elias lindholm // calgary flames

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requested by Aimee_Lindholm_Babin

you had just gotten out of another interview and before that was a shoot session, but now you were on your way home to calgary for a break

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you had just gotten out of another interview and before that was a shoot session, but now you were on your way home to calgary for a break.

it was the beginning of offseason which meant elias was actually home, but the schedule difficulties didn't stop when you were practically busy every moment of everyday. you just wanted to spend some time with your husband was that too much to ask.

being an actress and having an nhl player as a husband brought its own array of daily challenges. time would've already been limited if it was just the nhl player, but added onto the overwhelming schedule of an actress. it was almost too much sometimes. that's what lead for you to take this much needed break. you loved being an actress, but sometimes it could get to be a lot.

this flight from LA to calgary felt painfully long. maybe it was your longing for relaxation and elias, but something about it felt like you were coming from across the world.

finally, you had arrived at calgary international airport. you drove your car home and lugged your bags into a house that was way too quiet.

"aimee!" he exclaimed giving you a giant hug.

you kissed him, "elias, i have missed you so much."

"me too." he agreed, grabbing your suitcase and pulling it into your room.

"aimee!" he shouted out your name again.

"what?" you yelled back, taking off your shoes.

"come here!"

"one second hun, i'm taking off my shoes. damn that feels good."

you could hear elias chuckle from the other room. you walked into your room and didn't spot elias, so you walked into the lighted bathroom.

you smiled at elias when you saw it.

the jacuzzi tub was full of warm water and bubbles coated the surface. on the side of the large tub was a metal basket with ice that was cooling the bottle of red wine and glasses inside it.

"i noticed you looked really stressed and i wanted to do something to help you." elias said.

"thank you so much elias." you sighed thankfully and hugged him, "i really needed this."

he smiled proudly.

"so how about we get in now?"

"oh hell yeah." you said.

both of you undressed and entered the tub. as soon as your body hit the warm water, your muscles immediately became less tense and you became more relaxed.

you leaned against the side of the tub and closed your eyes taking in the rare calmness. elias always seemed to know how to make everything so much better.

"here you go kärlek." elias said.

you opened your eyes to see that he was holding out a glass of red wine. you quickly accepted it out of his hand.

"thank you." you said quietly.

you watched as you swirled the red liquid around in the glass and took a sip. if the hot bath wasn't enough, that sure hit the spot.

"you are god sent elias lindholm." you complimented.

"so are you aimee lindholm." he smiled.

"i love you more than words can explain."

you guys sat in that bath together until the water was uncomfortably cold, drinking wine and having conversations. you were just a normal couple.

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