A showcase with @linalagosya, author Art of falling

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1. What inspired the idea of your story? 

I read a lot of shoujo manga in college and I think that spurred a lot of ideas for the romantic plot. Then I wanted to flesh it out with some real conflict and backstory that would help make these characters more real. I leaned on some of my own experiences as well as those of friends or even just things I've read and researched. 

2. What was something you struggled with for your story? 

I really struggled with writing some of the characters that were antagonists. I realized I wanted them to be real people too, with strengths and flaws, but it was too easy to just write them as pure villains. But that's not often how it is in real life, so that's something I'm still working on. 

3. What has been the overall response to your story from your readers? 

I think they enjoy the slowly building relationship between the two main characters. A lot of readers seem to really love Jake (the boy character)! Which is great! The general consensus is he's sweet, which is what I was going for. I've gotten some feedback on making my antagonists more grounded and real, so it's good to know that readers are picking up on the thing I'm struggling with and helping make it stronger! 

4. What did you enjoy writing most of your story?

 Hm... that's a tough one. Honestly, I'm a sucker for drama so I really liked writing the most dramatic bits, like the really emotional scenes. They were hard but I loved it.

5. Is your story a standalone novel or a piece of a series? 

Well, I had intended it to be a standalone and it was written as such. But then I started working out some new storylines and now it will be a duology with potential to become a trilogy! So that's exciting.

 6. What would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

That it's okay to ask for help, and to be honest about your emotions. Don't hold things in. Find someone to talk to. Let yourself be vulnerable. Get help if you need it.

7. What's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story?

 Keep working at it. If you love a story, don't give up on it. When you get feedback, take a moment to decide if it's right for you and your story. If it isn't, set it aside. If it is, find the best way to apply it that makes the story even stronger.

 8. Does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

Hm, she's both very different and very similar. I was never a queen bee type, but I do act like she does when it comes to romantic relationships. Everything embarrasses me and I'm not very sentimental, lol. But I'm honest, like she is.

 9. What's something you believe would draw in new readers? 

Hm... I think the characters are not who you expect them to be. Which I think is refreshing! There's a nice mystery and building of tension and some unexpected reveals, along with a slow burn romance that's a lot of fun to follow along with, I think!

 10. Do you have any future projects? 

Yes! I'm working on the sequel to the Art of Falling. And right now I'm updating weekly another teen fiction called The Plus Side of Negative Thinking about a troubled loner genius that gets sent to a boarding school for gifted students. It's been fun to write!

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