A showcase with @McSidney, author of sealed in darkness

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what inspired the idea of your story? 

I derived my main inspiration for a fantasy story from "Constantine" story. But what really fueled "Sealed In Darkness" were a few images I came across on Pinterest. Initially I wanted to center by story on a vengeful reincarnated witch, who swore to take revenge on a clan of werewolves that betrayed her and led to her death hundreds of years back. I had already drafted my first chapter and its prologue, but it seemed a bit cliché and underrated. I needed something new, I wanted something I've not done before; that led to the introduction of another protagonist. At first it was a bad ass katana wielder with a pistol, but I couldn't quite fit him into the setting I created because of his sword. And so I needed to create a different world and time, and the introduction of a new Protagonist, Akillim, a seventeen year old rich kid, from a line of ancient sages.

2 what was something you struggled with for your story ?

Yet again, the time and setting was a problem. I couldn't dwell on the medieval times because my bad ass character owns a gun, and the arts of magic I had introduced and the dark theme I needed, couldn't fit into our present time. This birthed a new idea: why not move the story hundreds of years into the future, creating a situation that allowed the swords, magic and monsters. And that is what "Sealed in Darkness" is about; the journey of a witch, a hunter and a bratty sage.

 3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

It was really mind blowing. I didn't really expect the turn out I got; the reviews and majority DMing and telling me how much they love it, and wished I could update soon.

 4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story

The fight scenes, you know: the swinging of swords and the squirting of blood, as well as as the overall the description.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

I'm a bit indecisive about that part yet, I plan on making it into a sequel, but I'm just waiting to see how the story's plot itself will turn out to be.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

Courage. Your worst fear can become real with just the snap of a finger, but times like this when you stand in all your legs...... Stand and all your legs are shaking, and sweat is rolling down the sheugh of your arse, and your palms are sweaty and warm, and hope seems to have disappoint, amidst the throbbing adrenaline and raging heart beat, you push and persevere.

7 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story? 

One of what I mostly tell most writers is that in this big writing community, there are stories that will make your late nights and hard work look like a preschoolers homework; situations like this can be really intimidating, and if it gets to you, that's it for you... Its over! But at times when you're faced with a more superior story, I believe it to be an opportunity, where you get to learn what he has that you don't, a time you respect the story and try to learn what you can to improve yourself. This is what I do all the time.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Yeah, the Sage. I'm most times a brat like he is. :-)

 9 what's something you believe would draw in new readers?

The emotions, the back stories of each of my characters, and even for some side characters too.

 10 do you have any future projects?

Yes. I plan on writing a romance story :-)

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