david pastrnak // boston bruins

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"LET'S GO BOYS, LET'S GO." you screamed to the rest of the flames.

you walked up to your brother matthew tkachuk and did your handshake that you did before every single game.

if people thought matthew and brady were dirty when they played, they were almost surprised to see that you, the third tkachuk, was the dirtiest of them all.


you walked around to the rest of the players hyping each other up for a game against the boston bruins. it was a big game to win to prove that the flames were good enough to beat the best team in the league.

the flames stepped on the ice and the scotiabank saddledome erupted into cheers. the energy was unmatched. you loved living and playing in calgary more than anything.

part of the reason you were such a goon was to take the attention off of the really skilled players like sean monahan and johnny gaudreau and you happened to be pretty good at it. after all, that's why you were put on a line with johnny.

that's also why when brad marchand was pestering johnny after the play was whistled dead, you took action. you grabbed marchand by the back of his jersey and pulled him towards you.

he began to rant off a bunch of chirps.

you shook your head and rolled your eyes, "fuck off marchie."

he kept going on and on with the chirps and the little jabs of crosschecks in the ribs.

"let's go marchie." you stated, grabbing onto him.

you felt arms wrap around you and you being pulled away from marchand. you squirmed in whoever's arms you were in.

"let me the fuck go. all he does is talk. drops the mitts marchand." you yelled.

you were shushed by whoever was restricting you. immediately, you could tell that it was none of your teammates.

"calm down tkachuk."

you turned around in his grasp to see david pastrnak. you tried to push him away from you, but he had you in his arms very tightly.

"let me go pastrnak." you said in a very fake nice way.

you would never admit it, but you had gotten a little nervous when you saw who it was. the whole badass attitude began to fade away. you were almost ashamed to admit that you thought david pastrnak was pretty attractive. sadly, even a majority of your teammates knew that.

"you're so cute cosette." he complimented.

you could feel your badass attitude completely diminish and your cheeks begin to heat up.

"oh the big bad tkachuk blushes." pasta taunted with a smirk.

you shook your head, "n-no." you stuttered.

you were extremely flustered from his previous comment.

"you know you should dm me sometime, we could go on a date. i think both you and i would like that a lot." david flirted.

all you could do was stare at him, utterly terrified. you finally broke away from his grasp when johnny came to save you.

"i hate to break this up, but you look terrified." johnny said to you and began to drag you towards the bench.

"consider it cosette!" david called out.

"what does he want you to consider?" johnny asked, confused.

all you did was shake your head, too surprised to have any real words come out of your mouth.

you scooted into the bench next to johnny and your brother.

matthew waved a hand in front of your face. you had been zoned out and distracted. your cheeks still felt warm.

"do i need to beat up pastrnak? what did he say?" matthew asked, being the protective older brother he was.

you shook your head quickly.

matthew began to smirk, "oh i forgot you have a little crush on him. maybe i should beat him up. what, did he flirt with you cosette?"

you looked away from him.

"gaudy, pastrnak was flirting with cosette." matthew smirked towards johnny.

"oh!" he exclaimed, "that's why she looked so horrified."

"you know what, shut up. you guys are just making this worse." you rolled your eyes.

"be careful lil sis or i'll have to fight him and i know you wouldn't like that." matthew smiled.

"you guys are all so damn annoying."

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