sebastian aho // carolina hurricanes

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requested by HannahJStark

requested by HannahJStark

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team canada vs. team USA

a famous rivalry

you, helen williams, daughter of canes justin williams, had made the canadian national team to go to the olympics at 20 years old.

your dad had apologized over and over because he couldn't make it. you were upset, but realized quickly it wasn't his fault. being an nhl player was extremely strict and demanding. he had promised to watch as much as he could on the tv.

that's where you were now. to be exact, the gold medal game.

you and your bestfriend on the team loren gabel had started your prolonged pregame rituals starting with the rhythmic tapping of each other's shins.

you stepped on the ice for warmups and shot on net. by the bench, you spotted your grandma and grandpa. you showed your bright smile and waved after a very stunned expression. you were surprised that they were there. they smiled and waved back. you turned your attention back to the ice. you grabbed a puck and sniped left corner on her goalie. you heard pounding from behind the net. you looked up and your mouth fell open.

you couldn't believe what you saw.

haydn fleury pounding on the glass along with the rest of the canes team, but most importantly your father and boyfriend sebastian, shining smiles at you.

you skated over to the crew and yelled through the glass, "WHAT THE HELL? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?"

they all smiled and shrugged.

you rolled your eyes, shook your head, and skated over to loren to stretch with her.

"what are you all hyped about?" she asked.

"see for yourself." you said pointing to the whole canes team.

"what the-? why is the whole canes team here?"

"i don't know." you shrugged.

"your dad is so clutch." loren said.

"i'm just so happy they could all make it. even my grandma and grandpa are here."

loren nodded. suddenly, her eyes glistened.

"does that mean andrei svechnikov is here?" loren smirked, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"yes, he's here, but he's off limits. he doesn't need any distractions or scandals." you said and loren laughed.

"i'll try my best."

shortly after warmups, the chippy game began.

0-1 USA after the 1st
1-1 tie after the 2nd

3rd period was unsuccessful for both teams until about 2:30.

you had picked up a tripping penalty. once the minor was over you rushed out of the box and pounded your stick to signal for a pass. one of your teammates lobbed the puck to you. you had the breakaway with the american defenseman very close behind. you deked and got the goalie to go the wrong way and stuffed the puck into the back of the net.

the crowd was silent (since they had been in america) except for the canes team cheering for the young williams.

everyone that was on the ice rallied around you to envelope you with a giant hug.

the time ticked down and team canada had done it.

they won gold.

once off the ice, everyone partied in the locker room. it was crazy.

you rushed to get all your equipment off so you could go see your family.

you went out with the gold medal cold against your chest. you didn't want to take it off. it had taken so much effort to get here.

you went through everyone, her grandma and grandpa first then to all the canes players. you gave all of them quick greetings, hugs, fast talks, and photos. until you got to sebastian.

"helen, you were amazing baby." sebastian jumped into a tight hug.

you hugged him right back, digging your head into his chest. he rubbed your back and kissed your forehead.

"okayyyy. we are done here." your dad said, "i don't want to see that."

your dad was younger when he had you. he had only been 18 when he took over as full guardian. your mother was planning on putting you up for adoption because of how young she was, but your dad said no and took you in even though he had a long career in front of him. being younger made him a cooler dad, but when it came to boys he was very protective. you and him were very close.

your dad snatched you from sebastian. he looked at the gold medal around your neck.

"it's nice, isn't it?" he asked.

you nodded quickly.

you could see his eyes gloss up.

"wait no don't cry. you'll make me cry."  you said.

on cue, a tear fell out of his eye and he pulled you into a hug.

"i'm so proud of you helen." he said choked up.

you started crying, "thank you."

he let go off you and turned away to wipe his tears.

"i'm going need a good minute to cry so go visit with your boyfriend." he said, shooing you away.

you went back over to sebastian and took a photo with him. your favorite photo was of the one where he unexpectedly kissed you. your eyes were so wide open from surprise. cute-

"minä rakastan sinua" sebastian spoke quickly in finnish.


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