A showcase with @pseudonymLove, author of The good girl secrets

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 1 what inspired the idea of your story? 

What inspired me to start writing The Good Girls Secrets is one day I was just in my car and a thought popped into my head. I had an idea or an ending if you will, and I wanted to explore how in the world these two people got to this point. I can't tell you what the ending is as of right now, but I can say, I cannot wait to upload that chapter!

2 what was something you struggled constructing with your story?

The part I struggle with constructing the most in regards to my story is the in between scenes. I know what I want to happen in most chapters, but I find it sometimes difficult to get from one intense scene to another. I have all these epic and high energy things I want to happen in this book so I just have to work extra hard on these transitions.

 3 what has been the overall response of your story from your readers? 

The overall response I have gotten relating to this specific work has been great. I love the community and I have had nothing but positive responses. I always get excited when I get a new follower that reads my work, especially when they comment they're thoughts. I will never lose the excitement on getting more and more reads, followers comments and votes. I love and appreciate every single one of them.

4 what did you enjoy writing most about your story? 

I really enjoyed writing the high energy scenes in this book. I know there are some intense ones in here so far, and there will be more to come, but I feel that the way these play out make the reader want more. They get excited, or angry and feel more drawn in and can either relate to the characters, weather it would be to love or hate them. I try to put as much feeling into each word I write to pull the reader in and feel like they are watching it unfold in front of their eyes. I only hope to progress in my skills and grow as a writer everyday.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or part of a series? 

As of right now, The good Girls Secrets is a stand alone novel. Depending on how I choose to end it, and how long it may be. Who knows, because the more I edit and upload the more I add to it.

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story? 

I'm not sure exactly what I would like my readers to take away from this story specifically. If I elaborate too much on this subject I may give away too much of the rest of the book. But I can say that even in life, if you're dealt a raw deal like Josephine, then just remember there are always new paths that you can choose to take. You will meet new people along the way and some may even surprise you.

7 what advice would you provide to other writers, when it comes to focusing on their story?

I'm no professional, I haven't been in the writing game too long as in sharing my work with anyone but the pages in my notebook, but some advice I would like to share with other writers when its comes to focusing on their story is when you get writers block, take a break. Don't pressure yourself to write just for the sake of uploading a chapter or getting a certain word count. If you're not feeling inspired, the best thing I have done is take a break when you're just not feeling it. Because in the end you have to be excited and proud of the work you create.

 8 does the main character share any similarities with yourself? 

The main character Josephine and I do share a few similarities. They say write from what you know. And let me tell you it works, especially when you're first starting out. It helps to construct characters and relationships, the different dynamics from one person or family to another and it helps the writer create a visual in their head which makes writing a little easier.

9 what is something of your story, you believe would draw in new readers? 

I think the opening part would make me curious to read more if I were the reader of my book instead of the Author. The fact that it opens with such a possibly tragic scene is heartbreaking and I would want to know more. I like intense reads that get you feeling all the different emotions right away. Also the new relationships that form throughout the book are something new to me. I wanted to explore how people from different walks of life would interact and even meet in the first place.

10 do you have any other future projects?

I do have many other future projects. I have many started and I work on them when I am not working on this one. I have so many ideas swimming through my head at any given moment. I wish I could write them all in one day to find out what happens between my characters, because most of the time I don't even know how things will play out until I write it. I fall in love with my characters and I get very involved in what happens in their lives, they are real to me in a sense that I know their deepest secrets, I know what makes them vulnerable and angry and scared and I love watching them grow as people and develop relationships. To create a character that is multi dimensional, it's fascinating seeing them come to life and to live the life you created for them. To witness them live that life and see how they react is the best feeling you could have

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