jeff skinner // buffalo sabres

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"he's been acting weird all week

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"he's been acting weird all week." you exclaimed to audrey, your bestfriend.

"there's a mad finnish woman." audrey pointed at you.

"i'm serious." you whined, placing your head on the lunch table, "he's gonna break up with me."

audrey rolled her eyes,
"i doubt it. jeff is so in love with you it's gross."

you rolled eyes and mumbled some words in finnish.

you and jeff had been dating for 6 years. when you started dating, you were 20 and he was 21. now you were 26, jeff 27. you had followed him from north carolina to new york.

you had come from finland to america for university. you got a scholarship to duke university to play soccer. you had met in quite a cliche way when you two, literally, ran into each other in starbucks. your drink had fallen and spilled. in true jeff fashion, he panicked and offered to buy you another drink. it was cute. you denied the offer, instead making a move saying that, instead, he could just sit with you. he smiled adorably and agreed. now you're here, 6 years later.

"i'm nervous. jeff is never like this. it's so weird. he doesn't make eye contact when we talk."


your phone vibrated. you picked it up.

jeffrey 🥰: can you meet me at our hiking hill at 2:30?

"audrey, i'm gonna be a single woman after 2:30." you rubbed your eyes, trying not to cry.

"y/n, jeff loves you. he will not break up with you. maybe something is just bothering him. family, hockey."

you sigh,
"i hope so."

you'd be lying if you said you weren't terrified as you pulled up to the hiking hill that you and jeff went to pretty often. jeff was waiting at the start of the trail,

"hi y/n." he kissed your forehead.

"hey jeff." you said looking at the ground.

the walk up the hill was fairly silent. probably because you were worrying the whole way up. you tried to walk as slow as possible because of the worry that he would end 6 of the happiest years of your life at the top of this damned hill.

oh, were you wrong.

you and jeff got to the top of the hill. you had gotten slightly ahead of him so you could gaze off the side of the mountain to stare at the sky. jeff grabbed your arm and turned you around gently. he looked nervous,

"y/n, we ran into each other at a coffee shop. i was nervous, i had just spilled the drink of  the prettiest girl i had ever seen. i was so happy when you asked me to sit by you because i know i would be too chicken to do the same. anyway, these 6 years with you have been the best and i want to extend that time forever. i want you to be mine forever. i want to be yours forever. i want to make you y/n skinner." jeff went onto one knee and your eyes began to water,

"y/n, will you marry me?" he opened a black velvet box to showcase a beautiful diamond ring.

"yes!" you exclaimed.

jeff shot up from his kneeling position and hugged you. he slipped the ring onto your finger and kissed you passionately.

"future mrs. skinner. i like it. i love you so much." jeff smiled in his usual adorable manner.

"oh i love you too jeffrey. you had me nervous all week that you were going to break up with me."'you said wiping away the happy tears.

"i'm sorry mrs. skinner." he said, "i was nervous you were going to say no."

"i would never say no cause i love you so damn much." you looked into his chestnut colored eyes.

"i love you too y/n." he kissed all over your face, "you know that."

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