A showcase with @JRSheperd, author of The Gathering: Bloodmoure Chronicles

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1. what inspired the idea of your story?

 I think it was all those years of playing D&D as a teenager.

 2. what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

 When I started creating my world, I struggled with organizing my notes. I worked on the book over twelve years before I started putting fingers to the keyboard. 

3. what did you enjoy writing most of your story?

 The character's evolution. I loved watching the characters developed unique personalities.

 4. what's the overall response of your story from your writers?

 Everyone that has read it loves it. I haven't received any negative feedback from those that have finished the 1st book.

5. is your story a stand-alone novel or a piece of a series?

 The Gathering is the first of three for this series. I have further books planned that will continue, and because of feedback from readers on Wattpad, I have decided to go back and write prequels.

 6. what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

 I want the reader to come away feeling fulfilled and needing more. I want the characters to be memorable and make a lasting impression on the reader. I want people to like it so much, and they want other people to read it.

7. what advice would you provide to fellow writers when it comes to focusing on their own story?

 Don't stop writing. Find time, even if it's 30 minutes a day. If you are using Wattpad, listen to the readers and make edits often.

 8. does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

Not really. I can't think of any.

 9. what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?

 I feel like my story is unique because I spend a lot of time exploring the antagonists. I want the reader to see both sides of the story. Why is the villain the way he is? The villains need to feel justified from their actions, right?

10 do you have any future projects?

 Yes, definitely. I am currently working on book two, The Hunted, as I continue to edit book one, The Gathering. I have plans to continue the series for as long as I have ideas. I've thought about following the next generation and even going back in time and doing several prequels.

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