A showcase with @Mokita, author of Supernatural Boarding School - A Bond of Love

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

 It all started with the thought: "What would it be like to be a vegetarian vampire?" I soon came up with the name Demona and a few characters from Vampire Academy inspired me for the first few characters. I fell sleep dreaming about the three main characters: Eros, Demona and Simon. After a few weeks, the first chapter just rolled out of me. 

2 what is something you struggled constructing with your story? 

I suck at coming up with a plot and sticking to it. I am good at the romance part, creating the characters, making my readers fall in love with them, but the plot is always a bit rocky. I force myself to really plan ahead nowadays, working everything out before I start writing, but that takes part of the fun out of it, so I still struggle with that part of the writing process. 

3 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

I love the lovey-dovey scenes, but I think I enjoy the heartache even more. I work up to this point where its inevitable that I am totally gonna destroy my character in a few scenes and then I built them back up again from the heartache they endured. I love that.

 4 what's the overall response of your story from your readers? 

It's mostly positive. They usually love the intense chapters and dislike the filler chapters. The fun part is that they always tell me what they think and I often use their feedback to make my story better. I get so many sweet responses and my readers are the reason I get past my writer's blocks.

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

part  of a series. There are three books in the series as we speak (May 2020) and I am definitely going to start the fourth book within the next few weeks. I also have plans for a spin-off that will be at least two books. 

6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story

Mostly, I want them to have fun while they read. If they learn something, great, but my goal is just to make them laugh and cry and feel all these emotions. I myself have learned a lot from my characters. Demona taught me to just do whatever you want and be crazy. Simon taught me to be patient and kind to others and Eros taught me that it's never too late to change.

 7 what advice would you provide to fellow writers, when it comes to focusing on their own story? 

Don't be too hard on yourself. Write what you love and surround yourself with people who help you when you get stuck. The rest will work itself out.

 8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself? 

Yeah, but she's way more crazy than I am. Mostly, she does all the stuff I only think about doing. She has my taste in music, but definitely not my taste in guys. 

9 what is something about your story you believe would draw in new readers? 

Hello, it's about a vegetarian vampire stuck in a love triangle at a supernatural boarding school! What's not to love? It's got vampires, werewolves, fairies and witches, along with romance, drama and all the best YA ingredients, but still fun if you're past the YA-stage (as I am myself). 

10 do you have any future projects?

 I'm currently editing the first three books in the series so I can publish them through self-publishing (KDP) and I am also writing the fourth book and jotting down ideas for the spin-off series.

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