jaccob slavin // carolina hurricanes

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jaccob chuckled as he ran around the hotel beds.

you grabbed him just before he fully went into the bathroom.

he let out a high pitched scream as you pulled him towards the bed. you pushed him onto the bed as he tried to squirm out of your grasp.

"let me go y/n." he laughed.

you began to wrestle across the bed. finally you got on top of him and pinned him down. he looked at your lips that happened to be just inches away from his.

you were ashamed to say that you had failed to stay professional. you had vowed that if you made it to the nhl (which you did), you would never fall in love with a teammate. it didn't work out, you had a tiny crush on jaccob. it didn't help that you guys were named roommates for the season.

"hey guys." sebastian aho said walking through the door.

you two separated very quickly.

"how'd you get in here?" you asked.

sebastian pointed at the door, "it's open. anyone could get in."

"what the fuck jaccob?"

"i didn't do it." he put his hands up.

"nah just kidding i stole one of your keys." sebastian laughed.

"that's where my key went." jaccob looked at sebastian in disbelief.

"well i came to hang out, but it seems neither of you are dressed for our game tonight." sebastian said shaking his head.

"not everyone gets dressed 2 hours early seb." you commented.

he shrugged, "i'll see you guys later." he threw your hotel room key on the dresser and walked out of the room.

you smirked and sprinted into the bathroom, locking the door.

"damn it!" you heard jaccob yell.

after the game

"BIG WIN BOYS" you yelled walking into the locker room throwing your gloves into your stall.

everyone in the locker room let out a loud cheer to mirror your energy.

you sat down in your stall next to jake gardiner to take off your equipment.

"he's looking at you again." jake whispered in your ear.

you rolled your eyes and you untied your skates.

this was a popular theme. your teammates loved to say that they saw jaccob staring you. you, of course, never believed it.

you did a press conference real quick and got on the team bus. you were real tired and always tired. so tired that your nickname was starting to become 'sleepy'. you picked it up on the ice, but as soon as you got off it was time for bed.

you laid your head on the seat in front of you. jaccob was walking towards you to sit when andrei svechnikov slid in next to you to take his seat. jaccob glared at andrei as he searched for another teammate to sit by.

"sleepy, wake up." andrei teased.

you picked up your head off the seat and placed it on his shoulder.

"don't tell me what to do young man." you closed your eyes.

"okay grandma." andrei said, "sleep then."

you fell asleep for the short ride back to the hotel.

you awoke to someone poking you in the arm.

"what?" you rubbed your eyes.

"we're at the hotel." andrei said quietly.

you nodded your head sleepily and followed andrei off the bus. you were the last ones.

you got up to your room and stuck your key into the door. the green light shone and you clicked the door open. the only thing that didn't stop you from collapsing was the warm bed.

jaccob was getting changed. you looked him from head to toe quickly and grabbed some comfy clothes out of your suitcase. you were too lazy to go to the bathroom to change. it's not like he hadn't seen you half naked in the locker room anyway. you turned towards the wall and changed as quick as possible. when you turned back around jaccob gawking at you.

"what are you looking at jake?" you asked, climbing into bed.

"nothing." he insisted.

you rolled towards the wall, but you couldn't fall asleep. it was utterly freezing in this hotel room.

"jaccob slavin, did you touch the thermostat?" you asked.

"no y/n y/l/n. why do you ask?" he mocked.

"because i'm so damn cold." you replied.

you heard his comforter rustle, signaling that he had got up. you hoped that he was going to check the thermostat and turn it up.

you felt your bed sink slightly. a pair of arms snaked around your waist as you were pulled closer to a warm body. you sank into jaccob's warmth. you felt his bearded chin on the top of your head.

"are you warmer now?" he asked.

he nodded your head against his chest.

"perfect. go to sleep, sleepyhead. i'll keep you warm."

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