nick suzuki // montréal canadiens

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requested by slepisfun

you weren't feeling well at all

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you weren't feeling well at all. you had caught the bug that was going around at your work.

you were extremely exhausted and had been laying in bed all day. you had about every symptom you could.

you groaned as your phone vibrated loudly and hurt your headache even more.

you answered the facetime call and saw that you looked like absolute death in the camera.

"hey baby. oh my god, are you okay?" nick asked concerned.

you nodded and then shook your head, "i don't know anymore." you grumbled out.

nick chuckled gently but frowned, "you sick?" he asked.

"yeah i caught the damn bug everyone at work had. i feel like death and obvious look like it." you said with tired eyes.

"well i think you look pretty and i'll be over soon." nick said.

"no no, don't come over nick. i'm not going to get you sick." you said.

nick sighed dramatically, "fine fine i won't."

nick was most definitely still coming and bringing something you couldn't say no to.

"i'll let you get some sleep and talk to you later." nick said in a gentle voice.

you nodded, "bye nicky." you said.

"bye my love."

nick got up off of his couch and got into the car to go get your favorite cookies to bring to you.

"holy shit." nick mumbled to himself as he saw the line out of the store and down the street.

there was no hesitation though. he immediately got out of his car and jogged to take his place in the line.

it took him two hours but he did walk out of that shop with a box of cookies in his arms.

now he was on his way back to his place to get something else that he knew you couldn't resist.

"come on milo, let's go see y/n." nick said and put the cat in his crate so they could get over to your apartment with ease.

with cookies in one hand and milo in the other, nick had made the perfect plan to make sure he could take care of you without you kicking him out.

you never liked when nick tried to take care of you when you were sick because he always ended up getting sick. you didn't like that at all.

luckily, nick had a key to your apartment so you didn't have to get up to let him in.

when nick entered and saw you were still sleeping, he decided to sit in the living room and wait for you to wake up. milo ran off into your room and slept next to you.

you woke up and felt the little cat licking at your palm.

you couldn't help but smile gently and shake your head, "nick!" you called.

nick smiled at your voice and came into your room.

"hello sweetheart." he said and climbed across the bed to kiss your head, "how are you feeling?"

you shrugged gently, "still sick and still tired."

nick nodded, "are you hungry at all?"

"a bit. i'm only in the mood for those cookies, but i can't go get them and i know the line is long because it's saturday." you said.

nick smirked.

"how long were you waiting nick?" you groaned.

"um only 2 hours, but it was worth it. i had one. they are really good." he chuckled and ran off to get the cookies.

he sat on the bed and put the box on his legs.

"you're too good to me baby." you said go nick and reached into the box for your favorite cookie.

"anything for you love." he leaned to give you a kiss.

"no no nick, i let you in my nasty place. no kisses. i don't want to get you sick." you pouted at him.

"but i don't even care. i want a kiss." nick stated.

"no nick, but i love you a lot." you said with a bright smile.

"fine, but i get a cookie then." he chuckled and bit into a cookie.

you laughed and nodded, "that's a fair deal."

milo nuzzled your against you and laid down in your lap.

"i missed you too milo." you said and pet the kitty in your lap.

you leaned your head on nick's shoulder.

"go to bed y/n. the cookies will be here when you wake up."

you chuckled, "i don't know if they will at the rate you're eating them nicky."

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