matthew tkachuk // calgary flames

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requested by Gianna_Tkachuk19

requested by Gianna_Tkachuk19

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oh beautiful st. louis.

that's where you were at this moment after you had tagged along on a flames road trip. matthew specifically wanted you to go on this one since he would be visiting his hometown and he wanted you to meet his family in exception to brady who was in ottawa. you couldn't let the offer down. you needed a break from university and calgary anyway.

"we'll go visit the arch sometime." matthew said.

"that would be fun, but let's do one thing at a time matty." you said, placing your hand on his shoulder.

he nodded, "are you okay with dinner with my family after the game tonight?"

"totally." you nodded.

"taryn is really excited to meet you." matthew said, leaning his head into your shoulder.

"i'm really excited to meet her too. i've always wanted a little sister." you smiled.

"i hope you like them and i hope you enjoy the game tonight." he worried.

"matt baby, stop worrying. i will love your family and you know i love hockey." you assured him as you played with his curls.

he nodded against your shoulder once more as he fell asleep for his pregame nap.

"gianna, we have to leave now." matthew whispered into your ear.

you nodded and got up. you quickly brushed through your hair, flattened your outfit, and threw a flames beanie on.

"beautiful." matthew said and kissed you quickly.

you guys got to the enterprise center. matthew quickly went with you to introduce you to his parents and little sister then left to go get ready for the game. luckily, his family were actually really chill and nice so you felt comfortable around them.

"we're gonna get drinks. do you girls want anything?" matthew's mother asked.

"i'm all good." taryn said.

"me too. thanks." you smiled.

"alright we'll be back."

you spiked up a conversation with taryn who was dangerously alike to her oldest brother. you didn't exactly know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"i don't know why there's so much hype around him in calgary, tkachuk is not even that good. i could play better than him." you heard someone say confidently.

you looked over to see some middle aged man with a cup of beer in his hand. you tried your best to assume that the alcohol got the best of him and you kept your mouth shut. apparently, he was very oblivious to the fact that the tkachuk's could very well be around.

"he's such a fucking pussy too. he won't fight anyone, but he goes around rocking people. he's such a little bitch. he shouldn't be in the nhl."

that put you over the edge.

you got up abruptly and stomped your way over to the man.

"don't you ever speak that way about matthew tkachuk ever again." you hissed.

"why should i listen to you?" he said with an annoying smirk.

"are you so oblivious to the fact that you are in his hometown and his family is here? i don't think keith tkachuk would be so keen on the things you are saying about his son cause i know damn well me, his girlfriend is not." you took a deep breath, "you are in no position to mention anything about his play because if you were better than him you would be in the nhl, but you are not. instead you are sitting in the stands picking on someone that is highly more successful than you."

the man just stared at you in disbelief.

"maybe i'll let your comments slide when i see you playing professionally instead of beer league." you smiled, waved, and walked back to your seats.

"damn gianna." taryn smirked.

"what was that all about?" keith asked.

"oh gianna just told off some dude that was mouthing off about matthew." taryn said still smiling big.

"matthew definitely picked right. you are the perfect fit for matthew and this family." keith said smiling and shaking his head.

"i'll just take that as a compliment then." you smiled largely.

"oh it is." taryn added, "well gianna, you've definitely passed the 'do you love matthew?' test"

"wow thank you taryn." you rolled your eyes playfully and laughed.

"matthew's gonna love to hear about this." she said.

•after the game•


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