A showcase with @MY_AMAZING_SELF, author of Until I Find You Again

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1 what  inspired the idea of your story?

I am sixteen so I am in an age where music and and bands matter and that was how it all started. I am a limelight for why don't we and a PRETTYMUCH fan. That inspired my story. My love for bands and music. I started imagining with my friend how their love life started and soon enough I developed a story of my own.

 2 what was something you struggled constructing with your story? 

The entire thing. It is a series of five books for each band member. It was some kind of musical so I had to write stories and my friends supported me a lot but then again they were sometimes against the song and stuff so that didn't help me most of the time, so I had prepare those. I started writing this book after pausing it for three months.

3 what has been the overall response of your story from your readers? 

There is not an overall response yet, like I publishef it few weeks ago, but those who read said it was really good.

4 what did you enjoy writing most about your story? 

I enjoyed writing the scenes and the thoughts of the characters especially Leen, the female lead. Leen is really one of my favorite characters and she is even my top female character from those I made.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or part of a series? 

It is part of a series and it is the first book.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

I  want them to take away that love can be pure and just for the sake of it. Leen had trouble in her life so she decided to save Tyler from it, while she did that and left with no word or goodbye. Tyler kept searching never giving up even when she wasn't there. He couldn't get over her because he truly loved her even though he didn't tell her at first. 

 7 what advice would you provide to other writers, when it comes to focusing on their story? 

I really have those advices. First, Love your work. Second, work with love. Third, keep going even if it is not good cause it will be better by time. Forth, break your limits and get out of your comfort zone. Fifth, imagine the scene before writing. Sixth, get inspiration from characters around you.

8 does the main character share any similarities with yourself?

Actually, Leen is a lot UNLIKEe. She is strong, she is independent. She is a lot unlike me, but we share the same self hate at some points. Tyler is like me at some points cause for me, it is hard to let go the same it was for him to let go of her. That was probably the main thing we share. One of the things that made developing them hard was that I wanted them to be a lot unlike me. I didn't want them to be like me because most of my characters already are.

 9 what is something of your story, you believe would draw in new readers? 

I  don't know honestly, but mainly their point of view about stuff. A lot blamed Leen when she left, and she blamed herself, because she didn't explain. She just left which actually hurt her lover as for Tyler, he blamed himself because he wasn't close enough to see the trouble she had. He even blinded himself instead of helping but then again she never asked like asked. Who is wrong and who is right?! That is the question that I always ask myself but I reached no answer.

10 do you have any other future projects?

Other than the ' Forever Kisses' (which is the name of the band by the way) series, no I don't. I have five books to go. I have been writing a book called Letters but it is in an ongoing state but no no new projects.

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