A showcase with @StephRose1201

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author of: The Golden Flower #1 in the Golden Series  

1. What inspired the idea of your story?

 I'm in a phase of obsession with British monarchy and 18th century Europe, so I've been toying with an idea about royals for a while... but because I wanted *control* over my characters, their background, their traditions, I decided to create two countries on the outskirts of France and develop the story from there. My first thought was—I want someone to have a secret, and someone else to want to solve it, and for there to be multiple villains with some remaining hidden until later... bla bla bla, five books later, I think I got a little out of hand LOL

2. What was something you struggled with while constructing your story?

 Vocabulary, for sure. The series is LONG, and though The Golden Flower is the shortest in it, I still fumbled a lot while looking for the right words to convey the emotion and imagery I saw in my mind. It was hard to not repeat everything. And then also, keeping in character. There are multiple POV's in this book, so it was hard to jump from chapter to chapter and make sure I kept my stories straight. 

3. What has been the overall response of your story from your readers? 

*blushing* really good. I can honestly say I NEVER expected such compliments, nor did I think so many people would read it. Right now, The Golden Flower is at 12.5K views, and I still can't believe it. People are adding it to their reading lists, voting, commenting—I'm so overjoyed. As someone who never thought she'd ever write Historical Fiction/Fantasy... this has been a wonderful experience.

4. What did you enjoy writing most about your story? 

Oh, the world-building moments, for sure. I LOVE getting deep into Totresian history (the main country in the story is Totresia). It was so fun to detail the castles and cities and traditions.

5. Is your story a stand-alone novel or part of a series?

 It's a series! It was always intended as such, but The Golden Flower initially was just a short-story to introduce the world. Then it became a novella... and now it's a full-fledged novel. The series is THE GOLDEN SERIES/UNIVERSE and it contains five books as of now. I'm working on a first spin-off series, too, THE BRAZEN SERIES, based on a side-character from The Golden Girl. (And there will be MANY more spin-offs)

6. What would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

I want it to transport them to another world. I want it to marvel and fascinate and worry and scare and excite and sadden them all at once.

 7. What advice would you provide to other writers, when it comes to focusing on their story?

 Put on some good music and isolate yourself! I always advise to plot things out, too; it'll help you avoid writer's block, since you'll already know what's going to happen. And by plotting it out, you'll have no reason to stop writing. And please, don't stop!! The only way to get better is to keep persevering!

8. Does the main character share any similarities with yourself?

 Ah, Marguerite. *smiles*I'd say we both have quite the temper, for sure. We sort of look alike, too, though I envision her as taller and more slender. We both strive for goodness and hate BS. And Céleste (the other main character later in the series) represents me as a teenager, I think. The curious side of her, at least.

9. What is something of your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

The plot! It's centered around a mystery, and I think that mystery catches some attention. And also the fact that I continuously keep my readers guessing and when they think they've figured it out... they haven't.

10. Do you have any other future projects?

 ALWAYS. I'm always plotting something. *laughs*I'm preparing to start posting the first spin-off of the Golden series, THE BRAZEN MAIDEN (first chapter is already up) and will start writing the second book in a few months. I'm also in the process of self-publishing my first novel, CARNIVOROUS CUPID, which is centered around Greek mythology in current times and a bloody mystery that a skeptic FBI is put in charge of solving. Ask me the same question tomorrow—I'll probably have another project on the table. LOL

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