A showcase with @CallieSumner

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 Author of Into The Rabbit Hole & All It's Sinful Delight

1 what inspired the idea of your story?

Well now! This is a very unique, and slightly embarrassing story, but oh well! I'm not ashamed.. So, one night at around 3 o'clock in the morning, I found myself on a certain x-rated website. Devouring video after video falling deeper and deeper into this strange rabbit hole I couldn't pry my eyes away from. It all started from pure boredom at first, soon turned into that light bulb moment people speak of! Abbie started talking to me inside my head. Telling me her story, and it hasn't stopped since!

2 what was something you struggled with for your story?

PACING!! And, I like to say I started writing with a sever handicap, like on golf.. (Lets all take a moment to enjoy the bad dad joke..) Because of things happening while I was growing up I had to drop out of school after a month of the 9th grade at the age of 14, so I wasn't taught the basics for what I needed to know. Then, once I had the idea, character, and main plot of the book figured out I didn't know how to start the book. I dumped way to much information on the readers in the first few chapters of the story because of it. Eventually I learned to slow down though. Plus the more books I write the more I evolve as a writer, so my storytelling is always changing. Hopefully for the better though. What did you enjoy most about writing your story?

I still love how I find inspiration from the oddest things! Either a picture, song, movie, something someone said, etc. Something will click inside my head and I instantly visualize how I can work that into a part of the series. 

3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

Absolutely amazing! They love the originality of the plot. It's not one of the same, average storyline you find in Erotica as well. They love the characters, and all the little extra details I add to each chapter to bring the story to life for the reader. 

4 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

This is Book 1 of my Sinful Delight Series.

I've also completed Book 2: Sinful Delight & The Masters Might (Abbie & Drake Part 2)


Book 3: Sinful Delight & The Masters That Share (Mel, Dean, & Duke)


5 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

To be accepting and embrace all the different pleasures this great world of ours has to offer us. To not give up when things don't go how you planned, or life throws you a major fucking curve ball. When only get this one chance to live this life, so don't waste it by judging others, and instead love them however they let you! 

6 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story?

I'd tell them to just trust in themselves, and their original idea. Don't let people compare your work to another book already put there. At first I had a few people try to compare my story to 50 Shades, or even accuse me of trying to copy another writes storyline. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't bother me, because it sure as hell did, but after taking the time to talk with them about where I saw the story going they got the vision. Constructive criticism is very helpful when you first start posting your story to the world, but don't let the ones just trying to be nasty and negative bring you down!

7 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Each of my characters have some parts of me woven into their personalities, but Abbie does share a real life oh shit moment with me. 

At 18 I got my GED, and eventually started going to a JR college in my small country town. While I was there my English teacher made it VERY clear to me how bad my grammar, and overall development of a story was lacking in just my everyday assignments. Well that same professor also taught Comp 2, and required us to write a 5 page research paper for our final grade in her class. I was also taking psychology that semester which also required a research paper, but thankfully both teachers would let us turn in the same paper for each class as long as it was about psychology.

I started on it right away, and it took me 2 months to perfect my paper before turning it in to both teachers on the same day. 2 days later I was called into my English professor office. I didn't know what it was about, but I thought it had to be something good, because my psychology professor had just told me how good my research and paper was that morning. But, that damn English professor accused me of plagiarism, and tried to have me expelled. I had to drop the bitches class just so that wouldn't happen! And I wasn't able to graduate because she was the only one who taught the course I needed to finish! I was so so freaking pissed and hurt about the whole situation!

8 what's something you believe would draw in new readers?

There are lots of things! Every character is lovable and relatable. The storyline is completely unique, and this is the beginning of an even bigger universe. Where everyone is accepted and loved for who they are

do you have any future projects?

I'm currently in the process of writing Book 4.Sinful Delight & The Masters Innocent (Modesty & Dino)

But, don't fear! I have plenty more to tell about the characters in this series. I have 3 more book already planned out after 4 is finished. Along with a few one-shots, and bonus chapters from everyone's favorite book candy! 

 Along with a few one-shots, and bonus chapters from everyone's favorite book candy! 

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