F O U R T Y - T W O

Start from the beginning

Kayden was slumping low into his armchair, head resting in his hand that was propped up on the couch. An empty expression still planted onto his face. He was fighting off sleep as he sat there, staring at his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the room right now.

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence, Alana spoke up. "Buckley,"

Kayden didn't say anything, let alone look at her. To him, his hands must've been the most interesting things in the world.

"Buckley?" Wood asked, now waving her hands up in the air to get the boys attention.

Then, Kayden uttered his first words I've heard since Hannah broke up with him. "Shut the fuck up, Wood," he croaked and then cleared his throat. He sounded angry and annoyed.

Alana scoffed and then snapped back. "It's been two weeks, you have to get over this, it's not healthy. So, no, I certainly won't 'shut the fuck up,' "

Kayden gave her a sharp, piercing glance before he stood up, not bothering to straighten out the creases on his loose fitted uniform.

He marched up the stairs without another word and I heard his door slam from where I was sitting.

Alana stood up as she saw him walk away and watched him as he disappeared up the stairs and into his dorm.

She started walking to the stairs when I abruptly stopped her. "No, Wood," I hissed. "Leave him alone,"

This is how Kayden copes. I knew getting involved would just result in more distancing and isolation from him.

He needed time.

And if Alana didn't respect that, I was going to bitch slap her.

"But he's-" she started and I wasn't going to let her get that far.

"He needs time. Leave him," I told her calmly.

She scoffed. "Why would you guys let him get like this?"

Was she really placing the blame on us?

"Excuse me?" Pansy growled, daring her to ask it again.

"Well, don't tell me it wasn't you," Alana replied, testing my sister

Pansy pulled out her wand and stood up quickly.

"You know what? Wood, I think you should leave," Daisy stood up too and gave a death stare to Alana.

Alana, instead, paused.

It took a minute before Pansy spoke again. "You heard her, go!"

Alana gave me an apologetic look and rushed up the stairs after Kayden.

Daisy fell back down on the couch, tongue rolling around the inside of her mouth. "Great," she muttered. "Due to that twat, we're not gonna see Kayden for what? Another month?"

It was very, very out of character for Daisy to speak like this about someone and I could feel all eyes on me.

I glanced around the room, the boys didn't dare say anything. They knew that they shouldn't get involved in a fight involving more girls than guys.

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