A showcase with @LheaRyder, W.A.I.T

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1 what inspired the idea of your story? 

it's a vampire and werewolf story. I am an ardent fan of supernatural creatures ever since I read 'Night World' by L.J. Smith. Initially, I was just a reader on Wattpad. I came across many werewolf and vampire stories that got my nerves tingling. Sometime down the lane, I was motivated to write a story for the genre with my own twist >_^.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story? 

I struggled a lot while constructing the story. The biggest struggle has to be the resolve of the mystery that surrounds the title. Writing a mystery/ thriller is a tough job. You cannot afford to leave any plot holes. Plot holes are where I struggled; I guess I still do which is why I keep editing and re-editing the published and to-be-published chapters.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

The general mystery. I am just as curious about the mystery behind the story and its title like any reader. Besides this, I love describing casual scenes. I love it when the story diverts a bit from the overall serious theme and gets a light0hearted and fun. This way, I am able to pay a lot of attention to the characters; this even makes them all the more loveable ❤❤

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

Most of my readers fangirl over my characters. I absolutely love them for this ❤❤. They seem to enjoy the story so far. I have a lot of readers who have read the story till the last update and that thrills me. I really love my readers and their support ❤.

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?

My story is the first book of a trilogy called THE 'CLEAVED' CHRONICLES.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

My story focuses on a girl whose life changes completely and how she copes up with it. From this, I'd like my readers to never lose hope. Hope is all we need to face ANY obstacle in life.

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

I would say that there is always room for improvement. Welcome every chance of improvement with open arms. Your story may be great, but it can always be better.

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

Yep XD. A ton. The male protagonist of the story is what I'd be like... If I were a guy. I intently designed his character after mine. He shares the same personality, hobbies and whatnot like me. He has a twin sister; I have a twin brother. He has heterochromia; so do I. But we are not exactly alike: as I said, he is a guy, I am a girl. Also, he can't do art, but I can ^_^ (I loved this question ❤❤)

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

The thrill and the mystery with the side of romance. I'd like to think that it is well laid-out and distributed throughout the story because that is what I aim for. I have come to know that thrillers, mysteries and plot twists are what engage readers now a days; romance is just the garnish that melts hearts XD.

10 do you have any future projects?

Yep. I am focusing on the sequel of this book. It is titled 'The G.A.I.L.'; besides that I am planning to publish a young adult novel titled 'Two Hearts; One Beat' on Wattpad. In the end, it all depends on time ^^.

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