brock boeser // vancouver cancucks

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brock was gone again

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brock was gone again. most likely at the bar with his friends. this would be okay if he wasn't gone almost every night and didn't come back drunk, leaving you to take care of him while he stumbles around the house.

you heard the door unlock and someone's shoes clicking on the floor. you assumed it was brock and it was, but it was drunk brock.

you would be lying if you said you weren't disappointed. you had hoped that just one night he would come home sober so you guys could watch a movie and cuddle. but no, another night of babysitting a grown man.

"hi baby." he said walking past. you gave him a small nod. he made it to the stairs and you heard a bang, he had tripped on the stairs. you sighed and rubbed your head.

"are you good brock?" you yelled.
"can you help me get up?" brock asked.
"um no. i think you can do it yourself if you're fine." you said.
"babyyy. please. i'm tired."
"brock. you're not 4. get up yourself." you said with an attitude.

you heard brock groan and then the stairs creak so you assumed he got up. soon after, you followed him up to go to bed.

brock was ignoring you. every time you asked him something he just wouldn't answer and you were growing frustrated. he was a 22 year old nhl superstar that was having a 4 year old meltdown.

"what is wrong with you? why are you acting like a child?" you asked calmly though inside you were boiling.

once again, he refused to answer, peering at the wall behind you. you looked at him, getting madder and sadder by the second. finally, he decided to answer,
"you didn't help me." he complained.
"really?" you couldn't hold it back, "brock, i think we need a break." you said timidly.
he looked up swiftly.
"what?" he said shocked.
"we need a break." you repeated.
"why?" he asked.
"all you do is go out with your friends and come home drunk for me to take care of you."
"no please. i'll stop." brock pleaded.
"brock, i'm sorry but..." you couldn't continue. you walked towards the door and tried to leave.
"y/n, please don't go. i need you. i love you so much." he begged with glossy eyes.

you bit your lip and tried not to start crying. you walked out the door, leaving a crying brock. you got in your car and drove to your friend's place.

it had been exactly 19 days since you had seen brock. i wasn't going great for you or brock. the texts from elias petterson were the proof. he hadn't been sleeping, eating normally, or playing hockey well. brock was looking and acting sickly was the only thing you were getting out of the elias's updates and it was killing you slowly.

"y/n, you have to get out of the house. go get coffee or food." your bestfriend irked.

eventually, you agreed and went to get coffee. you ordered and sat down. you saw a cute blonde walk in. he looked tired, but still very attractive. when he turned around, it was brock. you couldn't bring yourself to leave to try to avoid him. it was reassuring to know he was still alive. your body gravitated towards him, but you resisted to urge to walk up to him. his eyes spotted yours and he slowly made his way over. he looked as if he immediately regret it when he got to you.

you kissed him. he engulfed your into an embrace.
"don't ever leave me again." he whispered into your hair.
"i promise." you looked up at his bluish- grey eyes.

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