A showcase with @SaphCastlexx, author of Holiday Homework

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I've always loved watching Christmas themed movies and liked several plots in books for the season. 'The Holiday Homework' is my second project under the Christmas/Winter theme. The inspiration for the story may or may not be taken from the general genre of a Holiday plot but bringing in the importance of family and traditions that I've learnt from my family is definitely one of the main inspiration.Plus, who wouldn't love a classic love story to read during the winter months?

 2 what was something you struggled constructing with your story?

I cannot say if it can be called a struggle, but I've thought often on how I could make the story stand out. Wattpad is a platform with talented writers and there are plenty of stories under Christmas and Romance. I have to admit, the original plot didn't have the ending I gave the book, it barely had anything to Jasper's impact on Holly. I wanted it to be the typical Christmas theme of caroling, baking and opening presents, but there's a lot more to Christmas than just that.

 3 what has been the overall response of your story from your readers? 

The overall response to the story so far has been very positive. It has had a few difference in opinions but that has not interfered in the general heartwarming vibe of the story.

4 what did you enjoy writing most about your story?

I guess the entire time that Holly was with Jasper's family in Philidelphia was the part I enjoyed writing the most. Right from the choosing of the perfect tree to cookies being set out for Santa on Christmas Eve. A lot about the main characters is revealed during this period through subtle gestures and simple late-night conversations.

 5 is your story a stand alone novel or part of a series?

The Holiday Homework is a stand-alone novel. I did think of having a short sequel but it would have ruined the beauty of the story.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

There are a lot of things that can be taken away from The Holiday Homework. First, the importance of family. Whether you define family by blood or bond, the support system is essential in life. Many may not agree with me and say that they may not have families like the Andersons in the story but no family is like another.

Second, the real magic of Christmas doesn't come in glitters. We often see how as the temperature drops, our behavior or our perspective of our life changes. I believe that the holidays complete us, humans, in unknown ways. The comfy jumpers, the shades of silver, gold, blue, white, red and green, the holiday sales, the holiday treats... it's just a gentle hug during such cold months. 

Third, situations in life do make people change but it's not always for the worst. Things happen in life to make us stronger and situations don't affect just you, they affect everyone around you. You awaken to the things you closed your eyes to and learn to cope with the new situation. It's not always easy but if life was easy, we'd have arrived on earth with a handbook on how to survive.

7 what advice would you provide to other writers, when it comes to focusing on their story?

Never stop writing. 

Yes, I know you've heard this plenty of times but it's the truth. 

Something new writers do is to look at other works and compare with their own. It's okay to do so because you learn through this but you need to remember that their story isn't your story. Your story cannot be told by someone else...your emotions cannot be expressed by someone else. You will get stuck, you will get frustrated, you will feel like giving up but that's the recipe for a beautiful book. Just never give in to giving it up

 8 does the main character share any similarities with yourself? 

Holly and I share two common similarities, our love for food and sleep and the fact that neither of us have siblings...but unlike her, I can actually cook something edible without having to look a recipe book. I, however, have similarities with Jasper when it comes to family and the Christmas spirit.

9 what is something of your story, you believe would draw in new readers? 

As much as readers enjoy reading books that may excite them sensually, a book that gives a heartwarming feel becomes a feel-good book. The Holiday Homework may not be the After series but it has its beauty that can leave you warm and cozy and believe in the goodness that is in all mankind – just waiting to be discovered.

10 do you have any other future projects?

Future projects? Yes, I'm currently working on a book called The Matchmaker's Match. It's a romance novel with Cupid involved. The book is a bit different to The Holiday Homework as it focuses on the life of Young Adults. Let's face it, those who belong to this category know for sure that life is not a bed of roses.

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