A showcase with @kayjaytailor, author of Trust

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I originally designed the cover first for my graphic shop, Elysian, and was hoping to publish it as a Premade cover for anyone to request. It was only when I edited a scar onto the MC's face in the design, did the plot come to me. 

It was very much a random thought as I went from thinking: I wonder what could have happened for her to get that scar? The next thing I knew, I developed an entire backstory for her and I realised that I just had to write it down.

All of a sudden I had this book, "Trust," that I've been writing non-stop for the past week or so.

 2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story? 

I'm from a small town in the UK whilst the MC, Sydney Beck, is from Brooklyn, USA: we couldn't be more different! I am literally surrounded by trees and wildlife, whilst Sydney is in a bustling city with massive skyscrapers and busy people. I have never been to New York, so it was very difficult to try and make it as authentic as it could possibly be.

However I watch a lot of TV, some of which are based in New York. This includes Friends, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and so much more: I tried to use the visuals from these shows as a very basic guideline. So in a nutshell: a lot of tall buildings and a lot of people doing their own thing.

The town that I live in is very secluded: I've got a field behind my house and a forest next to it, yet there's a row of other houses on my right: very, very different to New York.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

I love how crazy Sydney is! Okay, so she's a bit terrifying and completely insane, but her mind was just this giant labyrinth that even she can't figure out. Creating Sydney has been an incredibly experience as I've never designed a character quite like her before. 

The rest of my books have very morally-correct MC's, but Sydney seems to have no morals at all: creating her has opened a whole new world for me, as it has made me step of outside my comfort zone as a writer.

4 what's the overall response of your story from your writers?

This book has only just been published onto Wattpad, but I feel like it's doing a lot better than I thought it would. I've seen a lot of readers add "Trust" to their own reading lists, and have seen a few vote and comment on the chapters. 

Honestly, this book has received a lot more recognition than I thought it ever would! I've also entered the book in a contest or two, so let's see how that goes =)

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ? 

I'm planning on it being a series, but you never know! I may just decide to leave it as a stand-alone book: I'll see how this one goes first.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

to not be a serial killer

Aha - honestly there isn't much, but it's mainly about listening to your conscience. Doing what you want to do, doesn't necessarily make it the right thing to do.

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story? 

Be honest. I think that's probably the most important thing. 

I always find it easier to write about something you resonate with, no matter how much. 

For "Trust," I don't relate to Sydney's character or mindset at all, but one of the problems that she goes through in later chapters of the book, is something that I have personally dealt with. Writing that specific chapter was the easiest because I was writing from my memories, and writing my own experiences from heart to paper.

It's often easier to write about your own experiences or about something that has affected you, rather than writing what you think people want to read.

Write the book that you've always wanted to read.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Good Lord, I hope not! 

Her character is quite... serial killer-y, so I don't relate to her at all

I don't relate to her character, but when I was younger (14-15), I looked just like how I imagine Sydney: short with short brown hair, round face (still have that!), but quite slim at the same time.

In terms of experiences, Sydney goes through something in the later chapters that I have personally dealt with very recently. This was probably the most authentic part of the book, as I was being very honest with myself and to the reader.

Aside from those two points, I'm really hope that I'm not similar to Sydney's character. 

 9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

It's very different compared to my existing novels. Most of the books that I have written to date have been short stories, but this is the first full-length novel that I have been very serious about.

 I think trying something new like this, opting for a darker theme and having an element of authenticity will draw in new readers.

 But only time will tell!

10 do you have any future projects?

I have over 25 half-written books in my drafts, and 2 more books that are a WIP in my profile. So I'm going to say yes, aha!

 I think I'm going to focus on one book at a time though, starting with "Trust."


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