A showcase with @laurenwolfe12, author of The fall apart

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I was reading a lot of stories that focused on young adults, I'm a thirty something :) I wanted a story that focused on real, mom life issues, and the struggles of marriage after the newness wears off.

 2 what was something you struggled with for your story ? 

Many aspects of my story are deeply personal. It was hard to put myself out there, knowing people would have their opinions, or judge certain things.

3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

The overall response was extremely positive. Not everyone can relate, most of my readers are mothers, or women who have been in relationships. It was amazing how much people shared with me. How many could relate to the many struggles, hardships, happy times that happen in real life. I met so many amazing people during this journey that will stay with me through my entire life.

 4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

My main character, Alex, had a ton of internal struggles, I had the most fun writing her rants. Also liked writing the bedroom scenes

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

stand alone

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

That they aren't alone. Many of us go through similar things throughout the course of our lives. It's better to talk about it, to get things out there and confide in others, than to suffer in silences. That some love stories have flaws and ugly truths along the way. That NOBODY is perfect.

7 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story?

To write what you care about. Do not change your story to suit your readers, no matter how hard you don't want to let them down. Mostly, just share your story. Pour a drink, jam to some tunes, and let it flow

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

My main character is about 90% me.

9 what's something you believe would draw in new readers? 

Well, most importantly, it needs to be edited. I think the common age group that sees it is a younger one, and the story would be hard for them because they can't relate. So, I'd say if it was seen by more readers who are or have been in relationships and have children of their own

10 do you have any future projects?

I just started a new book "Ties" 

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