A showcase with @FaeWhit

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Author of: A PRIESTESS FOR THE BLIND GOD - A Legends of Rahasia Series.

1 what inspired the idea of your story?
I read "And I Darken" about the daughter of the real-life Dracula and her gay brother falling for a desert emperor, but ultimately getting rejected. I wanted to switch the locale to a fictional desert empire and include Persian, Greek, and Old Javanese influences. And obviously, I wanted the gay characters to get a happily-ever-after, because sometimes Prince Charming needs another Prince Charming. (Princesses and princesses, or gender-neutral monarchs etc.

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story?

I took a script-writing class where the professor said: "you can make a character likable by making them good, OR charismatic. Sometimes, they can be both, but not usually". I knew Ode was a badass, and sometimes, being good and making good decisions or what you, at the time, THINK is a good decision makes you downright unlikeable. Doing the right thing can make others hate you, especially if they hold prior biases based on gender, ethnicity, sexuality, ableism, or other factors. It was difficult keeping Ode true and authentic when readers were flat-out wondering why she reacted the way she did. But, she was just a character who wrote herself, true to who she was. That was the best thing I could've hoped for.

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story?
The mythology! The Three Siblings. Aziz, they're beautiful as a god can be. The warring Cato. The Blind God accepting all the outcasts. That's what I liked the most, a god for the outcasts. Those called "freaks and weirdos" who want to reclaim their outsider status as being the "new normal". I always liked that Tim Burton aesthetic. The freaks and weirdos creating a found family with each other, that's my true love in a story. 

4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers?

I've had so many wonderful readers reach out with love. Saying Ode inspired them, or how incredibly happy they were to see the princes end up with each other. I want to create authentic characters who reflect who people are, how they love, and how they can be. Nothing makes me happier than finding this sort of amazing, supportive community on Wattpad. They helped me through a really rough, low mental health patch in my life, and for that, I'm forever grateful.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series ?
It's the first of the "Legends of Rahasia" series!

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

You are a badass. The rest of the world can call you freak or weirdo, but you know your worth. Go forth and kick ass.

7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story?

Finish the first draft. That's the hardest thing you will ever do. Maybe you have five-hundred ideas bouncing around in your head. Maybe you're at the editing stage and you're sick of reading your own words. But you cannot do anything without first giving yourself your ROUGH DRAFT. It's rough for a reason. NOBODY writes the perfect novel in one go, not exactly. Just word vomit your story onto those pages. Someone needs to tell this story, and you can do it!

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?
Ode has a moment where she looks in the mirror and wears more masculine clothing. That was a really important scene because, at the time I was writing this, I was wrestling with my own identity as pansexual, and questioning my gender expression. Writing Ode, a woman who dresses more masculine, and Aziz, a nonbinary deity, really helped me come to terms with being who I was. Recently, I've come out as non-binary, and the support has been wonderful. I hope to help make the world a more accepting place.

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers?
If you like villains being the true heroes of the story, you will enjoy this.

10 do you have any future projects?
Currently: newest Wattpad book in the "Legends of Rahasia" series called "A Queen for the Frost Giant" based on Norse legends and asthmatic queen Cassia Boadicea going on a quest to unite all the warring cities along the Borealis.

Grimm and Glitter Podcast (available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and more. Season 2 is a real good starting point).

A new series about to be published about queer paranormal monster-detectives solving murders together. Going to be great fun! Will post more information about the book as it gets closer to IRL publication. Stay tuned and message me if you'd like to know more! Could send out review copies once it gains momentum. 

A short film being released about queer video gamers falling in love

Potentially a Webtoon?? (Our group Irsomakizae Studios "Pickup Artist's Apprentice" creators, was on hiatus, but maybe coming back to life)

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