled.

you could hear the jangle of his keys which told you he was driving somewhere, but you had no idea where. maybe he had said something about going to lunch with the boys today, but you couldn't remember.

sooner than you thought, matthew was back from his outing. you were curious on what he was doing for such a short period of time. you could hear plastic bags crinkling from where you were.

"matty?" you called out.

he walked back into the bedroom.

"hello." he said and kissed your forehead, "i got you some stuff."

he held up the bag full of miscellaneous stuff. he started to show you what he had bought. the bag was full of all of your favorite snacks and meds to help with the cramps.

"so i got you all of this and right now i'm going to warm up a washcloth to put on your stomach because i looked it up and it said that helped with cramps." matthew smiled.

"oh my god matthew, you are the best boyfriend ever." you said, emotions surging through your body.

damn period making you emotional.

"i'll be right back with the washcloth and a glass of water so you can take the pills." matthew said, walking into the bathroom to find a washcloth.

you smiled at your boyfriend. matthew was such a soft boy when he wanted to be. he acted like a hard ass on the ice, but in actuality he was one of the softest people you had met. you loved it.

like he promised, he was back with a glass of water and a warm washcloth. you sat up in bed and took the medication.

"just tell me when you want the washcloth reheated and i'll do it." matthew gave you a cheesy smile.

"thank you." you sent him a big smile to match his own.

"now, it's time to post up and watch a movie." matthew exclaimed, climbing into bed next to you.

you giggled at his excitement. you knew one of his favorite things to do was just lay in bed. that's how you spent a lot of mornings when matthew didn't have early practice.

"what do you want to watch?" he asked you, holding the remote in his hand.

"whatever is fine." you said.

matthew put on your favorite disney movie.

"you remembered?" you asked.

"of course i did. why wouldn't i have?"

you smiled at him, "that's so nice."

he smiled and turned back to the screen. you dug through the bag for a snack to eat. you saw that matthew had gotten chocolate chip cookies which happened to be his favorite.

you smiled and shook your head to yourself. you opened the package, ate one, and offered one to matthew.

"you don't have to share your snacks with me. i bought them for you." he said, pushing the bag back towards you.

"just take one. you know damn well you want one." you insisted with a laugh.

he chuckled, "you know me so well. if you say so." he shrugged and took a cookie.

the washcloth that had been draped across your stomach that was once hot was now cold as ice. you took it off your stomach and placed it on the nightstand next to you.

matthew sat up immediately, "do you need me to go reheat that for you?"

you lightly pushed matthew's upper body back down into the bed.

"no it's okay. the medicine kicked in. you've done enough matty. thank you." you said to him.

he smiled, "i just don't want you to be in pain. i want you to be comfortable."

"yeah and i love you for that, but i'm good now. you can relax. i know you had a hard practice today."

he nodded and relaxed into his place on the bed. he wrapped his arms around your torso and put his head on your chest. you began to play with his curls, pulling them straight and letting them go to see them jump back into their original curl.

"you can take a nap matty. you're okay. i'll be fine." you whispered to him.

he nodded into your chest and closed his eyes.

"i love you." he mumbled to you tiredly.

"i love you too. you treat me so well."

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