A showcase with @EvelynHail and @RainerSalt, author of, it's Mind the Gap

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

🎤 👩🏻‍🦰 (I am taking the phallicmic, of course 😛)

Evelyn: Aye, that's a curious one. I was dutifully copying' a line out of a dreadful maths assignment. 'Twas, as follows: "If a 🚂 A left the station going 60 mph & 🚂 B left the station going 70 mph... At what time..."

I stopped and thought.

At what time would I give a fuck?

At the time when each of dem 🚂s would carry a unique soul, that's when.


Rainer: Well, if these train hurtled past each other at a cumulative speed of 130 mph, neither of the two souls would care.

So we started giving it some more thought. There'd have to be a station somewhere in between where they'd stop. And the two souls had to be a reason to be in these trains, a life to drive them forward, and a yearning to pull them out.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?


Rainer: Oh, I struggled with my co-writer, mostly, chasing after the sparks cast by her beautiful imagination.

🎤 👩🏻‍🦰

Evelyn: Shapin-up!

When I write, the river of words just bursts out through the keyboard-finger dam.

I'm like in some kind of a bloody moon-walking trance! Puppet on a string, speed-playing the piano!

Two hours later, 2000 words have been laid down but they are all Level 1 words!
Many of them to be improved, cut, re-shaped, better-worded. Grammar mistakes to be fixed...

On the road to Level 2... Tis is where the co-writing steps in!

Stretch yer arms.

Free-fall backwards.

Have no fear, your co-writer is here!

Always there to cyndilauper catch you if you stumble

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

Evelyn: So. Many. Friggin. Things about Iris part. Ugh, I will try to keep 'em at 4️⃣!

1. The 🥕 and the 🍩. Who wouldn't enjoy a doughnut? Or a carrot. 😏

2. Discovering and fiddling with the Redken Virtual Hair Colour Try-On instantly explore new hair colours with our 70 + shades" thingie. < does virtual Unicorn 🦄 Frappuccino Mane toss.>

3. Those perfect little geeky references I got to spill! ☺️ Potterverse and  Whoverse! Not to mention Marvel, DC and Baby Yoda!

4. Writing about the act of illustrating, and the illustrating itself was extremely pleasurable. I have always felt that drawings are life in colours, just like books are life in words. 


Rainer: Usually, describing the same event from two different points of view is boring, for the writer as well as the reader. Here, with two characters so different and them knowing so little about each other, it was quite a blast, at least for the writer. It was fascinating to see the gap between them, the way they see things differently, and how easy it is to get each other wrong. That, combined with the co-writing experience, made this quite a ride.

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