william karlsson // vegas golden knights

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"i'm so going to beat you fayre

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"i'm so going to beat you fayre." william boasted towards you.

"remember who's the long distance runner in this relationship." you said towards him.

"remember who's the professional athlete here baby." william said.

you nodded and shook your head.

you and your husband william were doing a marathon and he was determined that he would beat you. you were always a long distance runner, middle school through high school then to university, in each level you had won championships.

as soon as you arrived at the marathon route, it was serious business. you and william both went into pregame routines. you had your own superstitions all throughout your running career, specific stretches in specific orders.

"ready to lose fayre?" william asked.

"42.2 kilometers willy." you sang at the starting line.

"oh honey i know."

a starter's gun shot and everyone was off.

right away you noticed that william was going way to fast for 42.2 kilometers of running. you chuckled at his inexperienced, confident self.

you had spent years perfecting a pace for yourself that could get you done with the race efficiently. you couldn't let yourself get too tired or you would never finish the race.

you crossed the finish line out of breath and pulled your phone out of your pocket. you had recorded one of your best times. 5:03:06. 7:11 minutes per kilometer.

you looked around and smirked big. william was nowhere to be found.

"that cocky little bitch." you whispered to yourself and laughed.

"thank you" you said as you were handed your medal for finishing the race.

you sat down on a bench and waited for your overly confident husband to finish.

soon enough william ran through the finish line and he was handed a medal as well.

"willy! what happened?" you smirked.

"shut up!" he whined, "i'm tired. this is running forever. i play 19 minutes a night."

you laughed at your pouty husband. you could definitely tell he didn't like to lose.

you hugged a sweaty william, "i'm so proud of you willy. you're not a runner, but you still finished and that's all that matters."

"thank you lovey." he gushed

"for being all confident though and then losing, i guess you could buy me some food." you looked at him in suspense waiting for his answer.

he giggled and nodded.

"yes, i'll buy you food fayre." you pumped your fist in happiness, "i'm hungry too."

"you're a growing boy willy."

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